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Chap. 2 Matrices 2.1 Operations with Matrices
2.2 Properties of Matrix Operations 2.3 The Inverse of a Matrix 2.4 Elementary Matrices 2.5 Applications of Matrix Operations
2.1 Operations with Matrices
Matrix representations: An uppercase case: A, B, C, … A representative element enclosed in brackets: [aij], [bij] A rectangular array of numbers: Vector (column/row matrix): boldface lowercase a1, a2, …, an Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Section 2-1 Definitions Equality of Matrices Two matrices A = [aij] and B = [bij] are equal if they have the same size (mn) and aij = bij for 1 i m and 1 j n. Matrix Addition If A = [aij] and B = [bij] are matrices of size mn, then their sum is the mn matrix given by A+B = [aij + bij]. The sum of two matrices of different sizes is undefined. Scalar Multiplication If A = [aij] is an mn matrix and c is a scalar, then the scalar multiplication of A by c is the mn matrix given by cA = [caij] Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 1 Consider the four matrices
Section 2-1 Example 1 Consider the four matrices Matrices A and B are not equal because they are of different sizes. Similarly, B and C are not equal. Matrices A and D are equal if and only if (iff) x = 3 Remark: “p if and only if q” means that p implies q and q implies p. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Subtraction of Matrices
Section 2-1 Subtraction of Matrices If A and B are of the same size, AB represents the sum of A and (B). That is, AB = A+(1)B = [aij bij]. cA dB = [caij dbij]. Example 3: Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Matrix Multiplication
Section 2-1 Matrix Multiplication If A = [aij] is an mn matrix and B = [bij] is an np matrix, then the product AB is an mp matrix AB = [cij], where Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 4 Find the product AB, where and Section 2-1 Ming-Feng Yeh
Chapter 2
Section 2-1 Example 5 Matrix multiplication is not, in general, commutative. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Systems of Linear Equations
Section 2-1 Systems of Linear Equations Matrix Equation: Ax = b A: coefficient matrix; x and b: column matrix (vector) Example 6: Solve the matrix equation Ax = 0, where Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Diagonal Matrix & Trace (p. 58)
Section 2-1 Diagonal Matrix & Trace (p. 58) A square matrix is called a diagonal matrix if all entries that not on the main diagonal are zero. The trace of an nn matrix A is the sum of the main diagonal entries. That is, Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
2.2 Properties of Matrix Operations
Theorem 2.1 Properties of Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication If A, B, and C are mn matrices and c and d are scalars, then the following properties are true. 1. A+B = B+A Commutative property of addition 2. A+(B+C) = (A+B)+C Associative property of addition 3. (cd)A = c(dA) Associative property of multiplication 4. 1A = A Multiplication identity 5. c(A+B) = cA + cB Distributive property 6. (c+d)A = cA + dA Distributive property 交換律 結合律 結合律 乘法單位元素 左分配律 右分配律 Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Section 2-2 Proof of Theorem 2.1 The proofs follow directly from the definitions of matrix addition and scalar multiplication, and the corresponding properties of real numbers. Let A = [aij] and B = [bij] 1. Use the commutative properties of addition of real numbers to write A+B = [aij+bij] = [bij+aij] = B+A 5. Use the distributive properties (for real number) of multiplication over addition to write c(A+B) = [c(aij+bij)] = [caij+cbij] = cA+cB Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Zero Matrix & Additive Identity
Section 2-2 Zero Matrix & Additive Identity If A is an mn matrix and Omn is the mn matrix consisting entirely of zeros, then A + Omn = A. The matrix Omn is called a zero matrix, and it serves as the additive identity for the set of all mn matrices. Theorem 2.2: Properties of Zero Matrix If A is an mn matrix and c is a scalar, then the following properties are true. 1. A + Omn = A. 2. A + (A) = Omn. A is the additive inverse of A. 3. If cA = Omn, then c = 0 or A = Omn. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Matrix Equation Real Numbers m n Matrices
Section 2-2 Matrix Equation Real Numbers m n Matrices Ex. 2: Solve for X in the equation 3X+A = B, where Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Theorem 2.3 Properties of Matrix Multiplication
