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Application Introduction APAC-5000 in AOI Equipment

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Presentation on theme: "Application Introduction APAC-5000 in AOI Equipment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Application Introduction APAC-5000 in AOI Equipment

2 Agenda 1 Project Information 2 A-LNC Solution 3 Key of Winning

3 Project Information Project information: ■ Country: Taiwan
■ Application: AOI Equipment (Automatic Optical Inspection) ■ Project Size: Current: 50pc/Month, Expect: 100 above/month Customers’ products Optical Inspection

4 Project Information What Does Customer Need?:
Customer is looking for a control system to do: 1.Position Control of the Optical CCTV Device 2 Trigger Signal Generation (to trig camera scanning and photographing ) concern: ■ signal frequency: Higher frequency, higher camera working speed ■ Positioning accuracy: better image comparing efficiency Position control Trigger Signal

5 Project Information Project Time Frame 2014- SW Developing
Mass Production Next solution discussion Lead Time, Quality…. First Contact Other products adoption Solution introduction Project Initial Project Consulting SPEC discussion SW Developing Customize SW Function Programming First Sample Customer developing process Adjustment and Polishing Trial Run Product quality control Trainings 2013- Jan. Mar. 2014- 2011- Aug. Oct. 2013- Feb.

6 Project Information Project Requirement
■Performance: 1. Frequency of Trigger Signal (>100KHz) 2. Accuracy of positioning ■ Product Lifecycle ■ Flexibility of Developing ■ Cost

7 APAC5000: An integrated solution of HMI, PLC, Motion and Communication
A-LNC Solution -APAC5000- APAC5000: An integrated solution of HMI, PLC, Motion and Communication PLC HMI APAC5000 Integrated solution of IPC,IO, Axis-control Linux Real-time kernel, stable and reliable Complete core functions, could fit various applications: single-axis, multi-axis or system Various Developing Interface: HMI. PLC, Macro, and communication Powerful built-in functions, components and library to reduce solution developing time Easy expansion and communication interface, save flexibility of peripheral and devices integration COMM. Motion 整合IPC, IO, 軸控於一體,簡化配線。 Linux即時操作系統,時序穩定可靠。 核心功能齊全,適用範圍廣大 單軸:寸動、定位、同動、手輪、座標系 多軸:GM碼(CNC核心) + LNC Macro即時運算運動路徑 系統:IO控制、DA… 多元開發界面,彈性靈活 人機編輯:提供人機介面編輯軟件 PLC:提供PLC編輯器 巨集:使用文字編輯器 通訊:提供Windows函式庫 多項內建頁面與功能,縮短建置時間 內建2D DXF匯入頁面… 可擴充的通訊功能,保留週邊整合的可能性。

8 A-LNC Solution APAC5000 Hardware Specification - Hardware Detail -
Display VGA USB 1 set COM COM1 RS232 COM2 RS232/422/485 COM3 RS422/485 Pulse Axis Supports AB, P/D, CW/CCW (6 Axis max. Speed: up to 3MHz) Power output -10V~10V (2 sets max.) MPG 6-Axis max. IO 2 sets of (20 in/16 out) Expansion: 9X Relay max. Fast Input 2 points OP Interface Scanning, 80in/80out max. Stability Quality Longevity APAC5000 is a ALNC-self-made IPC system, no worries about product quality and life cycle.

9 Communication:Modbus, Fx
A-LNC Solution - Hardware Detail - System Configuration ( Typical ) 9 Communication:Modbus, Fx CAD/CAMIntegration Dynamic Simulation Ethernet Smart Vision RS232 RS422 RS485 OP MPG Pulse Control Voltage Control Input Fast Input Output Full control by communication library File transfer, select Macro file, start process Set working parameter, manual adjust Macro file : action flow control Act according your design, can co-work with PC process. Internal software PLC:Save money Logical and IO device control

10 A-LNC Solution Project System Diagram - Hardware Detail - Ethernet
IO Control Ethernet APAC5000 Sensor/cylinder /solenoid valve Indicator/ Peripherals Axis Control Trigger Signal Co-work IPC/ Remote monitoring Servo Motor CCTV Inspection Equip.

11 A-LNC Solution Advantages of this platform - Software Developing -
1. PC process Advantages of this platform ReCON Lib(Communication) 1. Flexibility of Development: Resources and protocol between machine and pc-site are open; users are able to design their own functions in this platform. 2. copy-right and know-how All functions developed by customers and unique know-how will be kept by their own. ALNC only involve with developing process and provide essential assistance. ReCON Server Service 2. PLC 3.Macro (Program Flow) (Mathematics) (Kernel access) (Motion control) Kernel resource I(Input:1000), O(Output:1000) C(Command:4096), S(Status:4096) A(Aid:4096), R(Register:6,000,000) Kernel function IO access Single axes control CNC multi axes control Developed by Customer Built-in function by LNC

12 Items developed by Customers in this Project
A-LNC Solution - Software Developing - Items developed by Customers in this Project a 1. PC Process Image compare Set trigger parameter Set moving path parameter Control Macro running ALNC Assistance ALNC Assistance Design Assistance -Product Training -Design Sample -Design Resource -Programming consulting - Integration -Communication between modules -Protocol integration -Devices Integration 2. PLC: Logical and IO control Non-multi axes control. 3. Macro: Read trigger parameter and set to kernel system Read moving path parameter and set to kernel system Moving according to setting.

13 A-LNC Solution 3 Ways of Positioning: Interval, Position, Software
- Project Required Function: Accurate positioning- 3 Ways of Positioning: Interval, Position, Software Interval trigger Position trigger Software trigger Fully scanning (whole board/device scan) Corner can be modified into curve to reduce vibration Specific points only: Scanning with Rectangular path. This scanning path is controlled by hardware Specific points only: different from position trigger, drawing the shortest path for scanning by software

14 Key of Winning Perfectly Fit Project Requirements and something MORE!
How ALNC Solution Fits Performance: 1. Frequency of Trigger Signal (>100KHz) 2. Accuracy of positioning Flexibility of Developing Performance 1. Higher Frequency than expectation (Max 500KHz trigger signal According to encoder feedback) 2. 3 Ways for posistioning: interval, position, software Users are able to develope their own solution since APAC5000 is an open pltform with powerful built-in functions and library A-LNC Solution: APAC5000 Customer Requirement

15 Key of Winning Perfectly Fit Project Requirements and something MORE!
How ALNC Solution Fits Product Life cycle Cost ALNC-made IPC, no worries about longevity Cost-effective: 1. System cost: Lower than traditional solution (IPC+Motion Card) 2. Save cost of PLC because APAC5000 is a platform with built-in PLC function Other Concern ALNC Service Time of Project Developing Technical Support Project initialization to Mass production: less than 1 year, Time of SW developing: In 1 Month! SW/HW resource sharing / Engineers on-site, on-time support/ Quick Response A-LNC Solution: APAC5000 Customer Requirement


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