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Agenda Cellular Backhauling introduction Applications Main features

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1 Представление решений RAD для присоединения базовых станций сотовой связи.

2 Agenda Cellular Backhauling introduction Applications Main features

3 Introduction

4 The Mobile Backhaul Segment
MSC National Backbone BSC/RNC /aGW Regional Backbone Access Network Mobile backhaul encompasses the transport network between cell sites (base stations) and associated controller or gateway sites. BTS/ NodeB/ IP-NodeB/ eNB Cellular Backhaul ACE-3000 Family

5 Mobile Backhaul Challenges
400 Mbps 2009 2010 2011 100 Mbps 70 Mbps 2012 Capacity/Latency HSPA, PH2 (Rel-6) LTE Rel-9 Rel-10 40msec 10msec Latency Capacity HSPA, PH3 (Rel-7) HSPA, (Rel-8) Rel-8 HSPA, (Rel-9) Evolution of the 3.5G HDPA+ and 4G LTE Broadband data services introduce new challenges to the mobile backhaul

6 Smooth Mobile Backhaul Evolution
Aggregation Site Gateway Cell Site/Hub Site aGW/ RNC/BSC BTS/Node B /eNB SONET/ SDH/ATM Traditional Cell Site/Hub Site Gateway aGW/ RNC/BSC BTS/Node B/ eNB Hybrid Aggregation Site IP/MPLS SONET/ SDH/ATM Packet Aggregation Site Gateway Cell Site/Hub Site aGW/ RNC/BSC BTS/Node B /eNB IP/MPLS

7 Go To Market Definitions
Target Customers Mobile operators Owning their own backhaul infrastructure Leasing backhaul services Transport providers providing backhaul transport service to mobile operators Main Target Applications 2G and 3G services over ATM backhaul 2G/3G and 4G services over PSN backhaul Microwave backhauling from the Hub Site Backhauling over any media -- Copper, Fiber or Microwave Value Proposition Decoupling capacity from cost – reduce backhauling cost per Mbps Resolve the backhaul bottleneck Step by step migration toward all-IP Transparent backhauling of GSM/UMTS/Wimax and LTE over packet based network

8 ACE-3x00 Cellular Backhauling Network Architecture
ACE-32xx ACE-310x LA-130 ACE-340x ACE-3600 3rd party solution ACE-340x BTS/Node B IP Node-B or eNB First mile Backhauling Segment Middle mile Backhauling Segment BSC/RNC/ IP RNC/aGW BTS/Node B IP-Node-B/eNB BTS/Node B IP-Nonde B/eNB BTS/Node B IP-Nonde B/eNB Cell Site Hub Site Aggregation Site

9 Market Trend: Cellular Operators move the Tradtional RAN to IP-RAN, Why?
Backhaul of BSS/UTRAN is one of the major contributors to the high cost of building out and running a mobile network. Cellular operators have massive deployment of PDH/SDH traffic, most reliable solution for GSM and R’99 UMTS backhaul. PDH/SDH Mobile Backhaul solution does not seem flexible enough to efficiently deliver statistical/bursty traffic. Cellular operators would like to maximize revenues and margins by converging mobile flows over a unified Packet Switched Network infrastructure in order to reduce both Capex and Opex by using PW.

10 Pseudowire Emulated Service
What is PW? Pseudowire is a mechanism that emulates the essential attributes of a telecommunications service over a packet-switched network TDM leased line, ATM or ETH It defines a way to packetize and encapsulate data and create a logical link between two network entities Pseudowire technology is an enabler for the migration scenarios, with circuit and service emulation of legacy services over packet networks PWE3 #1 PWE3 #2 PSN TDM ATM HDLC, ETH etc. TDM ATM HDLC, ETH etc. Tunnel CLE/CPE CLE/CPE Service Pseudowire Emulated Service Service

