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WITSA Board of Director’s Meeting May 13, 2011, Montreal, Canada

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1 WITSA Board of Director’s Meeting May 13, 2011, Montreal, Canada

2 Chairman’s Remarks Dato’ Dan E Khoo 9/11/2015 2

3 Roll Call Dr. Jim Poisant 9/11/2015 3

4 CountryOrganizationNameRemarks 1ArgentinaCESSIDr. Jorge CassinoBy Skype: jorge1689 2AustraliaAIIAMr. Ian Birks 3BermudaBermuda Chamber of Commerce Mr. John KyleApologies 4CanadaITACMr. Bernard Courtois 5Chinese TaipeiCISAMr. James Liu 6EgyptEITESALMr. Sameh Montasser By phone 7GreeceSEPEMr. Yannis SirrosBy Skype: yannis.sirros 8IndiaNASSCOMMr. Som Mittal 9JapanJISAMr. Hiromi Sugiyama Standing in: Ms. Junko Kawauchi 10KenyaCSKMr. Waudo Siganga By phone Roll Call: Board of Directors (1/5) 9/11/2015 4

5 CountryOrganizationNameRemarks 11LebanonPCAMr. Nizar Zakka 12MalaysiaPIKOMDato’ Dan E Khoo 13MalaysiaPIKOMMr. Looi Kien Leong By Skype: looikl 14MexicoAMITIMr. Carlos Allende Macias Resigned; Standing in: Mr Santiago Gutierrez 15NigeriaITANDr. Jimson Olufuye 16Republic of Korea FKIIMr. Ki-Chul KimBy Skype: caseykorea386 17Republic of Macedonia MASITMr. Goran Mitreski 18RomaniaATICDr. Vasile BaltacBy Skype: vasile.baltac 19RussiaAPKITMr. Christo Karakashev By phone; Standing in: Mr. Valentin Makarov 20SingaporeSiTFMs. Ho Se MunApologies Roll Call: Board of Directors (2/5) 9/11/2015 5

6 CountryOrganizationNameRemarks 21South AfricaITAMr. Roger Latchman 22SpainAETICMs. Mar DuqueBy phone 23The Netherlands ICT~OfficeDrs. Bernd Taselaar By phone 24Trinidad & Tobago ICTSMr. Rabindra Jaggernauth Resigned: Alternate: Mr. Owen Fields 25UKIntellectMr. John HigginsBy phone 26USATechAmericaMr. Phil Bond Roll Call: Board of Directors (3/5) 9/11/2015 6

7 CountryOrganizationNameRemarks 1 Japan JISAMs. Junko Kawauchi Standing in for Mr. Hiromi Sugiyama 2 Russia APKITMr. Valentin Makarov Standing in for Mr. Christo Karakashev 3 Mexico AMITIDr. Amado Espinosa AMITI/Canieti 4 Bangladesh BCSMr. Kazi Ashraful Alam Member 5 Chinese Taipei CISAMs. Ivy ChangMember 6 Mexico AMITIMr. Santiago Gutierrez Member 7 Nepal CANMr. Kishor PantMember 8CanadaWCIT 2012Mr. Stephane Bertrand Host 9AustraliaWITSAMr. Tim Conway 10USAWITSADr. Jim PoisantSecretary General Roll Call: Others (4/5) 9/11/2015 7

8 CountryOrganizationNameRemarks 11USAWITSAMr. Anders Halvorsen Secretariat 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Roll Call: Others (5/5) 9/11/2015 8

9 Call to Order / Approval of Meeting Minutes 9/11/2015 9

10 Welcome Remarks ITAC 9/11/2015 10

11 Matters Arising Dr. Jim Poisant Matters 9/11/2015 11

12 ITEMSDESCRIPTION WITSA VisionChairman Khoo requested that the statement: “Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age” be discussed at the May 13 th board meeting. Status: Discussion scheduled 2011 GoalsChairman Khoo and B Taselaar asked the Sec Gen to rework the intangible goals in his 2011 KPI. Status: Goals were reworked and submitted to Chairman Khoo and Bernd Taselaar by the Sec Gen. WITSA Tax Status Mr. Looi asked if WITSA was tax exempt? Status: The Sec Gen reported to Mr Looi that in fact within the US WITSA is Tax Exempt (501c) MATTERS ARISING 9/11/2015 12

