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Knowledge-based Sustainable vAlue-added food chains: innovative tooLs for monitoring ethical, environmental and Socio-economic impActs and implementing.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge-based Sustainable vAlue-added food chains: innovative tooLs for monitoring ethical, environmental and Socio-economic impActs and implementing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge-based Sustainable vAlue-added food chains: innovative tooLs for monitoring ethical, environmental and Socio-economic impActs and implementing Eu-Latin shared strategies Buenos Aires, Argentina 17-18 June 2011 KICK OFF MEETING Cesare Zanasi


3 (Cesare Zanasi – Cosimo Rota) Defining the Road Map for a common understanding Basic concepts, methods and actions Relevant technical-scientific issues related to SALSA implementation

4 The life cycle thinking and management approach: main features Relevant technical-scientific issues related to SALSA implementation (Cesare Zanasi – Cosimo Rota) A.

5 Life Cycle Thinking

6 Life Cycle Management Definition “ the organizational dimension of the life cycle approaches…LCM uses various procedural and analytical tools for different applications and integrates economic, social and environmental aspects into an institutional context”.

7 Life Cycle Management LCM tools: Integrated Management Systems (IMS) Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Carbon Footprinting (CF) Life Cycle Design (LCD) Life Cycle Costing (LCC) Environmental Product Declaration (PE) Corporate Reporting (CR) Responsible Supply Chain Management (RSCM)

8 Life Cycle Assessment Definition LCA is a compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and other interventions and the current or potential environmental aspects and impacts throughout a product’s life cycle (i.e., “cradle to grave”).

9 Life Cycle Assessment

10 Goal and Scope Definition Life Cycle Inventory Analysis Life Cycle Impact Assessment Interpretation ISO 14041 ISO 14042 ISO 14043 Steps of an LCA Life Cycle Assessment

11 Extract from a Life Cycle Inventory – Dairy Plant Ingredients Ingredients other than raw milk Country of origin Transportation of ingredients to manufacturing plant Energy Electrical and thermal energy use Source of energy (black coal, natural gas, oil, LPG and biogas) Cogeneration systems Chemicals Main chemicals used in cleaning-in-place (CIP) systems (Caustic, nitric acid, triplex, sodium hypochlorite) Transportation of chemicals to manufacturing plant Water Quantity of water and water treatment process Solid waste Quantity of solids waste product and amount recycled Finished product Quantity of product-milk, yoghurt, cheese, milk powder etc produced at the manufacturing plant Life Cycle Assessment


13 Source: Chassot, A., Philipp, A., Gaillard, G., 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Kassel, 1.-4. März 2005. 2005, 1-1

14 Life Cycle Costing as an assessment of all costs associated with the life cycle of a product that are directly covered by any one or more of the actors in the product life cycle (supplier, producer, user/consumer, EOL-actor)”.

15 Life Cycle Costing Price + Life-Cycle Costs Product B costs less overall Product AProduct B $ Disposal & Post-Disposal Use Purchase Price Product A appears cheaper Product AProduct B $ Acquisition

16 Supply Chain Responsibility


18 Focus on data inventory – relations with stakeholders Relevant technical-scientific issues related to SALSA implementation B.

19 1.Define strategies to enhance the “willingness” to cooperate in data collection and management; encouraging collaboration among stakeholders Focus on data inventory/ relations with stakeholders Relevant issues

20 2.Chain representativeness in terms of : Product impact on LAC and EU sustainability Existing production systems Stakeholders inclusion (chain boundary) Focus on data inventory/ relations with stakeholders Relevant issues

21 3.Identification of: The functional unit for the analysis (final poduct considered in our analysis) (1 Litre of bio fuel, 1 kg of soymeal – beef carcass?) The boundaries of the analysis. Focus on data inventory/ relations with stakeholders Relevant issues

22 1.Enhance collaboration through appropriate socio- cultural analysis of the stakeholders and definition of communication strategies and institutions involvement 2.Clear understanding of the different partners’ role during the process of implementing the LCM tools Focus on data inventory/ relations with stakeholders Possible actions

23 3.Food chain choice: balance chains number and chain boundaries choice of supply chains including one or more of the following: One soya- beef integrated chain (EU beef) Soya for bio-fuels (different production systems) Beef in different relevant production systems (internal /international markets) Possible actions Focus on data inventory/ relations with stakeholders

24 3.Data Inventory: in the light of previous considerations: Definition of a “shopping list” Evaluation of its relevance and collection feasibility When needed, integrate missing data with already existing data bases Focus on data inventory/ relations with stakeholders Possible actions

25 ICTs architecture definition, ICTs adoption and implementation Relevant technical-scientific issues related to SALSA implementation C.

26 How to make it possible for the different stakeholders to adopt, and use in a collaborative way, the ICTS solutions provided? In particular roles of farmers (how to support farmers adoption of ICTs?) ICTs architecture definition, ICTs adoption and implementation Relevant issues

27 WEB solution design according to stakeholders needs and characteristics (technical cultural etc..). WEB solution adoption: overcoming cultural technical and economic barriers WEB architecture for an easy and effective communication to end users ICTs architecture definition, ICTs adoption and implementation Possible actions

28 This implies different strategies for different stakeholders relations effects on the supply chain organization (who is doing what?) when managing the software for the supply chain management? ICTs architecture definition, ICTs adoption and implementation Possible actions

29 REGULATION AND STANDARDS DATA BASE Relevant technical-scientific issues related to SALSA implementation D.

30 Most of the material is already existing and we need to organize it to fulfill SALSA goals the contribution of SALSA partners, IP and AB members, twinned projects as sources of information will be important The WP2 and WP5 leaders should provide a framework for data collection (a shopping list) National Latin American and EU Policies and Regulations

31 Twinning with other projects – possible actions Exchange of data Exchange of information (e.g. Innovation data base contents – regulation and quality standards Exchange of experiences on theoretical, methodological and field activites related to the project implementation OTHERS

32 Organization and management Knowledge-based Sustainable vAlue-added food chains: innovative tooLs for monitoring ethical, environmental and Socio-economic impActs and implementing Eu-Latin shared strategies Monica Russo, Cesare Zanasi



35 Partners

36 MAIN CHALLENGE Governance structure, roles and tasks Relevant issues Define Roles and Procedures for a: Quick Relevant Clear and organized KNOWLEDGE AND DATA EXCHANGE

37 Elasticity in relationship and tasks implementation (the n. of persons/month is consequent to legal/ administrative constraints) Governance structure, roles and tasks Actions and recommendations

38 Governance structure, roles and tasks Actions and recommendations One Latin American partners’ coordinator? Official? Yes: to be indicated in the Consortium Agreement Unofficial? Which tasks?

39 Could a WPs Leaders official body be useful? Governance structure, roles and tasks Relevant issues

40 DOODLE for SALSA meetings participation polls Video conference tools: SKYPE? Data repository: collection of papers Communication software and hardware to manage the Relations among partners Governance structure, roles and tasks

41 Advisory board and Industrial Platform Role of Dissemination and Exploitation Team Governance structure, roles and tasks

42 Others Governance structure, roles and tasks

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