11 Applications

12 Leveraging Cellular Backhauling Over Copper (xDSL)
IP-Node-B PW ADSL2+ for HSxPA Services BSC n x FE 63  E1/T1 Aggregation/ Hub Site Gateway ACE-3220 n x E1/T1 TDM/ATM Ch. STM-1/OC-3c GbE PSN ETH/IP/MPLS Network GbE BTS/Node B RNC/IP-RNC n x E1/T1 TDM/ATM GbE STM-1/OC-3c BTS/Node B ACE-3105 n x SHDSL for R99 and GSM Data Benefits: Using any flavor of DSL technology for cellular backhauling Simultaneously supports ADSL2+ for HSPA and SHDSL.bis for R99 and GSM or data services with M-pair/IMA/EFM Bonding technologies Full synchronization solution by using ACR or 1588v2 or NTR Interoperability with Cisco 76xx ASG and Cisco management system ‘ANA’ Like the previous slide Over PSN infrastructure. Emphasis the fact that no HW change required to change the transport from ATM to PSN (incase of A/AS option was included). All the change are configuration only. RAD IOT with leading central site solution vendor (ALU, Cisco). Emphasis RAD clocking benefits: Variety of Method and Architecture supported: Synchronization via a dedicated TDM (including 2 Mhz – ACE-3220), Synchronization of NTR over SHDSL, Synchronization via timing over packet ( ACR and 1588v2). Supports new G.8262 Sync-E standard . Frequency accuracy better than +/-16ppb with excellent Holdover capability. MTIE mask meets G.8261/G.823 standards. 12

13 2G/3G/4G Cellular Backhauling Over Fiber
ASN GW n x GbE PW BSC n  E1/T1 TDM Aggregation Gateway n x E1/T1 TDM/ATM IMA PSN ETH/IP/MPLS Network Ch. STM-1/OC-3 GbE GbE BTS/NodeB Cell-Site Gateway ACE-3220 3’rd party vendor Multiservice device RNC n x FE ACE-3220 n x STM-1/OC-3c IP Node B GbE eNB Benefits: Backhauling all kind of cellular BSS technologies and vendors over GbE Emulating TDM/ATM/ETH over ETH/IP/MPLS Co-location of ETH Node-B by using ETH PW Layer 2 Bridging Full synchronization support by using 1588v2 and Sync-E Interoperability with Cisco 76xx ASG and Cisco management system ‘ANA’ Ideally, such devices can aggregate traffic from several cell-sites and transport it over the Ran to the relevant controllers. The ACE-3220’s value proposition lies in its ability to provide top-performance in a single box, delivering traffic from practically every generation over a packet switched network, or a P-S-N, using any available access infrastructure. It can simultaneously handle G-S-M, C-D-M-A and U-M-T-S traffic, together with next-generation L-T-E and Wimax transmissions. This way, operators and providers converge all their services over unified, low-cost backhaul instead of maintaining multiple dedicated networks in parallel or investing in expensive overlays. The ability to deliver voice and data services over IP transport while ensuring the stringent quality requirements of cellular networks is very much dependent on the extent to which the cell-site gateway supports different flavors of pseudowire emulation and accurate clock recovery over the IP, M-P-L-S or Ethernet network. In both respects, the ACE-3220 brings state-of-the-art capabilities, with the most comprehensive pseudowire and synchronization feature set available in the market today. As the best-of breed cell-site gateway, the ACE-3220 is also fully interoperable with aggregation gateways from leading vendors, which concentrate controller traffic on the other end of the PSN.

14 Wireless Cellular Backhaul PW over ETH MW
‘1st mile’ ‘middle mile’ MW links Cell Site Hub Site BSC n x E1/T1 TDM ETH MW n x E1/T1 TDM or Ch. STM-1/OC-3 AGG Site 2G BTS PSN ETH/IP/MPLS ACE-3220 RNC STM-1/OC-3c ATM GbE GbE n x E1/T1 IMA IP RNC n x E1/T1 TDM 3G Node B ETH BTS/Node B ACE-3220 3’rd party vendor Multiservice device FE PW 3G IP Node B PW Benefits Offers smooth migration for Ethernet MW Full end to end OAM solution Co location of mixture traffic over ETH MW

15 Wireless Cellular Backhaul Grooming PDH MW at the Hub location
‘1st mile’ ‘middle mile’ MW links Cell Site Hub Site ACE-3400 GbE PSN ETH/IP/MPLS BSC n x E1/T1 TDM TDM MW n x E1/T1 TDM or Ch. STM-1/OC-3 AGG Site 2G BTS RNC STM1/ OC3 STM1/OC3 SONET/SDH Network STM-1/OC-3c ATM 63 x E1/T1 or Ch. STM-1/OC-3c n x E1/T1 IMA IP RNC ETH 3G Node B BTS/Node B 3’rd party vendor Multiservice device PW PW Benefits Smooth migration to IP/MPLS networks while using TDM MW legacy equipment Full end to end OAM solution Co location of mixture traffic over TDM MW Flexible Synchronization support

