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Group 3 White Board Group 6 Group 9 Group 2 Group 5 Group 8 Group 1 Group 4 Group 7 Door into class LR Welcome to Chemistry, Spring 2012!!! Please find.

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2 Group 3 White Board Group 6 Group 9 Group 2 Group 5 Group 8 Group 1 Group 4 Group 7 Door into class LR Welcome to Chemistry, Spring 2012!!! Please find the group that matches your element.

3 3-23-1 3-33-4 White Board 6-26-1 6-36-4 9-29-1 9-39-4 2-22-1 2-32-4 5-25-1 5-35-4 8-28-1 8-38-4 1-21-1 1-31-4 4-24-1 4-34-4 7-27-1 7-37-4 Door into class LR Welcome to Chemistry, Spring 2012!!! Important Group Designations

4 Welcome to Chemistry, Spring 2012!  Today  Who Is Ms. Stroh?  The Boring but SUPER Important Stuff: Beginning Procedures, Class Expectations, and the Big Goal!  Syllabus/Room Scavenger Hunt  Tomorrow  Why should we care about the AWESOME subject of Chemistry?  More Procedures, More Fun!

5 Who is Ms. Stroh?



8 When You Enter the Classroom…  Say hi to Ms. Stroh  Walk to the front lab bench and…  Take one copy of EACH handout sitting on lab bench  The first person from each group to enter the room should pick up their group’s folder from orange bin (2 nd : BLUE, 4 th : ORANGE, 5 th : GREEN)  QUIETLY sit in your desk, make sure you have something to write with, and QUIETLY begin working on the Catalyst questions  You should be ready to go by the time the tardy bell rings  A timer will let you know how much time you have


10 Weekly Worksheet Instructions  Quietly complete Catalyst (on the correct day) when you enter class…be aware of the time!  You get a stamp if you are working  If you are talking, being disruptive, or just not doing anything, don’t expect credit!  Go over Catalyst as a class, put WW in group folder  Quietly complete Exit Question (on the correct day) at the end of class…be aware of the time!  Put WW in group folder before you leave class  Ms. Stroh will check answers after class each day!

11 First Day of Each Week…  Write down one goal for the week  This goal can relate to your life in our out of this class, in or out of school  Make it personal and something you actually want to work for  It can be simple or complex  Example: “To make an A on my English test on Friday, I will study at least 3 nights this week.”

12 Monday Mystery Element!  Every Monday only, you will learn about another element following these steps… 1. Write down 3 interesting facts from Ms. Stroh in boxes on Weekly Worksheet (facts will written on projector) 2. Silently, write a Hypothesis (guess) on line above fact boxes that answers the question, “What element do you think it is?” 3. Write the Actual element on line above fact boxes after discussion with Ms. Stroh

13 Monday Mystery Element 1. This element is colorless. 2. This element is needed for combustion. 3. This element makes up 21% of the earth’s atmosphere. Now, make a Hypothesis silently! Let’s Practice!

14 Monday Mystery Element 1. This element is colorless. 2. This element is needed for combustion. 3. This element makes up 21% of the earth’s atmosphere. What Element is It??? OXYGEN!

15 Entering Class Practice Time!  Way Back Wednesday Catalyst: On the paper you picked up on your way in, write your response to the following question...(DON’T write the question!)  What has been your favorite subject and why? It doesn’t have to be science! ;)  When you are done, please sit quietly and wait for the timer to go off

16 Time to go over the Catalyst  Please be respectful of your peers and listen to each response as we share our answers  Any questions???


18 What does Ms. Stroh expect from each and every one of you? Ms. Stroh’s Class Expectations 1. Be respectful. 2. Be responsible. 3. Work hard and own your education.

19 What does it mean to… be respectful? respect [ri ’ spekt] noun: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something brought out by their abilities, qualities, or achievements (Think-Pair-Share)  Who do we need to respect?  What things do we need to respect?

20 What does it mean to… be responsible? responsible [ri ’ sp ä nsebel] adjective: having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role; capable of being trusted (T-P-S)  Who are we responsible for?  What things do we need to be responsible for?

21 What does it mean to… work hard…? work [werk] verb: be engaged in physical or mental activity in order to achieve a purpose or result, especially in one's job; do work (T-P-S)  What kinds of work will be important in this class?  How can you make sure you get this work done?

22 What does it mean to… own your education? own [on] verb: have (something) as one's own; possess education [eje ’ ka sh en] noun: the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university (T-P-S)  So what does this mean?

23 Get ready for some STATS!

24 FYI: In 2009, Louisiana was… for student achievement in math and science tests 45 th in the nation 49 th in the nation for student success as measured by admission into college

25 FYI: In 2011, Jefferson Parish was… 52 nd in the state

26 To get into a 4-year college… LSU  GPA: 3.0  ACT: 22 UNO  GPA: 2.5  ACT: 19 ULL  GPA: 2.5  ACT: 19

27 BCS National Championship Teams LSU  GPA: 3.0  ACT: 22 Alabama  GPA: 3.0  ACT: 21

28 To be an Honors student in college… LSU  GPA: 3.5  ACT: 30 UNO  GPA: 3.25  ACT: 26 ULL  GPA: n/a  ACT: 26

29 Chicago Honors Student  s-students-also-struggle-robeson-high s-students-also-struggle-robeson-high

30 Big Goal  To D-O-M-I-N-A-T-E! Class average of 85% or higher mastery for all Louisiana Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs) Ask questions, investigate, and analyze data effectively


32 Syllabus Time!  Please send group member #2 to the front to pick up the Syllabus and the Scavenger Hunt from Ms. Stroh’s lab bench  Everyone must turn in their own Syllabus Scavenger Hunt Assignment, but you can help each other complete it

