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CSOM Long Version: Section 3

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Presentation on theme: "CSOM Long Version: Section 3"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
Learning Objectives Participants will be able to: Identify the key components of community supervision, and Explain how to apply these components to sex offenders. CSOM Long Version: Section 3

2 Components of Supervision
Caseload Organization The PSI Assessment Classification Pre-sentence Recommendations Conditions of Supervision The Case Plan Maintaining the Case File Surveillance Statutory Requirements Lengthening Periods of Supervision CSOM Long Version: Section 3

3 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
Relapse Prevention Offending behavior does not just “happen”. Offenders make a series of choices. Intervention: Offenders learn about their offense cycles. Offenders learn to identify risk factors. Offenders learn to respond appropriately. CSOM Long Version: Section 3

4 Officers Can Support Relapse Prevention by:
Helping offender learn his cycle, triggers Correcting offender’s thinking errors Promoting use of coping skills Supporting development of internal control CSOM Long Version: Section 3

5 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
Self-Protection Relapse Relapse Process CSOM Long Version: Section 3

6 Specialized Skills for Sex Offender Supervision
Risk and need assessment Strategies for high risk situations Treatment and monitoring tools Legal liability issues Legislative mandates (notification, DNA) Victim issues Restorative justice CSOM Long Version: Section 3

7 The PSI Provides Information Regarding
The offender The supervision environment Victim impact Resources available CSOM Long Version: Section 3

8 Pre-sentence Investigation Recommendations
Risk Assessment: To community To victim(s) Amenability to Treatment Special Conditions CSOM Long Version: Section 3

9 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
Elements of the PSI Document review Interviews Assessing probability of reoffense and amenability to treatment Developing recommendations CSOM Long Version: Section 3

10 Documents Essential to the PSI
Police Affidavit Sex Offender-specific Evaluation Mental Health Evaluations Previous Supervision and Treatment Records Military Records Victim Information Waivers of Confidentiality CSOM Long Version: Section 3

11 Interviews Conducted for the PSI
Offender Authors of written reports police therapists Family and associates of offender Victim CSOM Long Version: Section 3

12 Personal History Items of the Offender
Family Marital or other relationships Employment Volunteer and leisure activities Financial Medical Military Substance Abuse Release of Information CSOM Long Version: Section 3

13 Interactions with the Offender during the PSI
Different than during course of treatment Accept some rationalization or minimization Balance: need for information need to garner cooperation CSOM Long Version: Section 3

14 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
Details of the Offense Where Selection of victim Methods to force submission Victim reaction Elements of crime that were arousing Alcohol or drug use Anything offender wanted but didn’t act on? Weapons use Offenders feelings Has offender ever tried to stop? CSOM Long Version: Section 3

15 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
Sexual History Topics How/when the offender learned about sex What offender’s parents taught him Dating and first sexual experience Masturbation patterns and fantasies Onset of sexual problems Sexual relationship with significant other Victimization issues CSOM Long Version: Section 3

16 Closing the Sexual History Interview
Emphasize use of information Non-confidential Others will have access Encourage honesty and candor Prepare offender for his own reactions CSOM Long Version: Section 3

17 Interviews with Victims
USE CAUTION: follow agency policy Seek training before working with victims Avoid further trauma to victim Look for info from other sources first Listen for impact of crime on victim Listen for modus operandi of offender CSOM Long Version: Section 3

18 Collateral Interviews
Family, roommates, neighbors can help answer: Who is offender living with? What are their names and ages? Do they know of his offense? Is offender willing to give access? What are names and criminal histories of offender’s associates? CSOM Long Version: Section 3

19 Assessing/Evaluating the Sex Offender to Support Safe Management in the Community
Who? Prosecutor Probation/ Parole Officer Judge Treatment Provider Polygraph Examiner Victim Advocate How/Tools? Actuarial Risk Assessment Tools Psychometric Scales Physiological Tests -polygraph -plethysmograph -Abel Screen Observation Interview PSI Sources of Information Offender Official Records Family of Offender and Victim Victim Offender’s Employer Law Enforcement Other Professionals Assessing what? Likelihood of Reoffense Dangerousness Deviant Sexual Arousal Severity/Type of Offense/Reoffense Amenability to Treatment Progress in Treatment Treatment Needs Capacity of System to Manage Offender Safely Progress in Treatment Why? Sentencing Suitability for Community Supervision Level of Supervision Case Plan Set Special Conditions Treatment Plan Change/Adapt Supervision Intervene to Reduce Imminent Risk CSOM Long Version: Section 3

20 Assessment Supports Many Aspects of Supervision
Setting Conditions Developing Case Plan Evaluating Lapses/Violations Flags to Look for Adjusting Supervision Approach Home/Field Visit Strategies Adjusting Conditions Assessment/ Evaluation Supports: Determining Reporting Expectations Collaboration Strategy w/ Polygraph Examiner Collaboration Strategy w/ Treatment Provider Safety Plan for Victims Imposing Sanctions CSOM Long Version: Section 3

21 Identification of Static Risk Factors
Deviant sexual interest, esp. children Prior offenses, esp. sexual offenses Not completing treatment Sadistic arousal/high level of psychopathy Young, never married Unrelated or male child victims Genital to genital contact w/ children (Hanson and Bussiere, 1998) CSOM Long Version: Section 3

22 Identification of Dynamic Risk Factors
Acute Substance abuse, negative mood, anger/hostility, victim access Stable Intimacy deficits Negative social influences Attitudes Sexual/emotional self-regulation General self-regulation (Hanson & Harris, 2000) CSOM Long Version: Section 3

