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BICM-ID based Cooperative Network Shujaat Ali Khan Tanoli Advisor Dr. Nandana Rajatheva Telecommunications Asian Institute of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "BICM-ID based Cooperative Network Shujaat Ali Khan Tanoli Advisor Dr. Nandana Rajatheva Telecommunications Asian Institute of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 BICM-ID based Cooperative Network Shujaat Ali Khan Tanoli Advisor Dr. Nandana Rajatheva Telecommunications Asian Institute of Technology

2 Outline Overview Cooperative Network Simulation Model Theoretical Bounds Results and discusion Conclusion Future Recommendations List of Submissions References AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

3 3 Wireless Technology We aiming toward the actualization of the fourth generation portable telephone, to achieve the rate of “giga b/s”. 1G LTE 2G ~64kbps 3G ~2Mbps 4G ~1Gbps 1980 1990 2000 2006~2010 2015 A service system Year 3.9G ~100Mbs 3.5G ~14Mbps High speed PastFuture AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

4 4 4th Generation 4G will appear as ultra high speed wireless network Main Challenges Power on terminals Complexity Spectral Efficiency Example: DVD1 (approximately 4.5GB) download time FDMA Above 27 hour (384kbps) 3.9G Mobile telephone 6 minutes!!! (100Mbps) 4G mobile telephone 36 seconds!!! (1Gbps) AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

5 Reflection, Diffraction, and Scattering create several versions of the signal at the receiver. These multipath cause a multipath fading. 5 Radio Wave Transmission Huge reflector Base Station Scatterer (cm) Carrier frequency 2GHz Arrival wave number 16 Received power (dB) AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

6 6 Multipath Fading Received power Low High Received power fluctuates extremely by the fact that it moves through the multipath fading channel. [cm] AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

7 Multipath Fading 7 Low High Received power fluctuates extremely by the fact that it moves through the multipath fading channel. Received power [cm] AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

8 8 Multipath Fading Error Received power LowHigh 0 10 20 30 40 50 Received power [cm] AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

9 9 By increasing the antennas… AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009 To overcome these issues and achieving the designed goals The diversity techniques are the milestone in the developments of wireless communication. Spectral efficiency can be improved by using multiple antenna (MIMO) on Transmitter and receiver.

10 10 By increasing the antenna… AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

11 11 Antenna Diversity Reception [cm] 0 10 20 30 40 50 Received power

12 Multiple Antenna An antenna spacing of several wavelengths is required. At a frequency of 2 GHz, this amounts to several multiples of 15 cm. NOT always practical for small handsets AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

13 13 Transmission Power 1km 1W voice 8kbps@2GHz 1km To achieve high-speed data rate, very high transmission power is needed. 30m! Data 1Gbps@3.5GHz 1W How Come!!!!!!!!!! Only near the BS To send with the same 1W,…? AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

14 14 Co-channel Interference Quality deterioration occurs Frequency f1f1 f2f2 f3f3 AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009 SOLUTION: Cooperative Networks Multiple-hop Communication Distributed Antenna Network

15 Multiple Hop Communication 15 AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

16 Distributed Antenna Network (DAN) 16 AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

17 Developments in Cooperative Network Further improvement of cooperative network coded cooperative system (Nguyen et al., 2007) To obtain coded cooperation diversity, (Razaghi et al.,2007) proposed a new coding scheme based on LDPC for cooperative networks system.

18 Developments in Cooperative Network Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation Zehavi in 1992 introduced BICM scheme by Introducing Bit interleaving between coding an modulation. It is proved that BICM could improved the reliability of coded modulation over fading channel in order to enhance the coding diversity (Zehavi, 1992 ). AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

19 Developments in Cooperative Network Taking full advantages of Code diversity by BICM and space diversity by MIMO, (Shahid and Rajatheva, 2008) and (Zummo et al., 2008) analyze the Bit interleaved space time codes and got improved performance. We analyze the performance of BICM-ID based cooperative networks over AWGN channel, Rayleigh and Nakagami-m fading channels to get the benefits of both code and cooperation diversity. AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

20 Simulation Model AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

21 Comparisons AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009 Proposed System 2-4dB Gain

22 BER BOUNDS AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009 For Rayleigh Fading Channels

23 Results AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

24 BER BOUNDS AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009 For Nakagami-m Fading Channels

25 Results AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

26 Conclusion The theoretical BER bounds of the BICM-ID based cooperative system using BPSK and 8- PSK modulations over AWGN channels Rayleigh fading channels Nakagami-m fading channels The numerical and simulation results shows that the proposed system obtain 2-5 dB of gain over the existing systems. AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

27 Future Recommendations AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009 Different combinations of BICM-ID with other coding schemes i.e. LDPC and Turbo coding. The decode-and-forward (DF) mode for relaying operation instead of AF. User cooperation instead of fixed-relays. Multi-user scenario considering the effect of interference in OFDMA based system. The effect of other correlated and non correlated fading channels.

28 List of Submissions Conference AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009 “Capacity and performance analysis of space-time block coded MIMO-OFDM systems over rician fading channel,” (MWON 2008),Bangkok. “Asymptotic BER bounds for BICM based multiple relay cooperative network under AWGN and relay fading channels," submitted to ChinaCom2009.

29 List of Submissions AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009 “SER analysis of hybrid FDMA-TDMA based user cooperation diversity over Nakagami fading channels,” submitted to the 12th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC09). “Trace-based Analysis for Campus-wide Wireless LAN over Advanced Training System," submitted to ICFIN 2009, China.

30 List of Submissions Journal Book Chapter AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009 “Asymptotic BER bounds for BICM-ID based single-relay cooperative network over Nakagami-m fading channels,“ submitted to IEICE Communications Letter. “Cooperative Networks,"Advanced Technologies, IN-TECH publisher, ISBN 978-953-7619-X-X, will be published in September 2009.

31 References Caire G., Taricco G. and Biglieri E. Bit Interleaved coded modulation. IEEE Transaction of Information Theory, vol. 44 NO.3, May 1998. Gradshteyn I. S., and Ryzhik I. M., Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, pp.341 sol.3.352.4-3.353.5, 7th ed. New York: Academic Press Li X., Chindapol A. and Ritcey J. A. Bit-Interleaved coded modulation with Iterative Decoding and 8 PSK signaling. IEEE Transaction of Communication, vol. 50 NO.8, August 2002. Nguyen H. T., Nguyen H. H., and Le-Ngoc T. Bandwidth- efficient Bit-interleaved Coded Cooperative Communications. Wireless Personal Communications, volume 46, Number 3 / August, 2008. AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

32 References Razaghi Peyman, Aleksic Marko and Yu Wei. Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation for the Relay Channel Using Bilayer LDPC Codes. 10th Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, 2007. Shahid I., and Rajatheva N. Asymptotic BER Bounds for Iteratively Decoded Bit Interleaved Space Time Coded Modulation under Corelated Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels. IEEE communication letters, vol. 12, NO. 10, October 2008. Zehavi E. 8-PSK trellis codes for a rayleigh channel. IEEE Trans.Commun., vol. 40, pp. 873884,May 1992. Zummo Salam A., Yeh Ping-Cheng, and Stark Wayne E. New Union Bound on the Error Probability of Bit-Interleaved Space- Time Codes with Finite Interleaver Sizes. IET Communication, 2008. AIT Masters Thesis Competition May 2009

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