33 Exit Question Remember! Quietly, write answer in the “Monday Mystery Element Exit Question” box. When finished, place it in the “To Ms. Stroh” pocket of the group folder. What are you most excited about this semester at Higgins? HOMEWORK: COMPLETE STUDENT SURVEY, GET PARENT LETTER SIGNED

34 Your Name Phone # to reach you (optional) Name of Parent/Guardian/Relative Relationship Phone # Best time to reach him/her *Include 2 parents, guardians, or relatives if possible*

35 Catalyst – January 2(5), 2012 Don’t forget how to enter the room! (Please sit in same group and put survey homework on your desk. Just write answer to Catalyst Question.)  Catalyst Question: What are Ms. Stroh’s 3 Class Expectations? When you are done, please sit quietly and wait for the timer to go off.

36 Today’s Agenda  Catalyst  Triangle Pencil Activity  Finish Syllabus/Room Scavenger Hunt  Syllabus Review/More Procedures  Why Chemistry?/Demo!  Exit Question HW: Achievement Gap Article: Read and Answer Questions, Parent Letter

37 Today’s Objectives  SWBAT create a group plan.  SWBAT understand the syllabus and describe basic classroom procedures.  SWBAT describe why Chemistry is important.

38 Group Challenge!  Each group will be given 6 pencils  You will put your heads together in order to make 4 equilateral triangles  Each pencil end must touch another pencil end  Pencils cannot be crossed or broken

39 Finish Syllabus Scavenger Hunt  You have 10-15 minutes to finish the assignment  When you are done, please place it in your group folder on the “To Ms. Stroh” side

40 Syllabus “Pop Quiz” 1. How much is the lab fee? 2. How often will you get a progress report? 3. What is the 2 nd negative consequence? 4. How many binders do you need in your binder? 5. How many points will you get when you complete test corrections accurately?

41 Syllabus Review  Lab Fee of $10 due Friday, February 10 th  Weekly Progress Reports = 1 Quiz Grade per 9-weeks  Negative Consequences -   Positive Consequences -  Materials – Binder, dividers, paper, pen/pencil  Homework – Must be complete and on time!  Absences – Must make up all work, especially tests and quizzes  Test Corrections – Get half points

42 Negative Consequences 1. 1 st verbal warning 2. 2 nd verbal warning + name on board 3. Lunch detention (15 minutes, serve in Ms. Stroh’s room, ask for pass) 4. Double lunch detention (2 x 15 minutes), possible phone call home 5. Referral to Discipline

43 Positive Consequences  Praise and love from Ms. Stroh  Chemistry Stud Tickets  Group of the Week!  Class points  Class Reward Time  Positive phone calls home

44 Chemistry Hood Materials  At least a 2 inch 3-ring binder with paper and/or spiral notebook  4 dividers for your binder  Writing utensil EVERYDAY (pen or pencil)  Binder will be a QUIZ GRADE…due Tuesday!

45 Homework  Completing and understanding homework is necessary for success in this class  You will receive a ZERO if you leave any questions blank  If you have questions and are worried about leaving questions blank, you should come in during lunch or after school, call classmates or Ms. Stroh

46 Absences/Make-Up Work IIf you are ever absent… GGo over to the front lab bench FFind the “This Week” container TTake one copy of each handout from the folder PPlease keep folder neat RRed Weekly Worksheet folder on cabinet MMake-up work MUST be turned by the end of the week you come back to school. No late assignments accepted!

47 Test Corrections  If you miss questions on TESTS ONLY, you have the opportunity to make test corrections within one week of test distribution  You may use notes, each other, or Ms. Stroh for help  Corrections must be completed in Ms. Stroh’s room at lunch or after school  You will receive half the points you originally lost for all correctly corrected questions

48 More Procedures  IDs, Uniforms  Activity Log  Tardies (3 = lunch dentention)  Turning in assignments (Group Folders)  Profanity  Electronic devices  Restroom  Sharpening and borrowing pencils  Early Finishers/Extra Credit  Don’t forget!  Entering and exiting classroom  Weekly Worksheets

49 Survey Responses  Sticker Talk – let the stickers do the talking  Place stickers on the posters around the room showing your “YES” or “NO” answer to each question  After you’re done sticking, walk around to see your classmates responses!  Any similarities between yourself and the class?

50 What is Chemistry?  Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, and reactions!  Scientists have studied and figured out things for hundreds of years.

51 Glo-sticks

52 Prescription Drugs

53 The Chemistry of Recycling

54 Pheromones

55 Nuclear Power

56 So Why Do We Care About Chemistry Again???  Chemistry is cool!  Chemistry is on the GEE (Graduate Exit Exam), which you need to pass to graduate high school  Chemistry is required for TOPS  Want money?  The more education you get, the more money you earn. On average, college graduates earn $22,000 more than high-school graduates, every year.

57 Makin Money is Niiiiice!



60 Remember! In 2009, Louisiana was… for student achievement in math and science tests 45 th in the nation 49 th in the nation for student success as measured by admission into college

61 FYI: In 2011, Jefferson Parish was… 52 nd in the state

62 education-rankings-_n_894528.html

63 Big Goal  To D-O-M-I-N-A-T-E! Class average of 85% or higher mastery for all Louisiana Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs) Ask questions, investigate, and analyze data effectively

64 Personal Motto  On your Post-It, write a motto that you want to live by  Make your personal motto relevant to this class

65 Exit Question 1. How does a group become Group of the Week? What is the reward? 2. What happens if you leave a question blank on your homework? Homework: Achievement Gap Article/Questions!

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