13 ITEMSDESCRIPTION Membership Application Iranian ICT Guild Association (IIG) not approved in previous meeting due to lack of board quorum. Status: IIG is on the agenda for May 13 th. Year End Incentive Bonuses (2010) Year End Incentive Bonus for WITSA Paid Staff Status: Chairman of Finance committee to report status to the Board. WCIT 2012 Issue of overdue payment Montreal (ITAC) owes WITSA past fee for the WCIT 2012 Licensing fees. Status: Change in management. New management has assured WITSA (Sec Gen) payments to being in May (Additional information in Financial Report) BOD Meeting Items on August 10, 2010 9/11/2015 13

14 ITEMSDESCRIPTION China membership Dr. Poisant to follow up with Mr. Lemay and Mr. Chang of CISA. Status: The Sec Gen was working with Mr, LeMay on this issue. Mr. LeMay is not longer with the WCIT 2012. The Sec Gen is working with the new CEO of the WCIT and CISA to recruit China. WITSA Regional Definitions WITSA members have asked WITSA to reconsider its definitions of regions. Status: The Sec Gen sent his recommendations to all members and received feedback (April 2011). He will report on survey results and make recommendations for changing regional definitions. BOD Meeting Items on August 10, 2010 9/11/2015 14

15 ITEMSDESCRIPTION Investment of revenues Board asked the Sec Gen to invest investment capital in a Money Market, Certificate of Deposit and Treasury Notes. Status: The Sec Gen notified the WITSA Chairman and the Chairman of the Finance Committee that due to low rates of Certificated of Deposits (CD) and the fees and risk of Treasury Notes $700 K was moved from one bank to another at a Money Market rate of 1.25%. The Sec Gen is investigating another bank which offers 2% for CD’s (24 months), if this is the case 250K will be invested in a CD. Event CommitteeChairman Khoo expressed concern over newly formed Event Committee not having time to contribute to the GPPS and World Congress. Status: All members are invited to be members of the GPPS program committee. More definition as to how the committee can assist is being investigated. BOD Meeting Items on August 10, 2010 9/11/2015 15

16 Public Policy Action Committee Session John Higgins, Chairman Anders Halvorsen Tim Conway 9/11/2015 16

17 I.Chairman’s Remarks II.Approve of Minutes of Previous Meeting Remarks and approval of meeting minutes from October 30, 2010 (Johannesburg) III.Policy Framework, priorities and taxonomy Paper to be circulated IV.Agree WITSA Policy Brochure To be circulated V.Review GPPS 2011 Program To be circulated Dr. Amado Espinosa/ Dr. Jim Poisant VI.Review Plans for G-20i and discuss future engagement with G20 ICT Project Mr. Phil Bond VII.Review Progress on WITSA Global Impact Study and Agree Next Steps Mr. Tim Conway VIII.Receive Report on MENA 2011 Conference Mr. Nizar Zakka (tentative) IV.Review Report on IGF, ICANN, WTO Mr. Anders Halvorsen Policy Action Committee Meeting: Agenda 9/11/2015 17

18 i.Sub-Saharan Africa Grant Proposal ii.Board Quorum Issues iii.Regional Analysis and Recommendations iv.WCIT 2012: Change of Event Date v.Four (4) Membership Applications for Approval 1.Business Association, Communication Portugal (ACIST), for Regular Membership 2.CANIEITI, Mexico, for Regular Membership 3.Iranian ICT Guild Organization (IIG) for Associate Membership (Iran) 4.Association of Information and Communications Technology (SKIKK) Kosovo vi.Board Member Resignations Mexico: Nominee Recommended to Serve Term – Mr. Santiago Gutierrez Trinidad & Tobago: Nominee Recommended to Serve Term – Mr. Owen Fields vii.Decision required from the Board arising from the Committee Meetings Decision Block Agenda 9/11/2015 18

