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CIM Introduction to CIM Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava.

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1 CIM Introduction to CIM Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava

2 Methodology for discrete-event simulation software selection Realization in two phases  The first phase Reduce selection to max. 10 products on the base of important criterion (K.O.) (red in tables)  The second phase Detail evaluation of software packages on the base of the next weighted criterion

3 What does it mean CIM ? Computer integrated manufacturing Uniform definition does not exist! Generally valid solution does not exist!

4 CIM New philosophy of enterprise management. The goal is the implementation of information technologies to all enterprise activities: Increasing of labour productivity Decreasing material and energy costs Reduction of flow time Increasing of capacity utilisation Increasing of production quality

5 CIM is characterised: Application independent database Consistent chain of business processes Short feedback fast reacion on system changes

6 CIM Usually CIM is understood as philosophy than tool in spite of CIM covers a lot of methods and tools. CIM philosophy arose as answer to rapid development industry and computer technologies. CIM does not represent only one software homogenous system, but more different software and interfaces for integration already installed systems.

7 Integration in CIM The integration is key element of CIM We discriminate vertical integration – different function horizontal integration – parts the same function

8 CIM CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) is understood as a model for continuous support of production and development by information technologies.

9 CIM - integration 1. Pod základným princípom integrácie rozumieme spojenie všetkých pracovných miest a strojov navzájom ako aj ich spojenie s plánovacími, dispozičnými, riadiacimi systémami, ktoré sú prepojené navzájom. Tieto spojenia sú zabezpečené administratívnymi, štruktúrnymi a technickými opatreniami. 2. Data integration is the second relevant attribute of CIM.

10 Integrated information architecture The big companies ORACLE, SAP etc. Promote the idea of building the integrated information architecture. Its basic features are:  Building of integrated data model  Design of robust and flexible applications which are designed for complex integration of business processes  Usage of flexible and open standards for integration realization  Modular implementation which respects business processes

11 Integrated support of business processes Sale Marketing Configuration Sale Orders Service Invoice Suppliers Planning Analyses Contracts Database


13 The main features of modern enterprise Constantly reduction and improvement of business processes Immediate eliminates of all forms of waste Constantly trends monitoring Continual changes

14 The principles of enterprise development Analyze Simplify Optimize Automation

15 CIE CIM CIE CIE Computer Integrated Enterprise CIE = CIM + CAO ? CAO Computer Aided Office

16 CHIM Computer-Human Integrated Manufacturing The reasons of man integration into new production structures:  A lot of activities is not possible to technically cover  Only human know to evaluate many situations  A lot of decision processes are too difficult for automation Today approaches to flexible productions is looking for synergic effect in relationship integration human and computer

17 Doubts about CIM The main weakness of CIM building are administrative  absence of long time information strategy  Not filfilled expectations Underestimating of human factor  Incompatibility of software and hardware  Dilemma in usage of information systems

18 Dilemma in usage of information systems Recording a lot of information  Deficit of information Communication without paper  Big usage of paper („stack of paper“) software and hardware price decreasing  High cost for operation and maintenance

19 Not fulfilled expectations Isolated subsystems without required interconnection Management also workers have not needed knowledge for new philosophy The approaches to CIM building were too technical and concentrated on productivity only The achievement of total automation (without human) is impossible

20 Information technologies The term represents all technology which cover with information processing. It means mainly organization, computer and telecommunication equipment but also software and its organization.

21 Computer science Computer science is science about systematic information processing, especially about automated information processing by computers Computer Science - Informatics

22 Development trends of production and new requests on information technologies Development trendRequests on IT Increasing of labour productivityIntegrated transactions systems Document management systems Computer decision support systems Quality increasing (TQM)System integration Systems JIT Fast reactions on customer requests System integration On-line processing

23 Development trends of production and new requests on information technologies Development trendRequests on IT GlobalizationTelecommunication Internet Simplify of organize and management structure Open systems Standardization Independent work on localitySystem integration Complex IS Increasing of employments motivation Know-how assurance Software friendly

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