16 Main Features

17 Smooth Migration Path ATM ADSL/ATM SHDSL /EFM-SHDSL PW ETH/IP/MPLS All services transport over PW over xDSL backhaul E1/T1 TDM ACE-3220 ADSL2+ ATM E1/T1 ATM FE SHDSL.bis ASG IP DSLAM All services transport over Fiber backhaul GbE PW ETH/IP/MPLS E1/T1 TDM ACE-3220 PSN E1/T1 ATM GbE FE ASG GbE

18 Why emulate the ETH-Node over PW?
OAM n x E1/T1 Node B/BTS ACE-3220/3105 ACE-3400 RNC PW (ETH,ATM,TDM) Packet Switched Network PW (ETH,ATM,TDM) ETH STM-1/OC-3c ETH IP Node B 3’rd party vendor Multiservice device ETH PW allows the ACE-3000 to backhaul ETH/IP traffic coming from NodeBs toward the RNC over IP/MPLS networks ETH PW on the ACE-3000 can be used together with TDM and ATM PW mechanisms in cases where 2G BTS and 3G Node are collocated on the same site Benefits: Unified ATM/TDM/ETH services over IP/MPLS Automatic provisioning to all Cellular Backhaul services TDM/ATM/ETH OAM support over IP/MPLS networks

19 Multiple Synchronization Options
Sync-E IP Node B ETX FE/GbE ETH IEEE 2G BSC NTR IP DSLAM TDM ATM IMA Packet Switched Network ACE-3000 SHDSL ACE-3220 NodeB TDM link 3G RNC ATM ETH aGW eNodeB TDM SONET/SDH Network S1 (ETH) ATM IMA ACE-3220 Synchronization via a TDM link for clock transfer Timing over packet: Adaptive clock distribution and recovery PTPv2 (IEEE ) ordinary clock (master + slave) Synchronous Ethernet NTR over SHDSL Another, closely related issue is timing over packet. Minimal latency and accurate timing recovery are crucial to avoid dropped calls during handoff in cellular networks, making synchronization one of the biggest challenges in the migration to IP backhaul. Since packet switched networks are asynchronous by nature, they introduce inaccuracies, such as packet delay, delay variation and packet loss. These inaccuracies vary in importance, depending on the technology used and services involved. Harnessing RAD’s extensive expertise and experience in timing over packet solutions, the ACE-3220 is equipped with a full range of highly accurate, standard synchronization options. These are designed to support multiple mobile operators, each with their own clock source, as well as provide excellent holdover and definite frequency accuracy limits for various services, including 50 parts per billion, or ppb, for G-S-M and 16 ppb for C-D-M-A and U-M-T-S. For backhaul networks comprising of SDH or SONET segments, the clock can be physically transmitted over a native TDM tributary, providing an external and highly accurate clock source. For PSN segments, the ACE-3220 supports high-performance Adaptive Clock Recovery, where the clock is distributed over the PSN as an inband TDM stream and regenerated using the packets’ time-of-arrival information, independently of the physical layer. The clock stream format is a standard pseudowire flow and bandwidth consumption can be minimized by using a multicast pseudowire for clock distribution. The ACE-3220 is also designed for clock recovery and distribution according to the latest I triple E standard fifteen eighty eight, also known as Precision Time Protocol, or PTP. This method is based on timestamp information exchange in a master-slave hierarchy, providing fractional nanosecond precision. Another synchronization method that the ACE-3220 can employ is Synchronous Ethernet, or Sync-E, which uses the Ethernet physical layer to accurately distribute frequency, using clock mechanisms similar to those of S-D-H or Sonet. For SHDSL segments, the ACE-3220 supports N-T-R, or network timing reference, a method in which a network reference clock is distributed from the D-slam to the cell-site gateway by mapping its clock information to the DSL modem transmission. Network operators are likely to combine several methodologies. For example, the ACE-3220 can use 1588 to receive the clock from the network than distribute it to the cell-site using Sync-E or TDM timing.

20 Cellular backhaul Solutions Summary
Cellular backhauling needs and requirements: Higher BW Migration to IP/MPLS networks Cell Site synchronization Saving Mobile Backhauling cost Leveraging Backhauling over diverse kind of infrastructure Copper (xDSL) Fiber Wireless Main Features and Benefits High Accuracy timing Multiservice backhauling support Future proof solution (smooth migration) Cutting Opex and Capex

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