Section 2-2 Theorem 2.3 Properties of Matrix Multiplication If A, B, and C are matrices (with sizes such that the given matrix products are defined) and c is a scalar, then the following properties are true. 1. A(BC) = (AB)C Associative property 2. A(B+C) = AB + AC Distribution property 3. (A+B)C = AC + BC Distribution property 4. c(AB) = (cA)B = A(cB) Proof of Property 2: A: mn matrix, B: np matrix, C: np matrix. The entry in the ith row and jth column of A(B+C) is The entry in the ith row and jth column of AB +AC is equal Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Section 2-2 Noncommutativity A commutative property for matrix multiplication was NOT listed in Theorem 2.3. If A is of size 23 and B is of size 33, then the product AB is defined, but the product BA is not. Example 4: Show that AB and BA are not equal for the matrices and Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Cancellation Property
Section 2-2 Cancellation Property It does NOT have a general cancellation property for matrix multiplication. If AC = BC, it is NOT necessary true that A = B. Example 5: Show that AC = BC. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Identity Matrix & Theorem 4
Section 2-2 Identity Matrix & Theorem 4 A square matrix that has 1’s on the main diagonal and 0’s elsewhere. The identity matrix of order n: Theorem 2.4: Properties of the Identity Matrix If A is a matrix of size mn, then the following properties are true. 1. AIn = A. 2. ImA = A. If A is a square matrix of order n, then AIn = InA = A. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Repeated Multiplication
Section 2-2 Repeated Multiplication Repeated multiplication of a square matrix: For a positive integer k, Ak is A0 = In, where A is a square matrix of order n. Example 3: Find A3 for the matrix k factors j and k are nonnegative integer. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Theorem 2.5 Number of Solutions of a System of Linear Equations
Section 2-2 Theorem 2.5 Number of Solutions of a System of Linear Equations For a system of linear equations in n variables, precisely one of the following is true. 1. The system has exactly one solution. 2. The system has an infinite number of solutions. 3. The system has no solution. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
The Transpose of a Matrix
Section 2-2 The Transpose of a Matrix The transpose of a matrix is formed by writing its columns as rows. A matrix A is symmetric if A = AT. aij = aji, i j. a symmetric matrix must be square. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Theorem 2.6 Properties of Transpose
Section 2-2 Theorem 2.6 Properties of Transpose If A and B are matrices (with sizes such that the given matrix products are defined) and c is a scalar, then the following properties are true Transpose of a transpose Transpose of a sum Transpose of a scalar multiplication Transpose of a product For any matrix A, the matrix is symmetric. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 9 Show that are equal. Sol: Section 2-2 Ming-Feng Yeh
Chapter 2
Section 2-2 Example 10 For the matrix find the product and show that it is symmetric. Sol: Since , is symmetric. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
2.3 The Inverse of a Matrix Definition of an Inverse of a Matrix An nn matrix A is invertible (or nonsingular) if there exists an nn matrix B such that AB = BA = In In is the identity matrix of order n. The matrix B is called the (multiplicative) inverse of A. A matrix that does NOT have an inverse is called noninvertible (or singular). Nonsquare matrices do NOT have inverse. Theorem 2.7: Uniqueness of an Inverse Matrix If A is an invertible matrix, then its inverse is unique. The inverse of A is denoted by Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Section 2-3 Proof of Theorem 2.7 Because A is invertible, it has at least one inverse B such that AB = BA = I. Suppose that A has another inverse C such that AC = CA = I. Then you can show that B and C are equal as follows. AB = I C(AB) = C(I) (CA)B = C (I)B = C B = C Consequently B = C, and it follows that the inverse of a matrix is unique. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 2 Find the inverse of the matrix
Section 2-3 Example 2 Find the inverse of the matrix Sol: To find the inverse of A, try to solve the matrix equation AX = I for X. Using matrix multiplication to check the result. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Gauss-Jordan Elimination
Section 2-3 Gauss-Jordan Elimination The same coefficient matrix (4) [ A ┇ I ] … [ I ┇ A1 ] Double augment matrix Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Procedure Let A be a square matrix of order n.
