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Carbon Injector for FFAG

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1 Carbon Injector for FFAG
M. Okamura 1

2 Keys Direct Plasma Injection Scheme (DPIS) with RFQ is well suit for FFAG Fully stripped carbon ions can be provided with 100 mA of beam current. Pulse duratioin is about 1 to a few micro second Repetition rate just depends on laser driver system 2

3 Content: Introduction of DPIS Experiment at TIT
CO2 and YAG laser sysmtems RIKEN‘s new project (next step) Linacs for FFAG

4 Low energy transport line for high current heavy ion beams
RFQ LINAC Established structure for LEBT Ion source High voltage stage Difficulties about the LEBT for Heavy Ions Strong space charge effect : Due to the low energy and highly charged states. Matching to the RFQ : Time variation of the beam emittance from the pulsed source. Multiple charged states : Effects from un-wanted charged state particles. 3

5 Direct Plasma Injection Scheme
From the source to the RFQ, ions are transported being included by plasma. Free from the strong space charge effect. Beam emittance of the plasma can be conserved up to the entrance of the RFQ Overcome Space Charge Effect No need to build a high voltage stage. Works W/O any focusing devices or complicated extraction system. Extremely Simple Laser Ion Source 4

6 Experimental Set-Up for Direct Injection Method
Floor layout PF power supply F. C. 1 TiTech RFQ Target Chamber Laser Beam Analyzing magnet Beam envelope after the RFQ CO2 laser Q-magnets F. C. 2 FDF Field strenth for C1+ Input emittance X=2.78 mm X’=18.5 mrad Epsx=24.4 mm mrad Q1: kG Q2: 3.53 kG Q3: kG D: 9.25 kG 5

7 TEA CO2 laser system Total laser power 100±30 MW
Wave form of the laser pulse Gas mixture ratio Laser Beam Profile Gas mixture ratio CO2:N2:He = 1:2:4 Peak Energy ±0.6 Joule Pulse width ±5 ns Total laser power 100±30 MW 50 mm 6

8 Plasma Target Chamber 3.35 1012 W/cm2 Insulator C Target (MC nylon)
Laser Wavelength: l = 10.6 mm Focusing Mirror: f = 250 mm Diameter of Laser Beam: D = 50 mm C Target (Rotateable) Focal Spot Size on Target Surface: d = 1.22f l/D = 64.7 mm RFQ Laser Beam Power Density: P = W/(p(d/2)2) W/cm2 Na Cl H. V. Lens Slit 4mm Properties of the laser plasma Energy of the ions : about 100 eV/u Emission angle : less than ±20 degrees 7

9 TITech RFQ LINAC TITech 80 MHz Heavy Ion RFQ M. Okamura et al.,
Nucl. Inst. And Meth., B (1994) p Designed Values Table: The main parameters of the TITech RFQ Charge to mass ratio ≥1/16 Operating frequency (MHz) Input energy (keV/amu) Energy spread (%) ±5 Output energy (keV/amu) Normalized emittance (100%) (cm·mrad) p Vane length (cm) Total number of cells Characteristic bore radius, r0 (cm) Synchronous phase, fs ˚ to -20˚ Transmission for q/A=1/16 beam 10 mA input mA 8

10 Photo album of the experiment

11 Measurement of the accelerated beam -just after the RFQ
Current [mA] H. V. 16 kV Peak Current: 25mA Averaged Current: 8mA Pulse Width (90%): 1.24 ms Time [s] C ion beam 214 keV/u Bunched Structure !! 10

12 Measurement of the accelerated beam -after analyzing magnet
C4+ ion beam Peak Current: 4.0mA Pulse Width (90%): 0.41 ms Beam Energy: 214 keV/u Fine structure Current [mA] Time [s] F. C. 2 C3+ C3+ ion beam Peak Current: 0.8mA Pulse Width (90%): 0.35 ms Beam Energy: 214 keV/u 11

13 PARMTEQ simulation with multiple charged states
Laser Ion Source at RIKEN L=250mm ɔ4mm Total current: 94 mA C3+: % C4+: % C5+: % PARMTEQ-HI for multiple charge state ions (R. Jameson) Input emittance (x,y): a = -3.94 b = 1.00 mm/mrad e = 9.80 p mm mrad Vane voltage factor: vfac = 0.7 Buncher Section Booster Current [mA] Input energy [keV] Predicted current [mA] C3+ C4+ C5+ 45 60 75 0.45 1.85 0.03 cell 12

14 Results of the experiment
9.2 mA of Carbon beam was detedted after the RFQ. -> Direct Injection works very well Ions are extracted within slit. Tracking with 3D field map is useful. pteqHI simulation can reproduce measured results well. Beam current was lmited by the RFQ We are now ready to proceed to next step New RFQ for higher current acceleration 13

15 Measurement of Plasma Property
CO2 laser and Nd-YAG laser are used. Charge states distributions were obtained from two types of lase plasmas.

16 Experimental equipment
Nd-YAG Laser TEA CO2 Laser Detector NaCl Window 4.6m 3.1m Analyzer (ITEP) FC Chamber Target Chamber (ITEP)

17 Target Chamber Laser Plasma Carbon Target Chamber

18 Comparison with laser wave form
Pulse width :YAG<CO2 Energy:YAG<CO2 Most of all energy gather in one wave form in Nd-YAG laser. Energy is separated into two parts, peak part and tail part in CO2 laser

19 Power density calculation
Divergence angleθ=1.22・λ/D Spot size d=θ・F Power density calculation (D: beam size F:focal length of lens 135・10-3m) Nd-YAG laser CO2laser λ=1.06・10-6m D=8・10-3m E=0.26J P=2.3・1012 W/cm2 λ=10.6・10-6m D=50・10-3m E=1.2 J P=3.7・1011 W/cm2

20 Result (by F.C.) CO2 laser YAG laser Two peaks in CO2 laser
  →depends on power       distribution of laser (peak and tail)? Beam velocity :YAG>CO2 →power density CO2 laser Total currrent:YAG<CO2 →Laser power YAG laser

21 Result (by analyzer) Current measured by analyzer is estimated by integrating (Signal from Analyzer)/γ and current at F.C. and comparing them γ:secondary electron emission coefficient More high charge state was produced by Nd-YAG than by CO2 →power density

22 Energy YAG>CO2 ⇒power density Charge state YAG>CO2 ⇒power density
Summary Energy YAG>CO2 ⇒power density Charge state YAG>CO2 ⇒power density Current YAG<CO2 ⇒total power

23 High laser power -> Fasr ions
Currents from YAG laser Plasma Various laser power High laser power -> Fasr ions

24 CO2 laser C4+ beam Long pulse
Nd-YAG laser C6+ beam Easy to handle

25 RIKEN new RFQ for 100mA Carbon beam
Proposed Specs for the new RFQ Output Current : 100 mA Target Particle : C4+, C6+ Length : up to 2 m Output Energy : 1.2 MeV 14

26 Linacs for FFAG Injector will be used for proton and carbon acceleration Use commercially available DTL (Accsys?) Proton DTL can be operated 4 pi mode for carbon beam. q/A must be 1/2. 4 rod type RFQ or 4 vain type RFQ?

27 RFQ design (30 mA of injection current)
212 MHz (doubled frequency of Accsys‘s DTL), 4 rod structure, 3.3 m (length), 98 % transmission. (New IH DTL?) 425 MHz, 4 vain type, 4.83 m, 86%

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