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California Office of Binational Border Health Projects Advisory Group Meeting Monday, March 2, 2009 San Diego Presented by April Fernández Michael Welton.

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Presentation on theme: "California Office of Binational Border Health Projects Advisory Group Meeting Monday, March 2, 2009 San Diego Presented by April Fernández Michael Welton."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Office of Binational Border Health Projects Advisory Group Meeting Monday, March 2, 2009 San Diego Presented by April Fernández Michael Welton

2 Current Projects 1) Binational Cervical Cancer Project 2) COBBH Web site 3) Spanish Immunization Web site Workgroup 4) Environmental Health Leadership Summit 5) Queso Fresco Task Force 6) Annual Border Health Status Report 7) Pesticides Project 8) Border MACH Project 9) Lead Outreach Project 10) Diabetes Workgroup and Outreach Project

3 Projects  Purpose  Partners  Outcomes  Next Steps

4 Binational Cervical Cancer Outreach Project Purpose  To prevent invasive cervical cancer among Migrant Latina women in California and Mexico. Project objectives include: 1) Establish a mechanism (i.e., steering committee and technical advisory committee) for collaboration between California and Mexico on cervical cancer prevention; 2) Identify or develop and disseminate bilingual outreach materials to raise awareness about cervical cancer 2) Identify or develop and disseminate bilingual outreach materials to raise awareness about cervical cancer

5 Binational Cervical Cancer Outreach Project Partners  CDPH: STD Control Branch, Health Information Unit; Cancer Detection Section, and Office of Women’s Health  Public Health Institute  Planned Parenthood of SD and Riverside Counties  SDSU Institute for Public Health  American Cancer Society, and  CCLHO

6 Binational Cervical Cancer Outreach Project Outcomes  Produced a 30 sec and 60 sec Public Service Announcements Radio Bilingue Bustos Media  Available on the SWAP site (

7 Binational Cervical Cancer Outreach Project Next Steps  Continue disseminating PSA to public health venues  Develop a promotora curriculum  Develop informational brochure or card  Develop and implement an evaluation tool to measure outcomes

8 COBBH Web site Purpose  To inform public health professionals on COBBH projects, outreach materials, and serve as a clearinghouse on border health issues

9 COBBH Web site Partners  CDPH DCDC Web Team  Provide links to border health partners, e.g., Border State Offices, USMBHC, HIA, CDC, etc…

10 COBBH Web site Outcomes   Includes: reports, outreach materials, related links, contact information, Advisory Group roster

11 COBBH Web site Next Steps  Create a Bilingual option

12 Spanish Immunization Web site Workgroup Purpose  To produce an immunization web site with accurate and comprehensive information, as a “one-stop” health shop for Latinos.

13 Spanish Immunization Web site Workgroup Partners  CDPH-CID-DCDC-IMM and CDPH-CFH-MCAH-PD  San Diego County  San Ysidro Health Center  Imperial Co.  Amador Co.  Santa Barbara Co.  Solano Co.  L.A. Co., and more…

14 Spanish Immunization Web site Workgroup Outcomes (projected) Launch Web site by the end of April 2009 -Necessary vaccinations -Vaccinations for school -Resources

15 Environmental Health Leadership Summit Purpose  To bring together environmental health and justice advocates, government agencies, and community residents to identify strategies to address issues in Imperial County through community engagement.  New River  Pesticide Exposure

16 Environmental Health Leadership Summit Partners  Comite Civico del Valle in Imperial County  Department of Pesticides Regulation  Department of Toxic Substance Control  Environmental Health Protection Branch  National Latino Research Center  The California Endowment  The California Wellness Foundation  California Rural Legal Assistance  American Lung Association in California  New River Committee  California Hazardous Materials Investigators Association

17 Environmental Health Leadership Summit Outcomes  150+ Participants  COBBH presented on Panel with DTSC, DPR, and EHIB  Cancer association with New River  Environmental Pollution Reporting Guide  Cross-Border Pollution Prosecution

18 Environmental Health Leadership Summit Next Steps DTSC Environmental Justice Workshop DTSC Environmental Justice Workshop-4/14/09 Environmental Pollution Guide

19 Queso Fresco Task Force Purpose  To confirm that by establishing and enforcing a personal use limit at U.S. ports of entry, there will be a significant reduction in commercial trafficking of high-risk raw-milk cheese.

