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The following 15 PowerPoint slides are from the 2 lane driving lesson…in total there are 65 slides in this lesson This will give you an idea of the unique approach of this curriculum
Vehicle Handling - part 4
Canadian Drivers Edge C U R R I C U L U M Vehicle Handling - part 4
2 lane driving Strategies and Rules of Road
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What must you do in this situation?
One of the most important signs along the road. One of the few signs that you must actually do something rather than just being warned. What must you do in this situation? Lane change, it’s becoming a 2 lane road
Is anyone passing on the right?
After changing lanes, what should you check? Is anyone passing on the right? Head check over right shoulder Developing this habit will minimize risks
Don’t be one of them… get over ASAP
Some drivers seem to be unaware that their lane is ending… Don’t be one of them… get over ASAP
Instead of getting upset with these drivers, just let them be. There’s no way you can change them anyway. There are a lot of aggressive drivers like this. There are also drivers who have no idea their lane is ending STOP and THINK This vehicle is passing us on the right, (their lane is ending) what should you do?
After the 4 lane road ends you will often see this sign that indicates:___________
2 Way Traffic
Developing this habit will minimize risks
How often should you check tailgaters in your mirrors on 2 lane roads? Every few seconds, if they start to pass, you need to know it. Developing this habit will minimize risks
increased risk of collision
When we see this sign, there is usually a bridge ahead.
What is the meaning of this sign? Slippery when wet
¼ mile later…the bridge. It’s about 0 Celsius and the
road surface is more than just wet, it is also icy.
Proper passing procedure
After on-coming cars clear us… - be sure there are no vehicles emerging from a side road or driveway…then signal, check mirrors and head check left... - accelerate quickly and begin passing… Proper passing procedure
Proper passing procedure
Continue accelerating…after passing the vehicle, signal and head check right before returning to the right lane - ease off accelerator CAUTION: As passing on 2 lane roads is potentially dangerous, do not attempt until you know your vehicle’s acceleration capability, and have good judgment assessing the speed of on-coming vehicles. Proper passing procedure
Even though it’s against the law, many aggressive drivers will still try to pass.
Other Passing Rules You should never pass on the left or drive off the road to the left when a car ahead is signaling a left turn. The time saved by passing on a two lane road is frequently not worth the risk!
NIGHT DRIVING Night driving requires good vision and excellent driving skills. Slow down and maintain safe following distances.
The right white edge line.
Bright lights must be dimmed before meeting on-coming vehicles and before passing a vehicle. The right white edge line. If on-coming cars are blinding you with their bright lights, where should you look to avoid the direct, bright glare?
Review time…how much do you remember?
End of Rural Driving Review time…how much do you remember?
1)1) After changing lanes (when your right lane is ending) you
should still: _________________________________ check your right shoulder blind spot with a head check 1)2) True or False: It is legal for you to use the right shoulder to go around waiting left turners in front of you. ________ false 1)3) True or False: Bridges are likely to freeze before surface streets because of cold air (near 0 Celsius) circulating above and below the bridge. _________ true 1)4) On higher speed two lane roads, what should you be searching for as you approach hills: ___________________ cars from driveways / side roads 1)5) What might you encounter as you approach a speed reduction zone? ___________________________________ traffic lights, city areas, police & radar 6) If on-coming cars are blinding you with their high beam lights, where should you look to avoid the direct bright glare? _______________________________________ focus on the white edgeline on right side of road
3.2 metre bridge clearance slow-moving farm equipment
1)7) On two lane roads, if there is a tailgater behind you, you should check your mirrors at least every ______________ few seconds 1)8) True or False: If you get a ticket for speeding in a construction zone with workers present your fine will double. ______ true 1)9) True or False: Time saved when passing on a 2 lane road is often not worth the risk. __________ True 1)10) True or False: The time of the year in which deer are most active is late summer and early fall. ______________ false - late fall 3.2 m 1)11) This sign means:_________________ 3.2 metre bridge clearance 12) When going over hills in rural farmland areas be especially concerned about _______________________ slow-moving farm equipment
End of 2 Lane Driving
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