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Presented by- Kelley F. Davis Lamar University Educational Technology.

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2 Presented by- Kelley F. Davis Lamar University Educational Technology

3 Master Plan Goal To develop a world class instructional technology program in the McKinney Independent School District. (MISD Technology Master Plan, 1999)

4 Non-Negotiables Instructional Technology must positively impact student achievement Professional Development is an infrastructure level requirement Teachers and Administrators are accountable for the integration of technology Change processes will require pressure and support to be effective There will be equity of opportunity for every MISD campus to provide technology-rich learning experiences for all learners Technology must be available to “most of the kids, most of the time” (MISD Technology Master Plan, 1999)

5 Planning Philosophy Facilitation not Dictation Curriculum drives technology Instructional Program, Technology Strategy and Professional Development are Interwoven Curriculum/ Instructional Program Technology Strategy Professional Development Plan (MISD Technology Master Plan, 1999)


7 Funding Goal #1: Secure adequate funding so the District can provide access to hardware, software and training "just in time". Goal #2: Secure grant money that is appropriate for the District needs. (MISD Technology Master Plan, 1999)

8 Professional Development Goal #1: To have technology training time allocated in an effective/efficient manner. Goal #2: Develop an Integrated Model to unite instruction, technology and the curriculum. Goal #3: To have a defined role for Professional Development staff and to have staff on each campus. Goal #4: Prepare teachers to facilitate student use of technology. Also prepare teachers to learn technology from students. "Prepare kids for their future not our past." Goal #5: To be sure that training is appropriate and timely for the trainee and that training is on hardware and software immediately available after training. (MISD Technology Master Plan, 1999)

9 Support Goal #1: To have adequate staff to be able to accomplish the District's mission. Goal #2: Develop timely repair and technical support for the District. Goal #3: To create a reasonable teacher/student ratio for all grades. Goal #4: To have secured district network and WEB access. (MISD Technology Master Plan, 1999)

10 Facilities Goal #1: To have technology facility areas secure at all times. Goal #2: To design and implement ample, flexible instructional/work space containing the appropriate workstation/furniture. Goal # 3: Find and implement ways to have flexibility for wider ranges of uses. (MISD Technology Master Plan, 1999)

11 Maintenance and Upgrades Goal #1 - Maintain flexible cabling infrastructure and power that is easily reconfigurable and responsive to changes or modifications. Goal #2: Develop a policy for replacement of obsolete hardware/software (a replacement plan). Goal #3 - Establish hardware and software standards to support instructional and curriculum requirements in each content area. Goal #4: Create an index for software licenses and agreements in a central location and have standard places to store them. Goal #5: To have maximum utilization of technology for instructional purpose. (MISD Technology Master Plan, 1999)

12 Policy and Ethics Goal #1: To have a current and communicated District Acceptable Use Policy. Goal #2: Create a new policy to monitor internet information available to students. (MISD Technology Master Plan, 1999)

13 Community Awareness Goal #1: To create awareness for the community as well as MISD staff with regards to the District's technology plans and goals. Goal #2: To have the community's participation and support of the technology initiatives. (MISD Technology Master Plan, 1999)

14 Recommendations Provide a specific timeline for meeting goals. Modify goals to specify specific hardware and infrastructure needs. Develop a Technology Planning Committee to do the following: Develop specific steps to be taken to implement these goals on each campus Monitor, evaluate and modify goals as necessary

15 References Meeks Technology Group(1999).McKinney ISD Technology Master Plan.

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