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From collocation to colligation

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1 From collocation to colligation
类联接 From collocation to colligation Jiajin XU Beijing Foreign Studies University

2 Key points Colligation Aspects of English colligation
From ‘c’ to ‘g’ Aspects of English colligation From Firth to Hoey Colligator: A colligation query tool

3 Colligation: From ‘c’ to ‘g’
Both collocation and colligation tell about the co-occurrence or co-selection. Firth (1957: 182) sees collocation as ‘actual words in habitual company’, and colligation as ‘the interrelation of grammatical categories in syntactical structure’ (ibid: 183). L5 L4 L3 decision L1 make R1 R3 R4 R5 L5 L4 L3 NN1 L1 VV0 R1 R3 R4 R5 Linear units of meaning

4 Colligation: From ‘c’ to ‘g’
E.g. ‘I watched him’ a [1st person sing. pron.] + [past tense of a transitive verb] + [3rd person sing. pron. in the objective form] (Firth 1957: 181). [Pron.] + [Verb] + [Pron.] Colligation is also applied to phrases or words (Baker et al. 2006: 36). E.g. the word window tends to colligate with prepositions.

5 Once upon a time, in conclusion, the paper examines…
Firth (1957): Interrelation between grammatical categories Hoey (2005): Textual colligation Lexico-grammar categories are colligated with textual positions. Once upon a time, in conclusion, the paper examines…

6 Colligation research: an overview
Colligational patterns can be summarised by looking at concordance lines. Free hand and Naked eye More often, colligation can be studied with PoS-tagged texts.

7 Colligation research: an overview
Relevant studies 1. Tag sequences/POSgrams & overall patterning: (Aarts & Granger, 1998; Tono, 1999; Hunston & Francis, 2000; 濮建忠, 2003b); 2. Focusing on a particular word class, e.g. verb (e.g. Francis, Hunston & Manning, 1996,1998; Mindt, 1995, 2002; 濮建忠,2003a; 孙海燕, 2004; 孙海燕、陈永捷, 2006);

8 Colligation research: an overview
3. Focusing on a specialised category, e.g. Biber & Reppen (1998) on complement clause, Gabrielatos (2007) on if conditional, 张军、李文中 (2004) on verb noun colligation, and 梁茂成 (2008) on modal sequences. 4. Hoey (2002): Textual colligation as a special kind of lexical priming (see also Hoey & O’Donnell ) He argues that some lexis has a preference for certain textual functions. Time nouns (e.g. years, days) tend to appear at the beginning part of a text. “It is reported” structure

9 The case of ‘I think’

10 This poses a question as to whether we can examine the different layers of colligational pattern of expressions like “I think” all at a time. This is the primary motivation of our colligation tool—Colligator.

11 Lexico-grammatical choice & chain
Syn- Para- By doing so, we have actually expanded our observation of syntagmatic patterning to both syntagmatic and paradigmatic patterning.

12 Tasks China in the media: A colligation analysis
It is ADJ that: A CIA design Modal colligation of CN EFL learners A quasi-replication of Liang’s study

13 References Aarts, J. & S. Granger Tag sequences in learner corpora: A key to interlanguage grammar and discourse. In S. Granger (ed.). Learner English on Computer. London: Longman. Baker, P., A. Hardie & A. McEnery A Glossary of Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Biber, D., & R. Reppen Comparing native and learner perspectives on English grammar: A study of complement clauses. In Granger, S. (ed.). Learner English on Computer. London: Longman, Firth, J. 1957/1968. A synopsis of linguistic theory, Studies in linguistic analysis (Special Volume of the Philological Society), Reprinted in F. Palmer. Selected Papers of J. R. Firth London and Harlow: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd., Francis, G., S. Hunston & E. Manning Collins COBUILD Grammar Patterns 1: Verbs. London: HarperCollins. Francis, G., S. Hunston & E. Manning Collins COBUILD Grammar Patterns 2: Nouns and Adjectives. London: HarperCollins. Gabrielatos, C If-conditionals as modal colligations: A corpus-based investigation. In M. Davies, P. Rayson, S. Hunston & P. Danielsson (eds.). Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference: Corpus Linguistics Birmingham: University of Birmingham. Hoey, M. & M. O’Donnell Lexicography, grammar, and textual position. International Journal of Lexicography 21: Hoey, M Textual colligation: A special kind of lexical priming. In K. Aijmer & B. Altenberg (eds.). Language and Computers, Advances in Corpus Linguistics. Papers from the 23rd International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 23), Göteborg May Amsterdam: Rodopi, Hunston, S. & G. Francis Pattern Grammar: A Corpus-driven Approach to the Lexical Grammar of English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

14 References Mindt, D. A corpus-based grammar for ELT. In B. Kettleman & G. Marko (eds.). Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002. Mindt, D An Empirical Grammar of the English Verb: Modal Verbs. Berlin: Cornelsen,. Tono, Y A corpus-based analysis of interlanguage development: Analysing part-of-speech tag sequences of EFL learner corpora. In B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk & P. Melia (eds.). PALC’99: Practical Applications in Language Corpora. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 许家金、熊文新,2009,基于学习者英语语料的类联结研究:概念、方法及例析,《外语电化教学》,(3): 18-23。 孙海燕、陈永捷,2006,中国英语学习者名词类联接的发展特征——基于赋码语料库的研究. 《外语教学与研究》,(4): 。 孙海燕,2004,基于语料库的学生英语形容词搭配语义特征探究,《现代外语》,(4): 。 张军、李文中,2004,COLEC中动名搭配模式及失误分析,《外语教学》,(4): 30-32。 梁茂成,2008,大学生英语笔语中情态序列的使用特点研究,《外语教学与研究》,(1): 51-58。 濮建忠,2003a,《学习者动词行为:类联接、搭配及词块》。开封:河南大学出版社。 濮建忠,2003b,英语词汇教学中的类联接、搭配及词块,《外语教学与研究》,(6): 。

15 Thank You! Xu Jiajin

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