19 Sub-Saharan Africa Grant Proposal (1/2) 9/11/2015 19 D 1 Cost: US$61,072.00* / EUR132,629.00 Request for 15% grant (US$29,483.00* / EUR19,894.00) Desktop research based on travels to 10 SSA countries and will be done. At least 10 viable economies will be integrated into WITSA by end of year 2012 while the existing 7 non-active members will be Duration: 6 months

20 Outcomes & Benefits i.Production of a Publication of Desktop/Travel Research findings on WITSA members in SSA and on 10 key non-members ii.Membership of 10 key non-members above iii.Reactivation of 7 existing inactive members iv.Creation of the SSA website i.e. to be linked to v.Reactivation of the African ICT Alliance – AICTA through convening of the West African ICT Alliance at the first instance. Sub-Saharan Africa Grant Proposal (2/2) 9/11/2015 20

21 WITSA Board Quorum Issues and Discussion 9/11/2015 21

22 No Board Quorum Two Consecutive BOD Meetings: South Africa, October 2010 February 24, 2011 Repercussion of Non- Quorum Meetings No voting decisions are valid, i.e. New members cannot join WITSA Budgets and Business Plans cannot be approved Shows lack of interest in WITSA Board Quorum (1/4) 9/11/2015 22 10 members have missed 3 consecutive Board meetings

23 Steps Taken to Ensure Quorums Alternates Designated/to date One response RSVP’s Requested Publishing Attendance Report in minutes Discussion / Attendance at BOD Meetings Bylaws Chairman Excused Absences Recommendations / Directors Missing Numerous Meetings Board Quorum (2/4) 9/11/2015 23 D 2

24 3/3 Removal from Office Ref Bylaws 6.5 Any Director may be removed from the Board only for cause by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors, which cause shall include (a) loss of the qualifications set forth above and (b) three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from meetings of the Board either in person or by telephone, the Chairman being authorized to excuse absences as he in his discretion deems appropriate. Board Quorum (3/4) 9/11/2015 24

25 Options: Drop without warning; if missed 2 or more meetings (from May 2010 to May 2011) Drop with warning; warning will be issued that member will be drop from the Board –i.e. if missed 2 meetings (from May 2010 to May 2011), member will receive a warning –i.e. if missed 3 meetings (from May 2010 to May 2011), member will automatically drop from the Board Do we need to revise the bylaws so Board members do not need approval to miss meetings Open Discussion Board Quorum (4/4) 9/11/2015 25

26 Information Gathering Period WITSA Regional Definitions 9/11/2015 26 Regional Analysis / Recommendations Sent to Members: April 27 th Review of Recommendations Feedback of Members Discussion

27 Since WITSA ‘s inception, WITSA has defined regions. WITSA has not adapted its definition to reflect geographic and geopolitical changes. WITSA needs to align its definition of regions within contemporary realities. WITSA asked its members to comment on the subject of WITSA regions. WITSA Regional Recommendations 9/11/2015 27

28 Currently, WITSA has defined seven (7) regions, each represented by a Regional Vice Chairman: Regional Survey: Current Situation 7 Regions North America Central & South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Middle East and North Africa Africa Asia

29 Toni Petreski (MASIT) Ian Birks (AIIA) Waclaw Iszkowski (PIIT) Vilma Misiukoniene (INFOBALT) Javier Allard (AMITI) Jorge Cassino (CESSI) Vasile Baltac (ATIC) Paul Fervoy (CAMTIC) Mr. Omar Ansari (NICTAA) Mr. Waudo Siganga (CSK) Mr. Nizar Zakka (PCA) WITSA Members Responded to Regional Questions:

