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Why Policy, Systems and Environmental Change? New Jersey ‘s Mission: Develop and implement the Blueprint for Healthy Aging in New Jersey By Roslyn Council,

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Presentation on theme: "Why Policy, Systems and Environmental Change? New Jersey ‘s Mission: Develop and implement the Blueprint for Healthy Aging in New Jersey By Roslyn Council,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Policy, Systems and Environmental Change? New Jersey ‘s Mission: Develop and implement the Blueprint for Healthy Aging in New Jersey By Roslyn Council, NJDHSS

2 Healthy Communities in NJ Creating a better tomorrow through one community at a time.Creating a better tomorrow through one community at a time. Assist local public health offices in disparate communities in Southern New Jersey.Assist local public health offices in disparate communities in Southern New Jersey. Help identify effective evidence based strategies in public health that are appropriate for the needs of their individual counties Help identify effective evidence based strategies in public health that are appropriate for the needs of their individual counties

3 Southern Areas of Concentration ä Atlantic County ä Camden County ä Cumberland County ä Salem County

4 How did we get Buy-in? ä The Office of Public Health Infrastructure (OPHI) provides leadership, guidance resources and technical assistance for MAPP (Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships) a county-based public health partnerships which they generated the first county-wide Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) and begun to implement strategies to address the priorities identified in the CHIPs.

5 Why these counties ? ä High % of Persons with limited incomes. ä High % of individuals without Health Insurance or limited coverage. ä High % of disabled persons and those of racial/ethnic minority populations. ä These are individuals who are at high- risk for chronic diseases.

6 CHIP-Priorities: ä A “Healthier Community” ä Improving Chronic Diseases ä Develop and execute evidence based interventions proven to reduce the burden of disease among individuals.

7 New Jersey Funding ä The Federal Budget has been decreased nationally. ä State Funding for local health departments decreased significantly.

8 Challenge 1: How Do County Health Departments meet Program Priorities With Decrease Budget? ä Partnership ä Collaboration ä Networking ä Creating An Alliance for policy, systems & environmental changes

9 Challenge 2: Benefits of Policy, Systems & Environmental Change? ä Increase Impact of larger community/environment ä More effective & efficient delivery of services ä Innovative Ideas ä New and broader issues without the sole responsibility for developing solutions ä Elimination of Duplication of Services ä Improved Communications ä Improved Public Image ä Better Needs Assessment ä Increase availability of Funding ä Increased availability of combining resources ä Consistency of information ä Sustainability

10 Partnerships/Stakeholders ä.ä. New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (NJDHSS) New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (NJDHSS) Division of Aging and Community Services (DACS) Division of Aging and Community Services (DACS) Office of Public Health Infrastructure ( OPH) Office of Public Health Infrastructure ( OPH) Chronic Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC) Chronic Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC) Local Health Departments/ Health Officers Local Health Departments/ Health Officers Southern Jersey Family Medical Center (SJFMC) Southern Jersey Family Medical Center (SJFMC) Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) County MAPP Coordinators County MAPP Coordinators Minority communities and faith based organizations. Minority communities and faith based organizations.

11 CDPC CDPC Funding to Provide: ä Mini-grants will be given to the county Public Health Officers /Health Depts. and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) teams for evidence based trainings regarding the top five (5) identified health issues for their counties. ä Implement evidence based Chronic Disease Self – Management Program (CDSM)- “Take Control Of Your Health”

12 Chronic Disease Self – Management Program (CDSM)- “Take Control Of Your Health ” ä The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program is a workshop where people with different chronic diseases attend together. It teaches the skills needed in the day-to-day management of treatment and to maintain and/or increase life’s activities. ä This program is from Stanford University and is what is called “evidence based”, which means it has been proven beneficial again and again in a wide variety of populations. It is offered in 40 states and 19 different countries ä Issue Oriented ä Structured ä Focused to Act on Specific Goals/Outcomes

13 Chronic Disease Self – Management Program (CDSM)- “Take Control Of Your Health” in NJ ä Managed through the DHSS-Division of Aging and Community Services (DACS) ä ä TODAY for CDSMP: ä ä Programs delivered in 19 of 21 counties. ä ä 1,585 participants ä ä 85 Master Trainers ä ä 343 Peer Leaders ä ä Today for DSMP ä ä 20 Master Trainers in 12 counties ä ä 1 Peer Leader ä ä Several DSM Workshops planned

14 CDSMP Reach to Minority Populations In 2007, only 6% were non-white. As of January 2010, 48% from minority communities.

15 Diverse Populations Reached CDSMP N=766

16 CDSMP-Outcome

17 What People Say: ä As a master trainer I now live healthier and teach others to live a healthier life ä Teaching others to be leaders of their own health is what it is all about. ä It is responsibility and commitment

18 What Does the Future Hold for NJCEED? ä CDPC has integrated CDSMP into policy, environmental and health system change initiatives for diabetes, heart disease and stroke. ä CDPC DPCP is integrating the Stanford Diabetes Self Management Program (DSMP) into our health systems initiatives. ä The CDPC Diabetes Prevention and Control Program have been trained in both.

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