Section 2-3 Procedure Let A be a square matrix of order n. Write the n2n matrix [ A┇I ] (adjoining the matrices A & I) If possible, row reduce A to I using elementary row operations on the entire matrix [ A┇I ]. The result will be the matrix [I ┇A1 ]. If this in not possible, then A is not invertible. Check your work by multiplying to see that Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 4 Show that the matrix has no inverse. pf: (3) 2
Section 2-3 Example 4 Show that the matrix has no inverse. pf: (3) 2 It is not possible to rewrite [A┇I ] in the form [I ┇A1 ]. Hence A has no inverse. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
The Inverse of a 22 Matrix
Section 2-3 The Inverse of a 22 Matrix + The matrix A is a 22 matrix given by The matrix A is invertible if and only if = ad bc 0. If 0, then pf: Interchanging the entires on the main diagonal and changing the signs of the other two entires. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 5 If possible, find the inverse of each matrix.
Section 2-3 Example 5 If possible, find the inverse of each matrix. The matrix B is not invertible. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Theorem 2.8 Properties of Inverse Matrix
Section 2-3 Theorem 2.8 Properties of Inverse Matrix If A is an invertible matrix, k is a positive integer, and c is a scalar, then A1, Ak, cA, and AT are invertible and the flowing are true Hint: if BC = CB = I, then C is the inverse of B. pf: 1. Observe that , which means that A is the inverse of A1. Thus, 3. Hence is the inverse of (cA), which implies that Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Section 2-3 Example 6 Compute A2 in two different ways and show that the results are equal. 1. (A2)1: 2. (A1)2: the same result Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Theorem 2.9 The Inverse of a Product
Section 2-3 Theorem 2.9 The Inverse of a Product If A and B are invertible matrices of size n, then AB is invertible and (AB)1 = B1A1. pf: 1. (AB)(B1A1) = A(BB1)A1 = A(I)A1 = AA1 = I. 2. (B1A1)(AB) = B1(A1A)B = B1(I)B = B1B = I. Hence AB is invertible. : in reverse order Recall: (AB)T = BTAT Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 7 Find (AB)1 for the matrices and
Section 2-3 Example 7 Find (AB)1 for the matrices and using the fact that A1 and B1 are given by Sol: Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Theorem 2.10 Cancellation Property
Section 2-3 Theorem 2.10 Cancellation Property If C is an invertible matrix, then the following properties hold. 1. If AC = BC, then A = B. Right cancellation property 2. If CA = CB, then A = B. Left cancellation property pf: Use that fact that C is invertible and write AC = BC (AC)C1 = (BC)C A(CC1) = B(CC1) AI = BI A = B Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Theorem 2.11 Systems of Equations with Unique Solutions
Section 2-3 Theorem 2.11 Systems of Equations with Unique Solutions If A is an invertible matrix, then the system of linear equations Ax = b has a unique solution given by x = A1b. pf: Ax = b A1(Ax) = A1(b) A1Ax = A1b x = A1b Example 8: Use an inverse matrix to solve each system Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
2.4 Elementary Matrices Definition: An nn matrix is called an elementary matrix if it can be obtained from the identity matrix In by a single elementary row operation. Elementary row operations: 1. Interchange two rows. 2. Multiply a row by a nonzero constant. 3. Add a multiple of a row to another row. The identity matrix In is elementary. it can be obtained from itself by multiplying any one of its row by 1. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 1 Which matrices are elementary?
