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Overview of GA Target Fabrication And Injection Tasks Presented by Dan Goodin at HAPL Project Review Pleasanton, California November 13-14, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of GA Target Fabrication And Injection Tasks Presented by Dan Goodin at HAPL Project Review Pleasanton, California November 13-14, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of GA Target Fabrication And Injection Tasks Presented by Dan Goodin at HAPL Project Review Pleasanton, California November 13-14, 2001

2  GA/Schafer and LANL are part of a team addressing the issues of IFE target supply (LANL = lead for fabrication; GA = lead for injection) Exploiting our experience with ICF targets - similar materials and processes Manufacture of Capsules Target Supply Includes Filling with DT Layering Process Assembling & Cryohandlin g Injection and Tracking TOPICS Introduce the area of target fabrication and injection Roadmap of ongoing activities Summarize progress not covered elsewhere Introduce the next GA speakers....... Near-term goal demonstrate a “credible pathway” to high-volume target supply

3 Overview of target types, processes, and ongoing R&D Target Design Rad. Preheat Empty Outer Foam Thick Capsule Foam shell microencapsulation Interfacial polycondensation Sputter-coating Microencapsulation or Coatings in a fluidized bed Cryogenic fluidized bed or In-sabot Gas-gun or Electromagnetic Target Manufacture Filling LayeringInjection Dist. Radiator Foam shell microencapsulation Interfacial polycondensation or injection molding Microencapsulation + Foam Casting/Doping Permeation or liquid injection Cryogenic fluidized bed or In-hohlraum.... GA and LANL are part of a team addressing the issues of IFE target supply

4 Target Mass Production - accomplishments since last project review (6/1/01).… Must eventually produce and characterize ~500,000 targets/day at acceptable cost  High-Z Coatings (e.g., radiation preheat target)  Prepared high-Z coatings of Pd and measured their reflectivity and permeation  Prepared a number of Pd/Au alloys and characterized them  Details in next presentation  Began testing of methods to measure areal density of DVB foam shells using IR  Abbas Nikroo will summarize in next talk 600 Å Pd on CH shell x x TMPT foam shell in IPA High-Z Layer (Au/Pd?) Target Design (Z, smooth, uniform) Fabrication (coating, cost) Layering (IR, Joule heating) Injection (stable, reflective) ES&H (hazardous, WDR) Seemingly simple component has multi-disciplinary functions and requirements Filling with DT

5 Target Mass Production - accomplishments (Cont.).... This is appropriate time to initiate ChemE cost studies  Began classic “chemical engineering approach” to Target Fabrication Facility (TFF) design PFD’s Mass-Bal. FS’sE-Bal. FS’s Prel. Equip. Types/Sizes Preliminary TFF Layout -Floor Space -Height Reqs. The TFF is a chemical process plant Demonstrate a credible pathway to producing 500,000 per day at ~$0.25 each Microencapsulation Int. Polycondensation Sputter Coating Permeation Cooldown DT Removal Transfer Fluidization E by IR/RF Removal Sabot Loading Removal & Recycle Prop. Gas R&R Tracking IRE Support “Baseline Process” “Alternate Process” Layering Filling Injection Microencapsulation For Mandrels Fluidized Bed Ctg. -GDP -Solution Capsule Manufacture Status Drafted PFD’s for  Encap. Initial flowsheets Evaluating closing specific cycles for industrial process

6 Target Mass Production - accomplishments (Cont.) Basic concept = use a more convenient surrogate to demonstrate “proof of principle” for fluidized bed layering Allows use of room temperature characterization equipment IR LAMP Oxalic acid Before  After  Fluidized bed in water bath Neopentyl alcohol Filled thru hole and sealed ~1” ID Fluidized bed Status Proof of principle done for fluidized bed layering -> next step?

7 HELIUM/DT SEPARATION DT BACK TO PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM TO INJECTOR REVOLVER SPIRAL CHANNEL OVER DIFFUSER IR OR µWAVE INJECTION COOLER He AIR--LOCK FOR LOADING OCTS/D2TS TYPE PERMEATION CELL Target Mass Production (Cont.) SABOTS CAROUSEL FOR UNLOADING BED Issues “Real” thermal analysis Layering time? (C. Halvorson) Static control Approach Start with small bed - static Take Cryo, batch process HD Mockup to demo handling Demo of continuous (modular).... We need an integrated approach to filling, layering, handling, & injection Concept Monolayer type spiral Fl. Bed Uniform Temp. Allows IR/RF Continuous Deterministic He

8 Target injection and tracking - accomplishments since last project review (6/1/01)  Target injection and tracking experimental system design  Completed preliminary design package, held PDR meeting on July 27, 2001, and resolved comments  Completed final design package (FDR meeting 11/16/01)  Electromagnetic Injector  Evaluating as a backup to the gas-gun, potential advantages as production device (non-contacting, less wear)  Completed structural design for Bldg. 22, injector site (GA funded)  Target Material Property and Thermal Response Measurements  With LANL (Jim Hoffer) Ron Petzoldt will discuss experimental equipment design, electromagnetic injector modeling, and in-chamber tracking calculations this afternoon Illustration of IFE Experimental Target Injection and Tracking System in GA’s Bldg. 22

9 Some recent IFE target fabrication/injection papers and publications.... Contributions and collaborations with people at GA, LANL, NRL, UCSD, LLNL, Schafer, SNL, and ORNL  “Progress Toward Demonstrating IFE Target Fabrication and Injection”, D. Goodin, et al. IFSA-2001 (Plenary Session Talk)  “Reducing the Costs of Targets for Inertial Fusion Energy”, G. Besenbruch et al. IFSA-2001  “Target Injection and Fabrication Possibilities for Fast Ignitor IFE”, R. Stephens, et al. IFSA-2001 (Invited Talk)  “Thermal Control Techniques for Improved DT Layering of Indirect Drive IFE Targets,” J. Pulsifer et al. IFSA-2001  “Concepts for Fabrication of Inertial Fusion Energy Targets,” Nobile, et al. Fusion Technology, Vol. 39, March 2001, 684. “Developing Target Injection and Tracking for Inertial Fusion Energy Power Plants”, Nuclear Fusion, V41, No. 5, May 2001, 527. “Developing the Basis for Target Injection and Tracking in Inertial Fusion Energy Power Plants”, Goodin et al. Accepted for publication in Fusion Engineering and Design. “Design of an Inertial Fusion Energy Target Tracking and Position Prediction System,” Petzoldt et al. Fusion Technology, Vol. 39, March 2001, 678. Target Fabrication Target Injection

10 Summary …. Abbas Nikroo and Elizabeth Stephens will now present the results of high-Z coating studies  Prepared coatings of Pd and Pd/Au mixtures and characterized them  Prepared PFD’s and initial flowsheets for target fabrication  Demonstrated proof of principle for fluidized bed layering and developed an integrated concept for handling  Completed preliminary and final design of injector system We encourage student involvement in the IFE program - recent and current students:

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