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Work Package 6 Exploitation planning & Market study by Frode Skjævestad & Stein Runar Bergheim Asplan Viak Internet as.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Package 6 Exploitation planning & Market study by Frode Skjævestad & Stein Runar Bergheim Asplan Viak Internet as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Package 6 Exploitation planning & Market study by Frode Skjævestad & Stein Runar Bergheim Asplan Viak Internet as

2 Overview Establishing the starting point / baseline How do we do it – methodology What are our products IPR and ownership Market study, indications SWOT and Potential Exploitation plan, selected products

3  TECHNOLOGY CONSTRAINTS As a totality, the Paths platform includes many technologies, i.e. many software components, many licenses, many upgrade schedules

4 Complexity of Platform JavaXMLJSON Doc- uments Postgre SQL Records Hier- archies Python Java- Script C#.NET SQLSOLR Mongo- DB IIS Mapnik PostGIS Apache Wind- ows Linux ESE Offline NLP tools iOS App

5  POTENTIAL SIZE OF MARKET Who may realistically be interested in using the entire PATHS platfom?

6 Total size of market Europeana/GLAM sector Technologically sophisticated Potential Size of Market Willing to replace/extend their technology stack

7  SELECT A STRATEGY Do we try to push the “entire thing” or bits and pieces – what is most likely to succeed?

8 «Divide & Conquer» PATHS Platform Further research Commercial exploitation Open Source contriibution Knowledge Software products Services, methodologies

9 HOW DO WE SET ABOUT IT Market study methodology

10 Methodology for development of exploitation plan

11  WHAT ARE OUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? The whole PATHS platform is comprehensive – but consists of many simple modules.

12 Paths «Products» Research results, knowledge  PATHS as a paradigm for navigating (cultural heritage) collections, Information Retrieval, Recommender Systems, Natural Language Processing, Information Visualization Software products  Natural language processing tools for enrichment of metadata, “Topic map”, map visualization of thesaurus, Recommender system: real-time generation of links to relevant content in same collection, Sentiment analysis for web content resources, Open Web API for working with PATHS Services, methodologies  Content enrichment, Development of user requirements specifications, Web application user evaluation

13 Product Descriptions Exist in the individual deliverables  D1.x, D2.x, D3.x, D4.x, D5.x  The detailed description of each «Product» has not been repeated in the Exploitation plan Is modesty a virtue in this context?  From the perspective of the reader, it would perhaps be less demanding to put everything into one document  From the perspective of follow-up and implementation, a compact document is more handy as each follow-up activity only uses a small sub-set of info.  Setting the boundary between implicit and explicit information is a challenge.

14  WHO OWNS PATHS PRODUCTS? IPR constraints of project results and propagated constraints from underlying components

15 IPR Ownership Matrix ProductLicenseIP owner NLP toolsGPL + propagated terms & conditions from licenses of optional vocabularies USFD, EHU Sentiment analysis toolsProprietary, exclusivei-sieve technologies Web API and information retrieval GPLUSFD, AVINET Recommender systemGPLUSFD, EHU “Map-based” visualization of thesauri GPLUSFD

16  HOW DO WE GET TO KNOW ABOUT OUR MARKET? Probing representatives of our market segment for feedback

17 What we wish to achieve? Learn market requirements for PATHS “products”  Interest, attitude  Current usage  Delivery methods  Business models Identify exploitation potential


19 Attitudes to Paths Products 77% interested or very interested 58% interested or very interested

20 Attitudes, continued 80% interested or very interested 81% interested or very interested

21 Attitudes, continued 88% interested or very interested 65% interested or very interested

22 Attitudes, continued 50% interested or very interested 77% interested or very interested

23 Attitudes, continued 46% interested or very interested 77% interested or very interested

24 Attitudes, continued 73% interested or very interested

25 Service Delivery & Money Willingness to pay  In general, wants for free (most)  Some acceptance of costs...  License one-time, < 1000 € (some)  License one-time, <10000 € (some)  License per month 10-99 € (many)  License per year 100-999 €(many)  No willingness to pay per view/use/seat

26 Positive to Open Source Complies well with desire for «free» things  Bodes well for those products that will be followed up using the Open Source strategy  In line with recommendation from reviewers at second review

27 Potential of Products For each product assess:  Strengths  Weaknesses  Opportunities  Threats Filter out those who have have potential for follow-up

28 The Exploitation Plan Describe methodology Define PATHS products Define Intellectual Property Rights Summarize Market Study Identify Market Potential Decide Per Product Market Strategy Actions, Timings and Responsibilities

29 Filtering of Candidates Targeted exploitation activities for each component is time and resource consuming  It is necessary to filter which «products» to pursue through structured actions  Remaining «products» follow-up strategy indicated in SWOT

30 Selected for Exploitation 1/2 NLP tools for data enrichment  Used and further developed in LoCloud  Explore pay-per-volume service  Open-source servers based on virtualization Open WebAPI for app development  Avinet uses PATHS IR/Search Components in the upcoming release of Adaptive 3.0  A product with 60 server instances, thousands of users  Good, market outreach and stable developer community  Code for GPLed components available on GitHub

31 Adaptive Web API on GitHub

32 Selected for Exploitation 2/2 PATHS in alternative domains  Pursuing a project on using Paths and implicit trails in the legal domain  Utilizing log data to derive paths (in an implicit) way  For legal professionals to capturing knowledge in a tangible way  For educational/training purposes. Sentiment Analysis Tools for Digital CH Content  i-sieve to use PATHS as showcase to approach CH clients with the help of other partners

33 Questions & Thanks for the Attention (Stein) Runar Bergheim

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