30 Review recommends 12 regions as opposed to 7: Comments regarding recommended regions (handout) Review / Discussion 9/11/2015 30 1. South East Asia2. South Central Asia 3. East Asia4. Oceania 5. North America6. Latin America 7. Caribbean8. Middle East / North Africa 9. Sub-Saharan Africa10. Region 1 (Europe) 11. Region 2 (Europe)12. Region 3 (Europe)

31 Asia (East Asia, South East Asia, South Central Asia): Regional Recommendations (1/9) 9/11/2015 31

32 Oceania Regional Recommendations (2/9) 9/11/2015 32

33 Latin America (Includes Mexico) Regional Recommendations (3/9) 9/11/2015 33

34 Caribbean Regional Recommendations (4/9) 9/11/2015 34

35 Middle East and North Africa (No Change) Regional Recommendations (5/9) 9/11/2015 35

36 Sub-Saharan Africa (No Change) Regional Recommendations (6/9) 9/11/2015 36

37 Region 1: Europe Regional Recommendations (7/9) 9/11/2015 37

38 Region 2: Europe Regional Recommendations (8/9) 9/11/2015 38

39 Region 3: Europe Regional Recommendations (9/9) 9/11/2015 39

40 Review from Poland: decision? Discussion Final Decision Regional Definitions 9/11/2015 40 D 3

41 May 2012 to October 2012 Presentation by Mr. Stephane Bertrand WITSA World Congress 2012: Change of Event Date 9/11/2015 41

42 WITSA World Congress 2012: Impact 9/11/2015 42 D 4 Impact General Assembly & Elections –Comments from Jim Lewis ref: Bylaws 6.2.3 (Directors) Directors shall be elected for a term of two years (or until the next General Assembly if elected between General Assemblies by the Board), and shall serve until their successors are elected and qualify in their stead. ref: Bylaws 9.5.4 (Chairman) The Chairman shall be elected for a term of two (2) years, or until his successor is elected an qualifies, by the affirmative, majority vote of the Members present in person or by proxy at a General Assembly or such other regular or special meeting of Members called for that stated purpose having a quorum. Options: Have it at the spring meeting or at the fall meeting during WCIT 2012 Tenure of the current Board members –Refer to the Bylaws clause above Spring meeting: Location WCIT 2014: Stay at spring or move to fall –Sponsorship recruitment can start in spring

43 Decisions Allow date change for WITSA World Congress (WCIT) 2012 Allow for the BoD to amend the contract with WCIT 2012 Montreal Inc General Assembly and Elections to be held in spring or fall of 2012 WITSA World Congress 2012: Decisions 9/11/2015 43

44 i.Business Association, Communication Portugal (ACIST), Portugal ii.CANIEITI, Mexico iii.Kosovo Association of Information and Communication Technology (STIKK), Republic of Kosovo iv.Iranian ICT Guild Organization (IIG), Iran Current total members: 78; with 4 new applications: total 82 members Membership Applications 9/11/2015 44 D 5

45 Membership Application Business Association, Communication Portugal (ACIST) DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL Dr. Jim Poisant Drs. Bernd Taselaar

46 Business Association, Communication Portugal ACIST Non-profit national employers’ association which fights to protect and promote the collective interests of the business sector that it represents within the telecommunications and information technology sector. The only association of its kind at a national level and has a channelling role for representatives of telecommunications manufacturers and operators. Open Discussion/Vote 9/11/2015 D 5a

47 Membership Application CANIETI DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL Dr. Jim Poisant Dr. Jorge Cassino

48 CANIETI Application for membership from Canieti, Mexico Based on strong support of WITSA Hosting WCIT / GPPS Sponsorship of WCIT 2008 / 2010 Committee Participation Open Discussion/Vote 9/11/2015 D 5b

49 Membership Application Kosovo Association of Information and Communication Technology (STIKK) DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL Dr. Jim Poisant Dr. Jorge Cassino

50 Kosovo Association of Information and Communication Technology STIKK Started operation at the end of 2008 Currently has 68 members Represents 90% of the active companies in the ICT sector Implemented numerous activities aimed to promote the ICT sector; improve its regulatory framework, implement research and inudstry specific analysis, facilitate professional development of sector’s constituents Open Discussion/Vote 9/11/2015 D 5c

