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Desmond DSouza President Kinetium Desmond: add success stories, biz slant (investment and ROI), risks and critical.

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Presentation on theme: "Desmond DSouza President Kinetium Desmond: add success stories, biz slant (investment and ROI), risks and critical."— Presentation transcript:


2 www.kinetium.com1 Desmond DSouza President Kinetium Desmond: add success stories, biz slant (investment and ROI), risks and critical success factors, rollout roadmap, product packages Desmond: add success stories, biz slant (investment and ROI), risks and critical success factors, rollout roadmap, product packages Desmond: main changes (1) What is Catalysis: method, process, verticals, Platinum support (2) Platinum: what it does (3) 6 sales points, Catalysis is broad and deep, with a simple but high-impact core (4) [ Example -> impact ] * (5) That was one “route” (6) List of 6 sales points (7) Slides on integrating legacy systems and legacy development methods Desmond: main changes (1) What is Catalysis: method, process, verticals, Platinum support (2) Platinum: what it does (3) 6 sales points, Catalysis is broad and deep, with a simple but high-impact core (4) [ Example -> impact ] * (5) That was one “route” (6) List of 6 sales points (7) Slides on integrating legacy systems and legacy development methods OMG’s MDA An Architecture for Modeling Enabling Model-Driven Integration™

3 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 2 About the Speaker and Kinetium Desmond D’Souza is President of Kinetium. He is co-author and developer of the C ATALYSIS method, published by Addison Wesley in 1998, and is a respected authority and speaker at companies and conferences internationally. He was previously senior vice president of component-based development at Platinum Technology and at Computer Associates, working on methods, tools, and architectures for component-based development. He founded ICON Computing, an object and component technology methods and services company that was acquired by Platinum in 1998. Mr. D’Souza has worked with object and component technology since 1985. Kinetium is an Austin, Texas startup providing solutions for model-driven component-based development and integration architectures, methods, and tools. To learn more about the strategies, methods, modeling, architecture, and technology of component-based development and e-Business, and how Kinetium can help your company, you can contact Mr. D’Souza at

4 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 3 Copyright and Usage Terms r These materials are © 2001 by Kinetium. If you wish, you may select slides from here and use them within your presentations for non-commercial purposes, provided that (a) you use those selected slides in their entirety, without any modification, including the copyright notice and URL, and (b) you include the following among your references; “OMG’s MDA – An Architecture for Modeling, Enabling Model-Driven Integration”, Desmond DSouza, Kinetium,

5 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 4 UML, Corba,.NET, J2EE, ebXML, and all … r There are a huge amount of software descriptions – UML, IDL, Java, XML, … Many different subject areas or domains Many levels of detail, separating and mixing of concerns, diverse languages Many overlaps and relationships between these r No clear Overarching Architecture Billing Service Provisioning Maintenance TCP/IP Corba EJB Business Process platform.NET COM Legacy systems Cobol Records Netware Policies Workflows

6 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 5 MDA brings Consistent Separation Clear separation of different kinds of computation- and platform-independent models –There can be more than one viewpoint or degree of detail with each level –PIM – platform independent component model; PSM – platform-specific component model Billing Platform Specific Business Model Platform Independent Component View Service Provisioning Platform Specific Business Model Platform Independent Component View Computation independent Platform independent

7 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 6 MDA brings Consistent Relationships Clear relationship relating different models –Platform independent components to platform specific models – a refinement (“vertical”) mapping –Business model to Platform independent components – a refinement mapping –Business area A to Business area B to model the overlap – a “horizontal” model integration –Interface A to interface B of the same component – a “horizontal” model integration Billing Platform Specific Component Independent Business Model Platform Independent Component view Service Provisioning Platform Specific Component Independent Business Model Platform Independent Component view

