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How to Hack a Database.  What is SQL?  Database Basics  SQL Insert Basics  SQL Select Basics  SQL Where Basics  SQL AND & OR Basics  SQL Update.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Hack a Database.  What is SQL?  Database Basics  SQL Insert Basics  SQL Select Basics  SQL Where Basics  SQL AND & OR Basics  SQL Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Hack a Database

2  What is SQL?  Database Basics  SQL Insert Basics  SQL Select Basics  SQL Where Basics  SQL AND & OR Basics  SQL Update Basics  SQL Delete Basics  SQL Injection Basics

3  Basic Database Functions  Structured Query Language  Common Language For Varity of Databases  ANSI Standard  Database Specific Extensions  Uses Common Baseline Syntax  Scripting Language  Allows Comments (--)  Semicolon Terminates Command (;)

4  Pros:  Very Flexible  Universal (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL)  Relatively Few Commands to Learn  Cons:  Requires Detailed Knowledge of the Structure of the Database  Can Provide Misleading Results

5 FFour Basic Operations CCRUD CC – Create (Insert) RR – Read (Select) UU – Update DD – Delete

6 IINSERT – Allows Data to be Inserted into Database TThree Basic Components TTable CColumn(s) VValues

7 SSyntax IINSERT INTO t able ( column(s) ) VALUES ( value(s) ) TTable – Name of Table Data is Being Stored In CColumn(s) – Name of Column, or Columns, to Insert Data Into VValue(s) – Values to Insert NNote : Columns and Values Must be in Same Order

8  Select – Select Data from Database  Syntax  SELECT column(s) FROM table WHERE condition  Column(s) – Column, or Columns, Names to Retrieve  “*” – Means All Columns from table  Table – Table Name to Get Data From  Can be more than one table

9  Example  Select state_name, state_abbr FROM states  Select * FROM agencies

10  Where Clause  Added to Refine Result Set  Uses Conditional Operators  =,>,>=, )  Between x AND y  IN ( list )  LIKE ‘ %string ’ (“%” us a wild-card)  IS NULL  NOT {BETWEEN / IN / LIKE / NULL}

11  Examples  SELECT * FROM annual_summaries WHERE sd_duration_code = ‘1’  SELECT state_name FROM states WHERE state_population > 15000000  SELECT * FROM annual_summaries WHERE sd_duration_code IN (‘1’,’W’,’X’) AND annual_summary_year = 2000

12  Multiple WHERE conditions are Linked by AND / OR Statements  “AND” – All Conditions True  “OR” – At Least One Condition is TRUE  Group with ()

13  Allows Changes to Row(s) of Data in a Table  Three Basic Parts  Name of Table to Update  Column Name to Update  Value to Update  Can Update More Than One Column at a Time  Can Include Where Clause to More Refined Update

14 SSyntax UUPDATE t able SET c olumn = v alue WHERE c olumn = value EExample UUPDATE clubs SET ClubName = ‘Club 1’ WHERE ClubID = 1

15  Allows for Data to be Removed from the Database  One Required Part  Table Name  Can Delete All Data in Table, or Just Selected Data  One Optional Part  WHERE Clause – Allows for Selective Delete

16  Syntax  DELETE FROM table WHERE column = value  Table – Name of Table to Remove Data from  Column – Name of Column in Table  Value – Value that is in the Column  Example  DELETE FROM clubs (Deletes all Data in Table)  DELETE FROM clubs WHERE ClubID = 1

17  SQL Takes Advantage of Poor Programming  Inserting SQL Commands into Input Field for Exploitation  Example User Name / Password Input (admin, admin) Into SQL:  SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘admin’ AND password = ‘admin’  Returns Data for User admin Where Password is admin

18  SQL Injection Input (admin, ‘ or 1 = 1 --)  SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘admin’ AND password = ‘’ or 1 = 1 --  Returns Data for User admin Where Password is Empty OR 1 = 1 (Always True)  Note : This will Return All Data in Table

19  Can Create New User  Using Same User Name / Password Example  Input (admin, ’;INSERT INTO Users VALUES ('Hijack','This') --  SQL  SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘admin’ AND password = ’’;INSERT INTO Users VALUES ('Hijack','This') --  Note : Creates a New User (Hijack) with a Password (This)

20  Can Create Table Values  Using Same User Name / Password Example  Input (admin, ’;UPDATE Orders Set Amount=0.01--  SQL  SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘admin’ AND password = ’’;UPDATE Orders Set Amount=0.01--  Note : Sets all Order Amounts to one cent

21  SQL   http://www.teach- qlintro/miniweb/index.htm http://www.teach- qlintro/miniweb/index.htm  SQL Injection  basic-sql-injection-with-login.html basic-sql-injection-with-login.html  Practice Site 

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