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{ Gabby Genaw Ms. Crawford CPU 7B 28 March 2014. St. Frances Cabrini school and parish 1 ST GRADE 2 ND GRADE 3 RD GRADE 4 TH GRADE 5 th GRADE 6 TH GRADE.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Gabby Genaw Ms. Crawford CPU 7B 28 March 2014. St. Frances Cabrini school and parish 1 ST GRADE 2 ND GRADE 3 RD GRADE 4 TH GRADE 5 th GRADE 6 TH GRADE."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Gabby Genaw Ms. Crawford CPU 7B 28 March 2014

2 St. Frances Cabrini school and parish 1 ST GRADE 2 ND GRADE 3 RD GRADE 4 TH GRADE 5 th GRADE 6 TH GRADE 7 th GRADE 8 th GRADE SPECIAL CLASSES


4 Fabulous First Grade Fabulous First Grade Mrs. JohnsonMiss. Smolinski

5 Stupendous Second Grade Mrs. Palazzolo Miss. Benso

6 Tremendous Third Grade Mrs. Brennan Mrs. Topy

7 Fabulous Fourth Grade Mrs. LipkaMrs. Whalen

8 Fantastic Fifth Grade Miss. Higgins Mrs. Haftel

9 Super Sixth Grade Mrs. Seiloff; Homeroom, 6 th grade math and religion, 8 th grade math Mrs. Pizzo; homeroom, language arts 6-8 Ms. Beidie; homeroom, geography, science, reading 6 th grade only

10 Studious Seventh Grade Mr. Kerr; homeroom, science 6-8 Ms. Frankovich; Homeroom, reading 7 th and 8 th Miss. Winton-Smith; homeroom, english 6 th and 7 th

11 Excellent Eighth Grade Ms. Crawford; homeroom, CPU 4-8 Miss. Surma; Homeroom, geography 6-8 Mrs. Turnwald; homeroom, religion 7 th and 8 th

12 Special Classes Mr. Schneider; Drama, Music, Choir Mrs. Ackley; Art Mrs. Ryan; Living Scripture Mrs. Williams; library Mr. Bessette; gym Ms. Crawford; CPU4-8, yearbook Mrs.wisser; k-3 computers

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