51 Membership Application Iranian ICT Guild Organization (IIG) DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL Dr. Jim Poisant Mr. Nizar Zakka

52 Iranian ICT Guild Organization IIG Established in 2005 Estimated about 5,900 members Formed to order and organize computer, legal and commercial activities with great efforts made by the industrialists in Iran’s Telecommunication & Information Technology Members from 17 Provinces Council of 23 Members Special Work Groups Open Discussion/Vote 9/11/2015 D4D 5d

53 Board Member Resignations: i.Mr. Carlos Allende (Mexico), Mr. Santiago Gutierrez recommended as replacement ii. Mr. Rabindra Jaggernauth (Trinidad & Tobago), Mr. Owen Fields recommended as replacement 9/11/2015 53

54 Article VI: Directors, Section 6.4 Election of Directors Bylaws ArticleDescription 6.4If the office of any Director or Directors becomes vacant because of death, resignation, removal disqualification, or otherwise, the Board shall elect, by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Directors present and voting at a regular or special meeting of the Board of Director, a successor or successors, who shall serve the unexpired terms of the vacated Directorship(s). The Board shall give due consideration to election of a successor Director who is a Representative or alternate of the Member for which the prior Director was the Representative Member. Such successor Director shall serve only for the unexpired term of his predecessor Director, but shall be eligible for re-election at the General Assembly.

55 Format of Casting Votes Requests a Show of Hands Vote for Nominee Discussion / Vote Vacancy Directors from Mexico and Trinidad & Tobago Recommendation (Mr. Santiago Gutierrez as Director) Mr. Owen Field as Director Discussion / Vote D 6

56 Article VI: Directors, Section 6.11 Appointment of Regional Vice Chairman Bylaws ArticleDescription 6.11The Board shall appoint from among the Directors a vice chairman of each Region (“Regional Vice Chairman”), with particular responsibility to ascertain and to voice the interest and concerns of Members within such geographical Regions as the Board shall designate, to retain Members, and to generate new Members and Associate Members

57 Process of Nomination and Selection 1.The Sec Gen will solicit nominations on behalf of the Nominating Committee for the position of Vice Chairman for Latin America. (Two Board members from Latin America are eligible). 2.The Sec Gen will gather the nominations and present them to the Nominating Committee. 3.The Nominating Committee will submit the nominations to the BOD at the next BOD meeting and request that the BOD appoint the VC to serve the remainder of the term. Latin American Regional Vice Chairman 9/11/2015 57

58 WITSA Treasurer’s Report Mr. Roger Latchman 9/11/2015 58

59 Current Status on WCIT 2012 payments Thanks goes to Mexico for advance payments for GPPS 2011 and WCIT 2014 Financial Reports (May 13, 2011) 9/11/2015 59

60 Balance Sheet (January-March 2011) Profit and Loss Statement (Jan-Mar 2011) Handouts Financial Report 9/11/2015 60

61 WITSA Dues 9/11/2015 61 All 2011 Invoices have been sent Dues are coming in Thanks to all for payments

62 WITSA Vision 9/11/2015 62

63 WITSA Present Vision WITSA Present Vision WITSA is the leading recognized voice of the global ICT Industry which is the key driver of global economic growth. South Africa Strategic Planning Meeting What BOD said they were passionate about- “Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age” BOD advocates changing from internal to global Discussion 9/11/2015 63

64 Standing Committee Meeting Reports 9/11/2015 64

65 9/11/2015 65 COMMITTEECHAIRMAN Finance/Audit/CompensationMr. Roger Latchman ITA Global TradeDato’ Dan E Khoo for Mr. David Wong PIKOM MembershipDr. Poisant for Mr. Ian Birks AIIA Events TaskforceDr. Jim Poisant WITSA

