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Electrical Engineering department Umm Al-Qura University Dr. Basim J. Zafar.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrical Engineering department Umm Al-Qura University Dr. Basim J. Zafar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrical Engineering department Umm Al-Qura University Dr. Basim J. Zafar

2 This Course … Applications of Electrical Engineering in Different Systems.. Concepts and Basics of Electricity and Electronics.. Practical Engineering Applications.. Slide 2

3 Course Content Basic Concepts electrons, battery, DC&AC, frequency, closed loop, current, RMS Components R, C, L, fuses, breakers, relays, solenoids, diodes, transistors, ICs Slide 3

4 Course Content Circuit Analysis ohms law, dividers, KCL, KVL, complex impedance, current source, power Application Specific Circuits Electrical Safety on the Construction Site Power Generation and Distribution DC machines, transformers, 3-phase systems Slide 4

5 Course Content Subsurface Utility Detection Technologies Electric Valve Actuators Slide 5

6 Class Format Active Class Teams of 2-3 students Weekly Quiz (no makeup's) Weekly Activities In-Class Readings Slide 6

7 Rules Quizzes grades 0 or 10 be ON-TIME absence = -2 no material on table calculator & pencil 2 decimal points with proper units cheating = BIG TROUBLE Slide 7

8 Rules Activities team ID + members IDs nice fonts and presentation members loads must be equal Teamwork any conflict should be stated from the beginning Slide 8

9 Grades Quizzes / Class Activities 20% Mid Term Exams I20% Mid Term Exams II20% Final 40% Slide 9

10 Students ID’s EE 307 Sections IDs in Teams: Team A: A1 – A2. Team B: B1 – B2. Team C: C1 – C2. Team D: D1 – D2. Team E: E1 – E2. Slide 10

11 Class homepage

12 Section 01

13 Electricity If electrons were pushed, they produce a current Slide 13

14 Battery Source of pushing electrons Home Work Look for types of batteries in Wikipedia!! Home Work Slide 14

15 Volt Volt is the unit Electromotive Force Alexander Volta (first battery) 1.5V, 110V, 13.8kV Slide 15

16 Current Number of electrons passing every second Ampere (A) is a unit of current 1 A = 6.28 x 10 18 electrons/sec At home: 60A,100A Electronics: 10mA Slide 16

17 AC and DC Currents DC: direct current AC: alternating current Slide 17 volt time

18 Frequency of AC Signal Slide 18

19 Slide 19

20 Closed Loop Circuits No current will flow in an open loop circuit.. Slide 20

21 Slide 21

22 Power Power is the time rate of change of energy Unit: watts (W) P=VI Slide 22

23 Elements supplying Energy vs. Elements absorbing Energy An element in the electric circuit is absorbing energy if +ve current enters the +ve terminal An element in the electric circuit is supplying energy if +ve current enters the -ve terminal Slide 23

24 Ground Currents 1. Why birds do not get shocked by high voltage lines? 2. How do you charge a weak car battery? Slide 24

25 Activity 1. Determine the amount of power absorbed or supplied by the elements in the figure? Slide 25 I = 2 A V 1 = 4 V 4 V

26 Activity 1. Determine the amount of power absorbed or supplied by the elements in the figure? Slide 26 I = 4 A V 1 = 12 V 12 V

27 AC Source Generally produces sine wave Slide 27

28 RMS RMS: Root Mean Square power is measured instead of peak voltage for sine or cosine signals, v ( t ) = A cos( 2  t/T ) Slide 28

29 RMS If your meter reads 10 V ~ then v peak = 10*1.4 = 14V If your peak voltage is 154 V p then the meter reads RMS = 154*0.7 = 110V~ Slide 29

30 More Readings Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis By J. D. Irwin and R. M. Nelms John Wiley & Sons, 2005 or newer edition Slide 30

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