23 Assessing the Probability of Re-offense
Actuarial tools are most effective. Generic actuarial tools are not effective with sex offenders. Tools specifically designed for sex offenses are most effective. CSOM Long Version: Section 3

24 Risk Assessment Methods and Instruments
CSOM Long Version: Section 3

25 Example Instrument: The RRASOR
Rapid Risk Assessment for Sex Offense Recidivism (RRASOR) 1. Prior Sex Offenses (not including index offense) none 0 1 conviction or 1-2 charges 2-3 convictions or 3-5 charges 4+ convictions or 6+ charges 3 2. Age at Release (current age) more than less than 3. Victim Gender only females 0 any males 1 4. Relationship to Victim only related 0 any non-related 1 Total Hanson, R.K. (1997). The development of a brief actuarial scale for sexual offense recidivism. (user Report No ) Ottawa: Solicitor General of Canada CSOM Long Version: Section 3

26 Re-offense Rates on the RRASOR
Estimated Sex Offense Recidivism Rates CSOM Long Version: Section 3

27 Pre-sentence Investigation Recommendations
Risk Assessment: To community To victim(s) Amenability to treatment Special Conditions CSOM Long Version: Section 3

28 Pre-sentence Investigation Recommendations (cont.)
Level of Risk to the Community Probability of re-offense Past victim characteristics Risk identified in psycho-sexual evaluation Risk factors identified during the PSI Factors that will support safe supervision Degree of harm anticipated in case of re-offense CSOM Long Version: Section 3

29 Pre-sentence Investigation Recommendations (cont.)
Amenability to Treatment Acceptance of responsibility for actions Understanding of victim impact and trauma Admits behavior is a problem Willingness to participate in specialized treatment Agrees to comply with sex offense-specific conditions CSOM Long Version: Section 3

30 Pre-sentence Investigation Recommendations (cont.)
Victim Impact and Safety Degree of trauma suffered by victim Injury Financial Loss Can victim safety be assured? Victim input regarding conditions CSOM Long Version: Section 3

31 Pre-sentence Investigation Recommendations (cont.)
Conditions of Supervision for Sex Offenders Specialized for sex offenders Consistent with standards or legislative mandates CSOM Long Version: Section 3

32 Conditions of Supervision for Sex Offenders
Treatment Victim Contact Driving and Travel Daily Living Social/Sexual Behavior Work Alcohol and drugs Disclosure Polygraph, Plethysmograph, other tests CSOM Long Version: Section 3

33 Indications for Increased Monitoring
Stress or crisis Visits with victims or potential victims Increased denial CSOM Long Version: Section 3

34 Red Flags for Supervising Officers
Disengagement “No showing” Manipulation (Hanson, Harris and Associates, 1997) CSOM Long Version: Section 3

35 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
Disengagement Offender going through motions Not open to talking about treatment Not invested in treatment General non-cooperation with treatment Silent / non-disclosing (Hanson, Harris, and Associates, 1997) CSOM Long Version: Section 3

36 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
Disengagement (cont.) Keeps secrets from you Any feeling client is being “phony” Feeling you don’t know what’s going on with offender in general Feeling offender is working against you (Hanson, Harris and Associates, 1997) CSOM Long Version: Section 3

37 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
“No-Showing” Frequently late Misses appointments with you/others Frequently wants to reschedule Tries to limit meeting time “Working against you” Violates conditions (Hanson, Harris and Associates, 1997) CSOM Long Version: Section 3

38 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
Manipulation Makes inappropriate requests Inconsistencies between what offender and treatment team tell you Catching offender in lies / contradictions Curt / rude / threatening with you Any feeling offender is being “phony” (Hanson, Harris and Associates, 1997) CSOM Long Version: Section 3

39 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
Manipulation (cont.) Tries to “play the system” Tries to take control of interview Tries to be “buddy-buddy” with you Attempts to focus interview on irrelevant issues Takes inordinate amount of your time (Hanson, Harris and Associates, 1997) CSOM Long Version: Section 3

40 Situations Requiring Immediate Removal of Offender
Possession of dangerous weapon Contact with children initiated by offender and not reported Substance use that is part of offense cycle Offender physically harms another person CSOM Long Version: Section 3

41 Responses to Limit Risk
Limiting access to victims Electronic monitoring or curfews No contact orders Restrictions on movement Increased monitoring, contact, treatment Pre-revocation contracts Admissions to violations CSOM Long Version: Section 3

42 Amending Conditions of Supervision
When new information becomes available To provide more control over offender To reward positive compliance CSOM Long Version: Section 3

43 CSOM Long Version: Section 3
Developing a Case Plan Forms basis for supervision Involvement of offender is key All changes and updates should be carefully documented CSOM Long Version: Section 3

44 The Case Plan: Two Major Elements
Controlling the offender’s environment Assuring participation in sex offender- specific treatment CSOM Long Version: Section 3

45 An Appropriate Treatment Referral--Issues to Consider
Substance abuse? Pharmacological intervention? Family reunification? New information from a polygraph? CSOM Long Version: Section 3

46 Maintaining the Case File
Combats deception / tracks patterns Clarifies expectations Makes new information easily available (e.g., evaluations, polygraph results, etc.) Documentation for revocation Enables continuity if personnel changes CSOM Long Version: Section 3

47 Increasing Requirements on Probation and Parole
Community Notification Registration DNA testing CSOM Long Version: Section 3

48 Lengthening Periods of Supervision
Currently in Arizona, Colorado, and Iowa Pro-active risk management Acknowledges long-term nature of problem Provides great flexibility CSOM Long Version: Section 3

49 Surveillance as a Tool for Sex Offender Supervision
Allows greater control and monitoring--24/7 Monitors compliance with conditions Supplements resources of the probation/parole officer CSOM Long Version: Section 3

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