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MAT 1234 Calculus I 9.4 System of Linear Equations: Matrices

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Presentation on theme: "MAT 1234 Calculus I 9.4 System of Linear Equations: Matrices"— Presentation transcript:

1 MAT 1234 Calculus I 9.4 System of Linear Equations: Matrices

2 HW and … WebAssign 9.4 Quiz 3.8, 3.9

3 Important Announcement We are 3 sections (4 periods) ahead of the other section. No new materials tomorrow. Less materials to cover in the Exam 3. Please study over the weekend! If you do well in the first 3 exams, you can opt out from the final exam.

4 Quiz 9 1 point curved is added to everyone. Some of you have more than 10 points. Be sure to study the solutions online. One of the problems in this section will be in Exam 3.

5 Preview Develop the Matrix notations. Study the Elementary Row Operations. Study the Gaussian-Jordan Elimination* (Easy version).

6 Preview If you have learned these before, it is a good time to review them. If you are planning to take Linear Algebra, you are going to see this in the early part of the course.

7 How does Maple do it?

8 Example 1 Elimination: (Write this somewhere else. Do not erase this!)

9 Example 1 Elimination:Geometric Meaning

10 Equivalent Systems Geometric Meaning

11 How many solutions? Q: Given a system of 2 equations in 2 unknowns, how many solutions are possible? A:

12 How many solutions? Q: Given a system of 3 equations in 3 unknowns, how many solutions are possible? A:

13 How many solutions? Q: Given a system of 3 equations in 3 unknowns, how many solutions are possible?

14 Unique Solution We will focus only on systems of one solution because of the time constraints. Such systems appear a lot in applications.

15 Example 2 Elimination:

16 Q & A Q: Why eliminations are not good? A: 1. 2. 3.

17 Gauss-Jordan Elimination Before we can describe our systematic solution method, we need the matrix notations.

18 Essential Information A system can be represented compactly by a “table” of numbers.

19 Matrix A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers. If a matrix has m rows and n columns, then the size of the matrix is said to be mxn.

20 Example 2 Write down the (Augmented) matrix representation of the given system.

21 Elementary Row Operations We can perform the following operations on the matrix 1. Switching 2 rows.

22 Elementary Row Operations We can perform the following operations on the matrix 2. Multiplying a row by a constant.

23 Elementary Row Operations We can perform the following operations on the matrix 3. Adding a multiple of one row to another.

24 Elementary Row Operations Theory: We can use the operations to simplify the system without changing the solution. 1. Switching 2 rows. 2. Multiplying a row by a constant. 3. Adding a multiple of one row to another.

25 Elementary Row Operations Notations (examples) 1. Switching 2 rows. 2. Multiplying a row by a constant. 3. Adding a multiple of one row to another.

26 Gauss-Jordan Elimination Main Idea: We want to use elementary row operations to get the matrix into the form

27 Gauss-Jordan Elimination Main Idea: We want to use elementary row operations to get the matrix into the form 12 3

28 Example 2 Use Gauss-Jordan Elimination to solve the system.

29 Example 2 12 3

30 Remarks Notice sometimes 2 “parallel” row operations can be done in the same step. The procedure (algorithm) is designed so that the exact order of creating the “0”s and “1”s is important.

31 Remarks Try to avoid fractions!!

32 Example 3 Use Gauss-Jordan Elimination to solve the system.

33 Example 3 12 3

34 How do I Confirm My Answer?

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