66 Finance / Audit / Compensation Committee Mr. Roger Latchman ITA 9/11/2015 66

67 WITSA’s Audit firm to begin work on 2010 in May 2011: should be completed in June. WITSA Staff Compensation Status (2010) AUDIT/COMPENSATION 9/11/2015 67

68 Global Trade Committee Dato’ Dan E Khoo for Mr. David Wong PIKOM 9/11/2015 68

69 Current Status:- Launched on Nov 3, 2009 @ GPPS 2009 WITSA Global Trade Portal url :  2,638 registered companies  1,962 registered individual members (WCIT2008 delegates) Global Trade Portal 9/11/2015 69

70 List of WITSA 20 Business Centres: Soft Landing Zones 9/11/2015 70 CESSI Buenos Aires, Argentina PCA/IJMA3 Beirut, Lebanon UITE Yerevan, Armenia WITSA HQ Cyberjaya, Malaysia AIIA Melbourne, Australia PIKOM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ITAC Ontario, Canada AMITI/MexicoIT Guadalajara, Mexico GECHS Santiago, Chile ITAN Abuja, Nigeria CISA Taipei, Chinese Taipei MaSIT Skopje, Rep of Macedonia CAMTIC San Jose, Costa Rica ATIC Bucuresti, Romania EITESAL Cairo, Egypt ITA Johannesburg, South Africa CSK Nairobi, Kenya AMETI Madrid, Spain FKII Seoul, Rep of Korea WITSA North America Vienna VA, US

71 WTM in Syria, March 2011: Report 9/11/2015 71 Number of delegates attended WTM : 42 out of 63. Participated countries : Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Lithuania, UAE, Iran, Mexico, Morocco, while two countries did not attend the B2B i.e. Sudan and Palestine. Nizar Zakka, secretary general of IJMA3 opened the session of the WTM, followed by Mr Talal Abu Ghazaleh, CEO and Chairman of TAGorg, Vice President for the Corporation Committee – SCS and Mr Abdulkader Awad, Vice President for the Corporation Committee – SCS. A brief summary on the flow of B2B  Number of registered participants for B2B presentation: 63  Number of meetings scheduled: 28  Amount of potential business deals discussed: 16 for partnerships, 4 as dealers, 6 as Buyers, the rest as consultants

72 Next WTM: Mark Your Calendar! 72 9/11/2015

73 Membership Committee Dr. Jim Poisant for Mr. Ian Birks WITSA 9/11/2015 73

74 Discussion Membership 9/11/2015 74 Membership Chairman, Mr. Ian Birks resigned Request for volunteer to replace for remainder of term (2010- 2012) Discussion

75 Events Taskforce Committee Dr. Jim Poisant WITSA 9/11/2015 75

76 Working Lunch Discuss format of future BOD meeting Discuss implications of WCIT 2012 (date change) 9/11/2015 76

77 Regional Presentations & Discussion 9/11/2015 77

78 REGIONVICE CHAIRMAN Africa Dr. Jimson Olufuye ITAN Middle East and North Africa Mr. Nizar Zakka PCA Eastern Europe Mr. Goran Mitreski MaSIT Western Europe REGRETS Latin America REGRETS (Resigned) North America Mr. Bernard Courtois ITAC Asia-Oceania Mr. Hiromi Sugiyama JISA 9/11/2015 78

79 WITSA GPPS 2011 Dr. Amado Espinosa Mr. Santiago Gutierrez CANIETI 9/11/2015 79

80 WITSA World Congress (WCIT) 2012 Mr. Stephane Bertrand ITAC 9/11/2015 80

81 Business Opportunities in India Mr. Som Mittal 9/11/2015 81

82 Meeting Calendar 9/11/2015 82

83 9/11/2015 83 Conference Call 3Q 2011 Fall 2011 Date: November 4-5, 2011 Venue: Guadalajara, Mexico Hosted by the AMITI / CANIETI / MEXICO- IT GPPS 2013: Hosting opportunity is Open

84 Other Business Open Discussion 9/11/2015 84

85 THANK YOU! 9/11/2015 85

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