Section 2-4 Example 1 Which matrices are elementary? : (3)R2 R2 : it is not a square matrix : (0)R3 R3 must be by a nonzero const. : R2 R3 : R2+R1 R2 : two elementary row operations are required. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 2 Elementary Matrices & Elementary Row Operations
Section 2-4 Example 2 Elementary Matrices & Elementary Row Operations Interchange two rows: R1 R2 Multiply a row by a nonzero constant: (0.5)R2 R2 Add a multiple of a row to another row: R2+(2)R1 R2 Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Theorem 2.12 Representing Elementary Row Operations
Section 2-4 Theorem 2.12 Representing Elementary Row Operations Let E be the elementary matrix obtained by performing an elementary row operation on Im. If the same elementary row operation is performed on an mn matrix A, then the resulting matrix is given by the product EA. Most applications of elementary row operations require a sequence of operations. Gaussian elimination Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Section 2-4 Example 3 Find a sequence of elementary matrices that can be used to write the matrix A in row-echelon form. Sol: The elementary matrix E is a 33 matrix. (2) (1/2) Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Row Equivalence & Thms. 2.13~14
Section 2-4 Row Equivalence & Thms. 2.13~14 Definition: Let A and B be mn matrices. Matrix B is row-equivalent to A if there exists a finite number of elementary matrices E1, E2, …, Ek such that B = EkEk1E2E1A. Theorem 2.13: Elementary Matrices Are Invertible If E is an elementary matrix, then E1 exists and is an elementary matrix. Theorem 2.14: A Property of Elementary Matrices A square matrix A is invertible if and only if it can be written as the product of elementary matrices. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Elementary Matrices Are Invertible
Section 2-4 Elementary Matrices Are Invertible Elementary Matrix Inverse Matrix R1 R2 R1 R2 R3+(2)R1 R3 R3+(2)R1 R3 (½)R3 R3 (2)R3 R3 Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Section 2-4 Proof of Theorem 2.14 () If A can be written as the product of elementary matrices, then A is invertible. pf: Assume that A is the product of elementary matrices. Then, because every elementary matrix is invertible and the product of invertible matrices is invertible, it follows that A is invertible. () If A is invertible, then it can be written as the product of elementary matrices. pf: Assume that A is invertible. The system of linear equations AX = O has only the trivial solution. This implies that [A┇O] can be rewritten in the form [I┇O] using the elementary operations as EkEk1E2E1A = I. Then it follows that Thus A can be written as the product of elementary matrices. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 4 Find a sequence of elementary matrices whose product is Sol:
Section 2-4 Example 4 (1) Find a sequence of elementary matrices whose product is Sol: (3) (½) (2) Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Theorem 2.15 Equivalent Conditions
Section 2-4 Theorem 2.15 Equivalent Conditions If A is an nn matrix, then the following statements are equivalent. 1. A is invertible. 2. Ax = b has a unique solution for every n1 column vector b. 3. Ax = O has only the trivial solution. 4. A is row-equivalent to In. 5. A can be written as the product of elementary matrices. Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Section 2-4 LU-Factorization A square matrix A is expressed as a product A = LU, where the square matrix L is lower triangular and the square matrix U is upper triangular. Step 1: EkE2E1A = U : row reduction Step 2: Step 3: A = LU By row reducing A Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 6 Find the LU-factorization of the matrix Sol: = U = L
Section 2-4 Example 6 (2) Find the LU-factorization of the matrix Sol: 4 = U = L LU = A Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Solving a Linear System
Section 2-4 Solving a Linear System Using LU-factorization to solve the linear system Ax = b: Ax = b and A = LU LUx = b Let Ux = y. Ly = b 1. Solve Ly = b for y. (forward substitution) 2. Solve Ux = y for x. (back-substitution) Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
Example 7 Solve the linear system.
Section 2-4 Example 7 Solve the linear system. Sol: 1. Let y = Ux and solve Ly = b for y 2. Solve Ux = y for x Ming-Feng Yeh Chapter 2
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