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Early Alert at Sinclair Community College

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1 Early Alert at Sinclair Community College
Elizabeth A. Price Early Alert Coordinator Student Success Planning Services

2 Sinclair Community College
An urban community college of 22,000 students in Dayton, Ohio. Sinclair has 2 additional campuses at local YMCAs and a regional campus in Mason, Ohio. Vanguard Learning College by the League for Innovation in the Community College Achieving the Dream: “Community Colleges Count” grant.

3 History of Early Alert A part of the award-winning Student Success Plan software and program designed for at-risk student retention. Implemented the “home-grown” early alert software and program in 2005. Funded by Title III.

4 Presentation Overview
Intro and definition Process in six steps Benefits Data processing Implementation Considerations Results

5 Sinclair’s Early Alert System
Early Alert is an intervention program that allows faculty to notify advisors/counselors of ANY issues that may affect the success of a student.  It is a simple way of assisting students in difficulty find the help they need while taking very little time. Electronic Early Alert notifications are easy ways to promote retention and the success of students in classes. Currently utilized in all DEV courses, English 111, select Math courses, and the First Year Experience courses. “Preventative measure”

6 Creating the Link Faculty have frequent contact with students enabling them to identify potential problems. Advisors/counselors have the resources available to address problems. The Link: an online system that facilitates communication, provides information on campus and local resources, and records data.

7 The Early Alert Process
In Six Steps

8 Low Homework/Quiz Scores Low Test Scores Personal Concern Other
STEP 1 Instructor identifies a student or students having difficulty in class: Never Attended Class Excessive Absences Tardiness Academic Concern Low Homework/Quiz Scores Low Test Scores Personal Concern Other

9 STEP 2 Notification is sent by the instructor through the Student Success Plan (SSP) website.

10 2). Double click on the student’s name until a box appears.
1). Choose the Class Steven L Johnson Angela Sinclair ILP Mary Q Thomas Charles X Jones EAL Margaret Y Tartan CAP 2). Double click on the student’s name until a box appears. Click “Send Early Alert.”

11 Select the reason for the early alert
Angela Sinclair ILP Yvonne Dorsett 10-424 Student Success Planning Services Select the reason for the early alert Click “Add/Edit” to insert your suggestions. Opportunity for Comments

12 Click “Send Early Alert.”
Angela Sinclair ILP Yvonne Dorsett 10-424 Student Success Planning Services Click “Send Early Alert.”

13 Professors have the option of sending a general information letter to the student

14 An email is automatically distributed to the student’s advisor.
STEP 3 An is automatically distributed to the student’s advisor.  Students without an assigned advisor are automatically distributed to a pre-selected office or individual. Faculty receive an automatic confirming the alert was delivered to the advisor.

15 Student’s name, tartan id, phone number, and address

16 Advisor Contacts Student
STEP 4 Advisor Contacts Student  Phone Letter

17 Steps to closing an early alert
2nd STEP Steps to closing an early alert

18 STEP 5 Student Action Plan Optional: an Action Plan can be created and given to the student. An action plan is a to-do list for the students with target dates the advisor can set. Information about local and campus resources appears providing the student with details, phone numbers and locations.




22 STEP 6 Recording the Outcome The advisor records any attempt at reaching the student in the system. Any contact with the student should be recorded in the system. When the early alert is resolved, it is also recorded.



25 “Save” to enter comments
Insert Comments “Save” to enter comments

26 Yes = Contact was made and student responded by phone, , mail or in person. No further action can be taken. No = Contact was attempted either by phone or . No response from the student. Further action can be taken.

27 Benefits

28 Benefits Supports a “team approach” in student retention
Less time consuming, easy to use Accessible from anywhere at anytime Flexible for the faculty and advisor to communicate freely Tracks and records Early Alerts and provides updates to the faculty throughout the process Creates detailed reports at any point during the year: weekly, monthly, annually, or each semester. 

29 Producing Data

30 Data Tools Early Alert data provides information on:
Total number per semester, for each department Reason per class Resulting action Grade outcome per class


32 Implementation Considerations

33 Initial Questions to Ask
Is there a need? Do we have the manpower & financial backing? How will the instructors submit the early alerts? What classes should be included? Do the instructors & advisors support this endeavor? Who would train the faculty and advisors? Who will distribute unassigned early alerts? Who will promote the program & answer questions?

34 Considerations Determine key players: advisors, faculty, counselors, department chairs, Dean of Students, etc… Get feedback and support. Decide how an early alert program will work best on campus: paper, phone, , internet system. Select pilot classes. Design process, identify participants & duties. Constant and formal review of process.

35 Results

36 Within the SSP Database System
As an important tool within the SSP system for at-risk students, Early Alert contributes to higher retention rates for SSP students than the general “not at-risk” population.

37 Minority students participating in the ILP program have retention rates 8% higher than the general minority population and 21% higher than their non-participating, at-risk counterparts.

38 Post-Transition ILP & Early Alert Coordinator
Questions? Sinclair Community College Student Success Planning Services 444 West Third Street Dayton, Ohio Elizabeth A. Price, M.S.Ed. Post-Transition ILP & Early Alert Coordinator Phone: (937) Fax: (937)

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