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Qualifications and Training ► Bachelor of Art in Secondary Education with a minor in History – Arizona State University ► Arizona State Certified in Secondary.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualifications and Training ► Bachelor of Art in Secondary Education with a minor in History – Arizona State University ► Arizona State Certified in Secondary."— Presentation transcript:


2 Qualifications and Training ► Bachelor of Art in Secondary Education with a minor in History – Arizona State University ► Arizona State Certified in Secondary Education and History ► Extensively trained in conflict resolution, technology, and involved with gifted and academically talented students

3 District and State Standards ► All instruction is aligned with state and district standards ► Objectives are posted daily on the board. ► Assessment emphasizes performance ► Expectations of what students should know and be able to do are made clear to all

4 Our curriculum ► Geography ► Bill of Rights ► Government ► Economics ► World Cultures ► Current Events ► Civil War ► Reconstruction ► Industrialization ► Immigration ► The Progressive Movement ► Imperialism ► World War I ► Great Depression ► 1930’s

5 Rules/Procedures ► Don’t be late to class/school ► No eating anything without permission ► No drinking anything but H2O ► Phones off and in backpacks ► Gum chewers will scrape ► Disrespectful/inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated ► Miss games/Conference/Parent Contact/Lunch Detention/ISS/OCS ► Repeat offenses in any category are treated as “defiant behavior” – consequences are more severe ► Teachers reserve the right to write referrals and some incidents we have no choice *Don’t bring gum, candy, electronics, etc to school!

6 Consequences for Bad Behavior ► Verbal Warning (1 or 2 depending on behavior) ► Time out in another classroom (Pride Time Out and P.O.P.’d) ► Call Home/Referral/Detention ► Behavior Plan?

7 Point of Pride (POP’d) ► Each quarter you are given 100 PRIDE points. This is your behavior grade. ► Below are some reasons on how you can get POP’d/lose PRIDE points:  Tardy  Extra Bathroom Breaks  Not prepared for class  Off-task (Side conversations, doodling, sleeping, etc.)  Chewing gum

8 Absent Work Wall ► Gone a day? Go to the folder for the day that you were gone and pick up the work! ► One day = one day ► Still confused? Ask Mr. Eiler or the person sitting next to you ► You can also check my website to gather materials for the days that you were absent

9 Grades ► Zero tolerance for ZEROES ► Check Infinite Campus weekly ► Agenda/X’d ► Homework/Classwork ► Warmups ► Participation ► Projects ► Tests/Quizzes ► 90-80-70-60 ► Website as a resource Zero. Point. Zero

10 School Supplies ► Pencils only ► Highlighters ► Loose leaf paper ► Composition Book (college ruled) ► Two-pocket folder ► OPTIONAL: ► Dictionary or thesaurus ► Markers, crayons or colored pencils

11 Expectations ► Sleeping/Texting ► Remove temptation/create barriers ► All bags on floor ► Hands on top of desk (not in pockets or bags) ► Phones turned off and put away (in backpacks) at all times

12 Dress for success ► Know the dress code and dress appropriately ► If in doubt, don’t wear it. Our dress code is very modest and conservative ► No gang affiliated/illegal substances advertised ► No low cut, revealing/distracting tops ► Backpack straps (2 in) ► No adjusting pants or shorts when checked

13 Breaks, library, medical ► 2 breaks per quarter ► Library before and after school ► All medication must be delivered by parent to nurse in original prescription bottle with all pertinent information ► Nurse 3 Bs and a wheeze  Blood  Broken bone  Breathing trouble and wheezing  24 hour rule for vomit or fever ► Textbook checkout through library and online ►

14 Absences ► Office needs to be notified or it is UNEXCUSED ► Let teachers know in advance if you know ► One day = one day ► Tests and quizzes = one week ► Make up on your time ► You should plan on recovery or homework hub the next day if you miss ► Late assignments count for half credit maximum up to the posted LATE DUE DATE

15 Bullying ► Zero tolerance ► Harassing/Pestering ► Pushing ► Kicking ► Tripping ► Put downs/Name calling ► Intimidation/Threats ► Stealing ► Racism ► Sexism

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