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Tony Bougebrayel, PE, PhD Engineering Analyst Swagelok Co.

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1 Tony Bougebrayel, PE, PhD Engineering Analyst Swagelok Co.
CFD Prediction of Liquid Flow through a 12-Position Modular Sampling System Tony Bougebrayel, PE, PhD Engineering Analyst Swagelok Co.

2 AGENDA How is the driving pressure consumed? Why do liquids require more driving pressure? Predicting driving pressure for a conventional system What is CFD? CFD application to a 12-position modular system Results: CFD vs. Actual Conclusion

3 How is the driving pressure consumed?
Momentum Loss: Pipe size reduction Control Components (valves, filters, check valves, meters, gages…) Entry and exit effects (velocity profile) Contraction/Expansion Directional Changes (elbows, Ts..) Potential Energy: Height Viscous Losses: Boundary Layer formation Turbulent Energy Modular systems experience Momentum, Viscous, and Turbulent losses

4 ¤ ¤ Driving Liquids Flow in a straight pipe
Darcy’s equation: P = x f x  x L x Q2 / d5 fα Re,ε(Re =  U d/) ↑ Re ↓ f↑ P↑  ↑ Re ↑ f↓ P↑ 10x increase in  yields 71% increase in P 10x increase in  yields in 580% increase in P Density is dominant in straight pipes f values taken for smooth pipes flowing at 104 and 105 Re

5 For Non-Uniform Geometry
Driving Liquids For Non-Uniform Geometry Navier-Stokes Equations (Incompressible, Laminar, in 3D Cartesian Coordinates) Piezometric pressure gradient Viscous terms Momentum terms Local acceleration Both Density and Viscosity affect 2nd order terms

6 Conventional System: Predicting Driving Pressure
Bernoulli’s Equation (mechanical energy along a streamline) z p1/1 + v12/2g = z p2/2 + v22/2g + hL Potential Pressure Kinetic Total Energy Energy Energy Head Loss Where, hL = K v2 / 2g Ki = f L / D (Ki: Flow Resistance) Ktotal = Ki L / D: Equivalent pipe length for non-pipes i.e. valves, fittings Ki = f L / D (This is Darcy’s equation for pipes) Fitting L/D Globe Valve 340 Lift Check Valve 600 Ball Valve 6 Tee- Branch flow 60 Elbow- 90 Bend r/D = 20 50 Flow resistance approach in systems design

7 Conventional System: Predicting Driving Pressure
Q, ml/min 300 OD 1/4" Pipe friction, f 0.0308 Wall Thickness 0.065 Non-Pipe friction, f_T 0.0379 Component Quantity Ki f*Ki K 90-Elbow 20 60 2.27 45.4 Check Valves 1 600 22.71 22.7 Globe Valves 8 500 18.93 151.4 90-Bends, r/d=8 24 .91 18.2 Flow-thru-branch 6 13.6 Pipe, inch 120 30.8 K_total 282.1 h, in 265.8 P, psi 9.6 K values are empirical Courtesy of Exxon Mobil

8 Pressure Required for a MPC
Empirical Approach (Cv or K): Cv = 29.9 d2 / k1/2 (1/Cv-total)2 = Σ (1/Cv-i)2 Testing CFD Flow Cv-5 Cv-4 Cv-3 Cv-total < Cv-i Cv-2 Cv-1

9 What is CFD? A numerical approach to solving the Governing flow equations over any Geometry and Flow conditions CFD is used to solve the general form of the flow equations

10 CFD – The Governing Equations
F= d(MU)/dt = u(u/x)dxdy + v(u/y)dxdy pdy [p+(p/x)dx]dy C.V. (u/y)dx|y (u/y)dx|y+dy w Differential Control Volume dx dy 1 x y External Forces [u+ (u/x)dx]2dy  [u+(u/y)dy][v+(v/y)dy]dx u2dy C.V. uvdx Change in Momentum The flow equations are based on the conservation laws

11 CFD – The Governing Equations
Navier-Stokes Equations for an Incompressible, Laminar flow Note: These equations can actually be reduced into Bernoulli’s Local acceleration Inertia terms Viscous terms Piezometric pressure gradient Continuity equation The N.S. eqs. are highly elliptical and impossible to solve manually

12     CFD – How does it Work? 
Solve: y + y = 0 (1st order PDE) for 0 x  1 From Taylor’s: -yi + (1+ x )yi+1 = 0 (3) Plug into (1): XN X1 Discrete Domain (Eq. 2): Discretized, Algebraic Equation For a structured grid: x = Xi+1 - Xi Apply equation (3) to the 1-D grid at nodes 1,2,3: y1 y2 y3 y4 -y1 + (1+ x )y2 = 0 (i=1) (4) -y2 + (1+ x )y3 = 0 (i=2) (5) -y3 + (1+ x )y4 = 0 (i=3) (6) Equations 4, 5, & 6 are 3 equations with 4 unknowns The B.C. y1=1 completes the system of equations y y x 1 j i x Convert the PDE into an Algebraic equation

13 Accuracy is grid dependent
What is CFD? Next, we write the system of equations in a matrix form: [A]{y}={0} y1 = (BC) y2 = (4) y3 = (5) y4 = (6) -1 (1+ x ) (1+ x ) (1+ x ) To solve, is to find [A]-1 Much CFD work revolves around optimizing the inversion process (strongly tridiagonal matrix – Iterative approach) Accuracy is grid dependent

14 CFD – Application to Current System
Check Valve Switching Valve Pressure Pressure Toggle Shut-off Pneumatic Switching Valve Pneumatic Shut-off ManualShut-off PneumaticShut-off Toggle Shut-off Toggle Shut-off Flow Flow

15 CFD – Application to Current System
Build the Geometry

16 CFD – Application to Current System
Extract the Fluid volume

17 CFD – Application to Current System
Create the Mesh: 3.2 million cells

18 CFD – Application to Current System
Set Boundary Conditions Solve

19 Conventional Calculated
Results Pressure required to drive 300 cc/min through the 12-position system, psi MPC Tested CFD Predictions Conventional Calculated Water 15.6 16.9 9.6 Diesel 17.9 15.1 10.8 Gasoline 12.5 11.7 7.1 Pressure required to drive liquid samples through modular systems are in line with available pressure

20 Results: CFD vs. Actual CFD predictions are very accurate when fluid characteristics are known

21 Results: Density vs. Viscosity
SG , cP 65 F 1 Diesel Fuel 100 F .85 1.69 Unleaded Gasoline .73 .47 SGdiesel < SGwater but Qwater > Qdiesel Viscosity effects are more prominent than density effects in modular systems Testing conducted by Colorado Engineering Experiment Station Inc.

22 Results: Density vs. Viscosity
SG  = /, cSt 65 F 1 Diesel Fuel 100 F .85 2 Unleaded Gasoline .73 .64 ΔPfluid/ΔPwater ≈ (fluid/water)0.5 The Kinematic viscosity compares relatively well to pressure

23 Conclusion Reasonable pressure required to drive typical liquid samples through NeSSITM systems CFD can be employed to accurately predict flow under different conditions The Kinematic viscosity of the liquid sample is a good indicator of its pressure requirement

24 Questions?

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