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 Illegal drugs that are found mostly in nightclubs or at raves.  These drugs make people feel more relaxed  Ecstasy  Rohypnol- known as “date rape”

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2  Illegal drugs that are found mostly in nightclubs or at raves.  These drugs make people feel more relaxed  Ecstasy  Rohypnol- known as “date rape” drug  Ketamine- “special k”  These drugs are made in home labs and they are mixed with other harmful chemicals  This means a person who uses club drugs never knows what exactly is in them.

3  Ecstasy users may experience  Tingly skin, clenched jaws  Increases the heart rate and body temp.  This damages organs  Make a person feel anxious and paranoid  Rohypnol  Makes a persons blood pressure drop  User feels dizzy and very sleepy  Blackouts and memory loss  Loss of consciousness  A person slipped this drug usually will not remember what happened  This is why it is called the date rape drug….a major crime.

4  Ketamine  Deadly if abused  Causes hallucinations  Memory loss  A small overdose can cause death  Many teens die from using this drug.

5  Narcotics  Drugs that get rid of pain and dull senses  Ex. Morphine and codeine  Both are used as medicine, both are very addictive  Heroin is a narcotic  Taken through an injection in arm or between toes.  Gives the user an instant high or feeling of happiness.  Once the drug wears off, user experiences nausea, stomach cramps, and vomiting.  People need larger amounts very quickly, so it is easy to overdose  HIV and AIDS can occur due to many heroin users sharing needles  Can be very addictive and withdrawal symptoms are very painful.

6  Hallucinogens  Drugs that distort moods, thoughts, and senses  Creates imaginary images in the users mind  Less sensitive to pain  Confused and disoriented  Some people become violent

7  Inhalants  Vapors of chemicals that are sniffed or inhaled to get a high  Most come from household products  Ex. Bleach, cleaning liquids, glue  Causes nausea, dizziness, mental confusion, loss of motor skills  When inhaled it goes straight to the brain

8  Steroids  Make muscles grow faster and larger  Your body already makes steroids to help you grow and develop Artificial steroids contain fake hormones  Symptoms  Hard time controlling anger  “roid rage”  in males the testicles can shrink  Also stunt overall growth  In females- effects production of estrogen  This results in a deeper voice, excess facial hair, masculine looking body  In both males and females  Heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, cancer, sterile, hair loss, liver damage, depression and severe acne

9  If a pregnant female is using drugs, alcohol or tobacco can:  Give birth to a low weight baby  Brain problems for baby  Hurt the baby’s development  If drugs are injected while pregnant the baby can be infected with the HIV virus as well as the mother.

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