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Chapter 4 Teaching with the Basic Three Software Tools: Word Processing, Spreadsheet, and Database Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Teaching with the Basic Three Software Tools: Word Processing, Spreadsheet, and Database Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Teaching with the Basic Three Software Tools: Word Processing, Spreadsheet, and Database Programs

2 Why Use Software Tools? Improved productivity Improved appearance
Improved accuracy More support for interaction and collaboration

3 The “Basic Three” Software Tools
Word Processing Database Spreadsheet

4 Recent Developments in Software
Web-based software tools Open-source software PDA tools Web-enabled features Better file-exchange compatibility Cross platform Software suites and integrated packages

5 Word Processing Definition Characteristics
Documents as a stream of text Whereas desktop publishing produces documents as individual pages Text Graphics Placement on page

6 Word Processing Educational Impact Saves time
Enhances document appearance Allows sharing of documents Allows collaboration on documents Example: Google Docs

7 Word Processing Research Issues Improves writing
Improves attitudes toward writing More revisions Fewer mechanical errors Increased sharing and feedback When to introduce Keyboarding skills Effects on handwriting Impact on assessment

8 Word Processing Integration Strategies
Supporting the learning of writing processes Using a dynamic group product approach Assigning individual language, writing, and reading exercises Encouraging writing through the curriculum Integrated, interdisciplinary, and thematic instruction

9 Word Processing Strategy for Introducing Word Processing
Prepare for teaching Demonstrate the basics Assign individual practice Demonstrate formatting features Assign more individual practice Demonstrate procedures with new files

10 Spreadsheets Definition Characteristics
Programs designed to organize and manipulate numerical data Spreadsheet can refer to the program itself or to the product it produces Information in rows and columns Formulas or calculation commands Data manipulation Charting

11 Spreadsheets Educational Impact Save time
Organize displays of information Support asking “what if” questions Increase motivation to work with mathematics

12 Spreadsheets Research Issues
Useful tools for teaching concepts in many areas Problem solving Statistical analysis Literature contains numerous examples from mathematics to social studies Spreadsheets versus gradebook packages Flexibility Setup

13 Spreadsheets in the Classroom
Productivity Instructional Strategies Gradebooks Budgets Performance checklists Demonstrations Student products Support for problem solving Storing and analyzing data Projecting grades

14 Spreadsheets Strategy for Teaching Spreadsheets Prepare for teaching
Demonstrate the basics Assign individual practice Demonstrate formulas and formatting features Assign more individual practice

15 Databases Definition Characteristics
Programs that allow users to store, organize, and manipulate information (both text and numerical data) Database can refer to both the program or product it creates Files Fields Records Store and update data Search queries Reports Formulas “live” URLs

16 Databases Educational Impact Reduces data redundancy
Saves time locating and/or updating information Allows comparisons of information Helps reveal relationships among data

17 Databases Research Issues
Acquire useful skills in searching and using information Useful in inquiry and problem solving skills Increase teacher skills with designing lessons that use the Internet Simplified access versus privacy Coping with information overload Disaggregation features

18 Databases Productivity Instructional Strategies
Inventory of instructional resources Data mining for planning and reporting Respond to questions or perform required tasks Send personalized letters to parents Research and study skills Organizational skills Understanding information “pictures” Posing and testing hypotheses Searching for information during research

19 Databases Strategy for Teaching Databases Prepare for teaching
Demonstrate the basics Assign individual practice Demonstrate database creation and use Assign more individual practice

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