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APEH: Review Quiz #5 Contestants do not forget to –Always phrase your question in the form of an answer –Hands on your buzzers it is time to play.

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Presentation on theme: "APEH: Review Quiz #5 Contestants do not forget to –Always phrase your question in the form of an answer –Hands on your buzzers it is time to play."— Presentation transcript:


2 APEH: Review Quiz #5

3 Contestants do not forget to –Always phrase your question in the form of an answer –Hands on your buzzers it is time to play

4 $100 $300 $500 $200 $100 $500 $300 $500 $100 $500 $200 $400 $100 $400 $200 $500 $100 $400 $200 $300 $200 $400 Victorian England Burnings Revolts & Revolutions That's Bolshevik! Name the Artist Final Jeopardy

5 This special glass and iron building was erected for the 1851 Great Exhibition. Victorian England $100

6 Victorian England $200 In this poem Rudyard Kipling called for the British elite to "send forth the best ye breed."

7 It gave urban workers the right to vote in 1867. Victorian England $300

8 This four-time British prime minister sought Home Rule for Ireland. Victorian England $400

9 British explorer Dr. David Livingstone hoped to build a railway to connect these two places in British colonial Africa. Victorian England $500

10 In early modern Europe old women were often accused of being these. Burnings $100

11 Burnings $200 The Nazis held public burnings of these.

12 Burnings $300 Russians in retreat were known to use this technique to slow an advancing army.

13 Burnings $400 This Florentine monk was burned at the stake in the late 15th century.

14 Burnings $500 This landmark London cathedral was rebuilt by architect Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of 1666.

15 Revolts & Revolutions $100 The storming of the Bastille was the symbolic beginning of this revolution.

16 Revolts & Revolutions $200 The Revolution of 1905 occurred, in part, as a result of Russia's defeat at the hands of this country.

17 Revolts & Revolutions $300 This parliamentary body attempted––but failed––to unify Germany during the Revolutions of 1848.

18 Revolts & Revolutions $400 This Hungarian nationalist led a revolt in Budapest during the Revolutions of 1848.

19 Revolts & Revolutions $500 British writers such as Lord Byron were known to travel to the Balkans in 1820 to fight for this country's independence.

20 That’s Bolshevik! $100 He and Stalin struggled for power in the years immediately following the death of V.I. Lenin.

21 That’s Bolshevik! $200 This economic reform program of Mikhail S. Gorbachev is translated as "restructuring."

22 That’s Bolshevik! $300 In 1968, Soviet premier Leonid Brezhnev ordered Warsaw Pact troops to crush this Czech uprising.

23 That’s Bolshevik! $400 For Soviet propaganda, Stalin exploited the talents of this famous coal miner.

24 That’s Bolshevik! $500 In 1901, Lenin published this work which outlined the role of the party in leading a communist revolution.

25 Name the Artist $100 This artist painted this famous portrait.

26 Name the Artist $200 He painted the painting shown below.

27 Name the Artist $300 He painted this Renaissance classic.

28 Name the Artist $400 The work below was painted by this Spanish artist.

29 Name the Artist $500 He created this work of the Da Da movement.

30 Victorian England $100 What was the CRYSTAL PALACE?

31 Victorian England $200 What was WHITE MAN'S BURDEN?

32 Victorian England $300 What was the 2ND REFORM BILL?

33 Victorian England $400 Who was WILLIAM E. GLADSTONE?

34 Victorian England $500 What was CAPETOWN to CAIRO?

35 Burnings $100 What were WITCHES?

36 Burnings $200 What were BOOKS?

37 Burnings $300 What was SCORCHED EARTH?

38 Burnings $400 Who was SAVONAROLA?

39 Burnings $500 What was ST. PAUL's CATHEDRAL?

40 Revolts & Revolutions $100 What was the FRENCH REVOLUTION?

41 Revolts & Revolutions $200 What was JAPAN?

42 Revolts & Revolutions $300 What was the FRANKFURT ASSEMBLY?

43 Revolts & Revolutions $400 Who was LOUIS KOSSUTH?

44 Revolts & Revolutions $500 What was GREECE?

45 That’s Bolshevik! $100 Who was LEON TROTSKY?

46 That’s Bolshevik! $200 What was PERESTROIKA?

47 That’s Bolshevik! $300 What was the PRAGUE SPRING?

48 That’s Bolshevik! $400 Who was ALEKSEI STAKHANOV?

49 That’s Bolshevik! $500 What is “WHAT IS TO BE DONE?”

50 Name the Artist $100 Who was LEONARDO DA VINCI?

51 Name the Artist $200 Who was PABLO PICASSO?

52 Name the Artist $300 Who was SANDRO BOTTICELLI?

53 Name the Artist $400 Who was SALVADOR DALI?

54 Name the Artist $500 Who was MARCEL DUCHAMP?

55 Final Jeopardy Category is …... Famous Quotes Make your wagers please ….

56 FINAL He said “I may disaprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” ANSWER

57 What is Who was Voltaire?

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