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HABEEB HATTAB HABEEB Office: BN-Block, Level-3, Room-088 Ext. No.: 7292 H/P No.: 0126610058.

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Presentation on theme: "HABEEB HATTAB HABEEB Office: BN-Block, Level-3, Room-088 Ext. No.: 7292 H/P No.: 0126610058."— Presentation transcript:

1 HABEEB HATTAB HABEEB Office: BN-Block, Level-3, Room-088 Email: Ext. No.: 7292 H/P No.: 0126610058


3 With safety practices and ergonomically designed systems, problems such as high absence because of sickness, unnecessary disruptions, and rejects, can be solved. Tools and workstations must be designed in such a way (ergonomically) to avoid strain on the operator. OPERATOR-MACHINE SYSTEM STRUCTURES The interaction between the operator and machine takes place in at three levels of activities: 1.Skilled-based activities: The activities are carried out subconsciously and automatically by “ natural sensory motor subroutines ” of the operators (very skilful operators). OPERATOR-MACHINE SYSTEMS

4 2. Rule-based activities: The activities are carried out by the operator after he recalls the rules of controlling the machine. These rules are learned thorough training and by experience. 3. Knowledge based activities: are based on problem-solving and planning (no rules). Operators rely on their knowledge about the goals to be achieved by the machine or mfg system. ERGONOMICS Ergonomics is the study of interaction between the worker and the process at the workplace. Ergonomics helps the operator work most efficiently.Example Ergonomically designed tool is one that allows people to do their appointed tasks in the most efficient way. The tool can be designed to avoid exposing the operator to physical load, noise, vibration, and dust.

5 Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs) (Cumulative = increasing in strength or effect) CTDs or repetitive stress injuries are work-related musculoskeletal impairments caused by repetitive and straining motions. Cumulative indicates that the injuries develop gradually, trauma indicates body injury from mechanical stress, and disorders refers to physical ailments or abnormal conditions. Signs of CTDs Loss of strength, numbness, inflammation in tendons, soreness, achiness in neck, shoulders, arms, and hand. Solution: A sufficient interval of rest time between episodes will reduce the risk of developing CTDs of the operators.


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