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Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Software Options for Operational GIS in Professional Environments.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Software Options for Operational GIS in Professional Environments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Software Options for Operational GIS in Professional Environments

2 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Summary Major Software Platforms Elements of individual Platforms Fully Integrative Software Platforms Predominantly Image Analysis Software Platforms Issues to be considered

3 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Major Platforms (not exhaustive) Raster/Vector Integration ESRI ArcGIS Geomedia (Intergraph) IDRISI Maptitude GRASS MapInfo (Pitney Bowes) AutoCAD Microstation Image Analysis ERDAS Imagine (Leica) Geomatica (PCI Geomatics) ENVI (ITT visuals) Definiens Professional Google Earth

4 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 ESRI Market Leader Extensive Format Support Flexible Functionality for different users Extensive Analysis Toolset Database Management of various data types Extensive Support, Trainig, and Knowledge Base

5 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 GeoMedia Supports many data types Extensive Analysis Toolset Direct access to major geospatial/CAD Data Formats Incorporates industry-standard relational databases Regularly updated with full support Training

6 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 IDRISI Open Code Single Packaged Product Sophisticated Raster based analysis Raster analysis toolset Extensive Vector-based data input and output through CartaLinx

7 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Maptitude Cad & GIS Import/Export options Address Matching Feature Suited for Readily Available Datasets

8 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) Raster/Vector capabilities New topological 2D/3D vector engine and support for vector network analysis First UNIX GIS UNIX Functionality Open Code Global User Base GRASS 6.2

9 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 MapInfo (Pitney Bowes Software) Mapping Functionality Limited GIS Functionality Traditionally Visual Basic Flexible Applications Global base Strong Dissemination Tool

10 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 AutoCAD Map Sophisticated GIS/CAD integration Grid, Projection, & Topology Support Extensive Database options Vector/Raster display and Analysis Menu-based Costly

11 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Microstation Largely US and European Use Cad-Based Mapping Limited Analysis Features Limited Data Format Integration & Georeferencing Simple Google Earth/Google SketchUp Interface

12 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Image Analysis Software Major platforms -ERDAS Imagine (Leica), ENVI (ITT Solutions) Geomatica (PCI Geomatics) & Definiens Google -for broad based applications Raster-based analysis becoming commonplace in census mapping operations Many Image analysis software can integrate vector data for refined image analysis Imagery becoming cheaper and faster to process and integrate with existing vector datasets

13 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 ERDAS IMAGINE 9.1 Raster-based software designed to extract information from images. Handles extensive collections of geospatial data Provides client-side interaction with spatially aware databases Extends to topological editing of spatial databases Vector layer support

14 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Geomatica (PCI Geomatics) Handles extensive collections of geospatial data formats Provides client-side interaction with spatially aware databases Full map production capabilities Attribute management tools for viewing, editing, querying and analysis of attributes Extensive image processing capabilities

15 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 ENVI 4.3 (ITT Solutions) Integrates raster imagery with geographic information systems Vector layers can be overlain onto image data, to easily compare raster and vector information. Relatively extensive support & knowledge base Reads vector formats (ArcView shp, ARC/INFO interchange, DXF, Microstation/Intergraph DGN files, USGS DLG files and more) Linear feature extractor automatically digitizes everything between the seed points, faithfully following curves, jumping gaps, and snapping vectors if desired

16 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 ENVI 4.3 (ITT Solutions) Feature extraction tool can be used on any linear feature, from roads to coastlines, and saves large amounts of time over traditional point-by-point digitizing.

17 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Definiens Highly sophisticated automated user defined feature extraction Extract geo-information from any kind of remote sensing imagery Data Management Connectivity to ArcGIS Server Load and save vector data to and from databases Simultaneously update different locations of one large dataset Update portions of large vector datasets Extension for ArcGIS Allows ArcCatalog to define a collection of maps as a Definiens’ workspace enables users to review and edit Definiens’ workspace entries

18 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Definiens Enterprise Image Intelligence Suite

19 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Google Earth Free Imagery! However… (Cost associated feature upgrades) Global Coverage Democratizing Access User Friendly Large Knowledge Base Useful for Quick Display of Raster & Vector Data

20 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Google Earth Several External tools and methods for image integration into various GIS platforms exist Google Maps Image Downloader Georeference to Graticule Local Knowledge Control Points

21 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Issues to be considered Cost Upgrades LAN configuration Training needs Ease of installation Maintenance Documentation and manuals Help-line and vendor support Means of making patches for support Workforce

22 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 Summary Many commercial suppliers exists Evaluate your goals within the census and adopt technologies accordingly Evaluate the interoperability of software to best suit both current and future needs Collaborate with different agencies and staff on the preferred software platform An informed choice is the best choice!

23 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 15–19 October 2007 A Complex Process which a savvy GIS consumer should research, select, test, and question before the purchase of a system is made.

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