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MUzima FORMS Presented by Mary. Introduction to forms Important information What is HTML – hyper text markup language. its a constant standard markup.

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Presentation on theme: "MUzima FORMS Presented by Mary. Introduction to forms Important information What is HTML – hyper text markup language. its a constant standard markup."— Presentation transcript:

1 mUzima FORMS Presented by Mary

2 Introduction to forms Important information What is HTML – hyper text markup language. its a constant standard markup used to create web page. XML – Extensible markup language. Used to describe data. CSS - Cascading Styling Sheet. JS – Java Script. Meta Data- describes other data, it provides information about certain items content. E.g. image may include meta data that describes how large the picture is, the colour, depth, when it was created e.t.c

3  By the end of the presentation one should be able to understand the following. a.Steps involved in form storage in mUzima system. b.Packaging and extraction of forms. c.Form Definition d.Who creates a form. e.Understand types of forms. f.Procedure for downloading form. g.Understand mode of forms used in mUzima system. h.Understand different types of forms used in mUzima. i.Differentiate between view logic and skip logic. j.Form management. k.Advantages and disadvantage of using Html and xml. l.Define a Tag. m.Define an attributes. Objectives

4 Define a form A form is a printed document with blank space for information to be inserted. In database context, a form is a window or screen that contains numerious fields or space to enter.

5 Before creating any form in the system you should have a short description of how you want that form to look like such as Date, location, information and the providers information. It is done manually on hard copy then later after confirmation of all requisitions transfer to a soft copy. HTMLs forms are currently created by hand and (they do not support the inclusion of multimedia content such as Images and Videos) This document proposes a model that is used by a designer to create these forms.

6 Form Storage A HTML form is created, this acts as the view component and contains all the input fields to be displayed and used for collection of data. This should be stored in a folder called “html” The logics are contained in a separate java scripts files. We have two types of logics, i.e. (i) View logic (ii) Skip logic The java scripts are store in a folder called “js”. xml files called “xml forms” are store in the xml folder.

7  The xml files store Meta data about the form and must include the following information :- i) Logical name of the form ii) Author – name of the creator of the form. iii) Created date – date when the form was created. iv) modification date – latest time when the form was modified. v) version – version of the form. vi) form ID – a randomly generated vii) description – short description of a form.

8 The multimedia contents are stored in a folder called “Multimedia” e.g. videos and media. The videos are stored in a folder called “collected” and the media “embedded”. Additional styling is contained in a separate css file.(cascading styling sheet) file. The css files are stored in a folder titled “css”.

9 Structure for a mUzima form package Root folder for form htmljscssxmlMultimedia Form xmlembeddedCollectedvideoImagesvideosImages

10 There are two types of skip logic :- 1.Skip logic. 2.View logic. Skip logic This is based on a certain selection of a form field. The user is redirected to alternative section of the form field. E.g male and female LMP filed, if the patient is a male then the skip logic will apply automatically at this point Types of logics

11 View logic This is where the Html fields are hidden or disabled on a user selection. This is base on a certain selection of a form field. The user can only view the field but you can’t click on it because it is already disabled e.g. cervical cancer test ordered will only be viewed under question applicable to female pts only. The encounter date is disable i.e a view logic.

12 Packaging the forms Once mUzima forms have been developed and all relevant files are stored in respective folders, the files should be packaged to a zip file. The file name for the zip file might have a.muz to assist programs and operating systems to correctly map or locate the file.

13 Extracting the mUzima form zip to a mUzima device mUzima form zip is created in a remote server and may be downloaded by a mUzima Android user. Once the mUzima user downloads the form, the following steps are processed to extract and store the form onto the mUzima device.

14 Procedure to follow when downloading forms - Login to mUzima using your user name and password then click in the login button. Login button

15 After logging in, you will be taken to the mUzima client dash board where you will see the Forms, cohorts and clients.

16 By default all tabs will be selected Here you will be able to view different tabs i.e. downloaded forms, incomplete and compete forms.

17 To be able to download a form, select one or more form templates that you are required to use from the list and click on it. Click on the download button on the top most part as shown below. A toss bar will then appear and the form will be downloaded in a minute. Then the form will be synced on the device. Top most part Toss bar

18 - To check on the downloaded form, click on the downloaded tab then you will see the downloaded form. Downloaded tab

19 Click on the downloaded then you will see the downloaded form.

20 Complete and incomplete form There are two mode type of forms, 1.Complete form 2.Incomplete form After filling a form, there are two options to save a form as complete or incomplete.

21 As complete:- on the client summary page, tab on forms, choose one of the forms template, fill out the form completely that has the correct data and then save as complete.. it should prompt a message to the user “complete data is saved successfully”. Saving tab

22 As incomplete:- on the form page, tab on forms, choose one of the forms template, fill out the form not necessary to be complete, or you are not sure of the figures or data. you will save as draft, it should prompt a message to the user “save as draft”. Incomplete form tab Saving as a draft

23 Form Validation It is possible to validate a form. There are two groups of validating a form i.e. 1.Check boxes - for check boxes, there will be requirement to validate a value, will be selected as single selection, for example NONE, NORMAL etc.

24 2. Radio buttons – for radio buttons you select only ONE of a limited number of choice. i.e Yes or No options.

25 Types of forms So far we have four types of CDM forms i.e. a.CDM Registration Form:- This form is used during the first encounter with the client. b.CDM Chew Form:- This form is used to assist In tracking retained patients who are no shows. c.CDM Dispensary Care Form:- d.CDM Chm form :-

26 For on oncology there are five types. i.e. a.Oncology Registration :- b.Oncology Dysplasia form c.Oncology breast cancer screening form:- d.Oncology histopathology:-This form is used to capture data on tissues from the body under the microscope to spot the signs and characteristics of the diseases. Occasionally a histopathology report is also called a Biopsy. a.Oncology pap smear form:-this form is used to test for the cervical cancer. b.Oncology via form:-

27 Syncing a form When you want to sync a form you should ensure the internet or data source is ON. When syncing a complete form a toast appears “the form has been synced successfully”. After updating a form in the sever, a user should receive the updated form.

28 Similarities of html and xml Xml and Html were both design with different goals i.e. Both xml and html were designed with different goals. They both have a markup language.

29 Attributes Attributes are used to provide information that is not a part of the content of xml document. Attributes are always contained within the start tag of an element. Usually attributes are used to provide information that is not part of the content of xml document. i.e

30 Advantages of using an element vs attributes Elements can contain multiple values attributes can’t. Attributes are not expandable for future changes. Attributes can not describe structure i.e like a child but an element can. Use element to describe your data and attributes only to provide information that is not relevant to the reader.

31 Tags Tags are the terms used to create or design a form. They are mostly created by programmers or the Form and concept people. There are two types of Tags i.e. i)Opening tag ii)Closing tag. Here are some example of an open tag

32 Types of Tags There are two types of Tags i.e. i)Opening tag ii)Closing tag. Here are some example of an open tag Here are some example of a close tag.

33 Advantages of Xml and Html Html was designed to display data and to focus on how data looks. Html is about displaying information. The author can only use tags that are define in html standard. Xml was designed to describe data and to focus on what data the data is. Xml is about describing information. Xml allows the author to define his own tags Xml is self describing. Xml and Html was both design with different goals i.e.

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