8 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 7 MDA brings Shared Standard Mappings Standardized mappings and patterns for platform-specific model generators –These generic mappings and patterns are defined in shared packages –A specific application uses (perhaps is even generated from) the shared package Billing Platform Specific CORBA Business Model Platform Independent Service Provisioning Platform Specific CORBA Business Model Platform Independent PIM to Corba

9 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 8 MDA brings Improved Portability Simpler to re-target platform-independent to different platform targets –Common mappings to different target platforms Service Provisioning Business Model Platform Independent Platform Specific CORBA PIM to.NET Platform Specific.NET PIM to CORBA

10 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 9 MDA brings Shared Standard Patterns Common patterns at any level of modeling –The idea of common patterns applies to models of business, components, platforms, mappings Billing Platform Specific Business Model Exchange bill and payment Platform Independent Service Provisioning Platform Specific Business Model Exchange service request and confirmation Platform Independent “Exchange” business pattern

11 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 10 MDA Integrates Across Computing Platform Pervasive Services = Common platform-independent model of platform services Leverages shared standard mappings to platform-specific realizations of services Billing Platform Specific.NET Business Model Platform Independent Service Provisioning Platform Specific CORBA / J2EE Business Model Platform Independent Pervasive Services:

12 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 11 MDA enables Model-Driven Integration Design-time or Run-time mediator has access to model structure –Utilize inter-model refinement mappings from concrete up to more abstract levels –Works with given inter-model relationships or “horizonatal” mappings at abstract level –Generate data, protocol, service, and business process adaptors Billing Platform Specific Business Model Platform Independent Service Provisioning Platform Specific Business Model Platform Independent “HUB”

13 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 12 Package P1 System from viewpoint 1 Package P2 System from viewpoint 2 Package P3 Interrelationship between P1 and P2 Package P4 Abstraction Package P5 Refinement Relation Package P6 Realization Foundation – Fractal Inter-Model Relationships r Two different viewpoints on the same system or component Their overlap is modeled – common objects, events, attributes, etc. r Two different levels of abstraction of the same system The refinement relationship between levels is modeled

14 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 13 (a) Zooming in/out – objects out in out in (b) Zooming in/out – interactions out in Foundation – Fractal “Zooming” in and out r Abstract multiple objects as a single larger-grained object r Abstract detailed interaction protocols as a single action

15 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 14 Foundation – Fractal Assembly by Composition r Uniform construction of assemblies from other parts Component, port, connector, assembly for all variety of design artifacts Assembly has separate external specification of ports Vs. its internal design

16 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 15 Next – Compose Business Specifications? r Precise patterns of domains and processes Commodities trading – orange juice, pork bellies, … electricity, drinking water? Production – auto parts, … orange juice, pork bellies, … electricity, water water? Degradation – auto parts, orange juice, pork bellies, … electricity, drinking water? r Compose models, business specifics process and rules, patterns Futures Trading [ commodity  electricity, payment  drinking water futures ] AND Consumption [ consumable  futures electricity purchase ] r Compose patterns of refinements / transformation / architectural styles Styles can combine aspect-based code weaving, reflection, schema merging, … r Compose directory services information on deployments, networks, databases r Implicitly integrate and evolve software components Specialize and Configure Generate plug-ins, bridges, adaptors Connect together Migrate data Example inspired by Kevin Tyson

17 Model-Driven Integration and Architecture© 2001 Kinetium 16 Kinetium’s Endorsement of MDA r Kinetium is a new company in Austin, Texas, focused on Model-Driven Integration™ Architecture-centric development Shared software assets at all levels Light-weight versions of precisely defined development methods Solutions through consulting, training, development process, and products Contact us for more information at “MDA is an important step for enterprise software systems. It will support a new generation of full-lifecycle model-driven tools and methods. At Kinetium we have a focus on Model-Driven Integration and Synthesis, and our light-weight yet precise approach to exploit models to develop and integrate heterogeneous enterprise and cross-enterprise systems will complement the OMG’s MDA very well. We are excited about MDA.” Desmond D’Souza President, Kinetium

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