20 Queso Fresco Task Force Partners  CA Department of Food & Agriculture, Milk & Dairy Branch  U.S. Food and Drug Administration  U.S. Customs and Border Protection  Orange County Department of Environmental Health  Riverside County Department of Environmental Health  San Diego County Department of Environmental Health  San Diego County Office of Border Health

21 Annual Border Health Status Report 2007-2008 Purpose  The Border Health Status Report provides current data on key border and binational health indicators. Maternal and child health, general health indicators, diabetes, obesity, nutrition, and physical activity

22 Annual Border Health Status Report 2007-2008 Partners  CDPH-Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Program/Center for Family Health  CDPH-California Diabetes Program  CDPH-Immunization Branch  Imperial County Public Health Department  San Diego County Public Health Department

23 Annual Border Health Status Report 2007-2008 Outcomes Report to be completed May 2009

24 California-Baja California Integrated Pesticide Illness Surveillance and Exposure Prevention Project Purpose  Implement a binational institutional protocol, and provide tools and training necessary for addressing pesticide illness recognition, treatment, and reporting.

25 California-Baja California Integrated Pesticide Illness Surveillance and Exposure Prevention Project Partners  U.S.-Environmental Protection Agency  Department of Pesticide Regulation  Imperial County Public Health Department  Imperial County Agricultural Commissioner  Comité Civico del Valle  CDPH Occupational Health Branch  Border Environment Cooperation Commission

26 California-Baja California Integrated Pesticide Illness Surveillance and Exposure Prevention Project Outcomes  Protocol Draft  4/6 Provider Trainings  Outreach Materials Poster/Flyer Pocket Card Radio PSA

27 California-Baja California Integrated Pesticide Illness Surveillance and Exposure Prevention Project

28 Next Steps  Distribution and Evaluation  Implement and Evaluate Protocol  Two Provider Trainings in Mexicali

29 Border MACH Purpose  Building and reinforcing sustainable binational collaborative partnerships and capacity to share, maximize use and translate Maternal and Child Health data into actions for the benefit of communities in the Border Region

30 Border MACH Partners  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  USMBHC-TX  Imperial County Public Health Department  Others-TX & Mexico - To be announced

31 Border MACH Outcomes (projected) Timeline June 15-17, 2009 1 st BorderMACH workshop March 2010 2nd BorderMACH workshop August 2010 3 rd BorderMACH workshop

32 U.S. Border Lead Outreach Project: Lead in Traditional Pottery Purpose  To raise awareness in at-risk populations about lead in traditional pottery  To provide information on how to prevent lead exposure from traditional pottery

33 U.S. Border Lead Outreach Project: Lead in Traditional Pottery Partners  USMBHC CA Outreach Office  USMBHC AZ Outreach Office  U.S. Food and Drug Administration  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency  New Mexico Department of Public Health  Texas Department of Health Services  CDPH Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch  Universidad Autonoma de Baja California

34 U.S. Border Lead Outreach Project: Lead in Traditional Pottery Outcomes

35 Outcomes Final Report and all materials available at:

36 Diabetes Workgroup and Outreach Purpose  To create awareness in the border region about the prevalence and risk of diabetes

37 Diabetes Workgroup and Outreach Partners  CDPH-Diabetes Program  Radio Bilingue

38 Diabetes Workgroup and Outreach Outcomes Outcomes  Spanish/English Radio PSA to be developed for PAHO Binational Health Forum in San Luis, AZ.

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