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PCS Champions Baby Behavior In-service Check-In. PCS Champs and Helping HANDS.

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Presentation on theme: "PCS Champions Baby Behavior In-service Check-In. PCS Champs and Helping HANDS."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCS Champions Baby Behavior In-service Check-In

2 PCS Champs and Helping HANDS

3 Training Plan MonthActivity Phase 1 January – March 2013 Needs AssessmentNotes Review, Survey, Curriculum Review March 2013Baby Behavior Course Completion April 2013Helping HANDS and In-Service May 2013 Phase 2 June 2013 – Aug 2013 Regional Trainings WHO Grids Phase 3 Aug 2013 – Oct 2013 Follow UpFollow Up In- Service and Note Review

4 In-service Objectives: 1.Identify Baby Behavior Cues and States 2.Start or open a conversation about baby behaviors using affirmations

5 Observing Baby Behaviors

6 Affirmations

7 How’d it Go? For those who have held their in-service What worked well? Was there anything you would have done differently?

8 Stuck In Traffic…

9 Observing Staff


11 Seeing 2’s… You are seeing Silver Medalist 2’s are coachable Are you seeing 1’s?

12 What are some areas you see staff overwhelmed with or struggling? A)A complete ABCDE assessment, tool transition and appropriate invite? B)Offering caregivers affirmations, and recognizing baby behaviors? C)Long wait times, prior to the appointment? D)Checking the previous TGIF note, prior to meeting the client?

13 Elephant in The Room Getting to the Heart of the Matter

14 The tools are opportunities to unlock the driving force to baby behavior perceptions.

15 Keep in Mind… The Obvious know What few may know The driving force to behavior What may never be known

16 Are you getting below the surface? “On the surface” questions: who, where, when, what and why -Appeal to logical side of thinking. “Under the surface” questions: would, what if, tell me more about, pick or choose -Appeal to emotions and motivations.

17 Scenario A mom comes into your clinic and tells you that she had her baby early, and the doctors told her to get a pump from WIC. You look her up and see that she is a 21 year old, first time mom who delivered at 32 weeks gestation. She was underweight prior to pregnancy, though her weight gain was on track. She tells you she went into labor early and the doctors had to deliver the baby.

18 Which Invite Would You Use? A)Magic Wand: If you could change one thing about feeding your baby, what would it be? B) Feeling Faces: How do you feel breastfeeding is going? C) Fabric Bag: Pick a fabric that best describes how you are feeling about pumping. D) Metaphors: Pick a picture that describes how you feel about your baby.

19 This Summer Recognize the “need” Respond with the “right” message WHO Grids and RISK 115

20 What are some questions you would like answered this summer?

21 Questions or Comments?

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