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Adding and Subtracting Decimals

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Presentation on theme: "Adding and Subtracting Decimals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adding and Subtracting Decimals
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2 Rules for adding or subtracting decimals:
(1) Line up the numbers by the decimal point. Next Slide

3 Rules for adding or subtracting decimals:
(2) Annex zeros to make the same number of places behind the decimal point in all numbers in the problem. Next Slide

4 Rules for adding or subtracting decimals:
(3) Add or subtract beginning on the far right side of the problem. Next Slide

5 Rules for adding or subtracting decimals:
(4) Place the decimal point in the answer by bringing the decimal point straight down from the problem to the answer. Next Slide

6 Examples: 1 1 1 48.6 27.35 00 8 8 . 3 4 4 Next Slide

7 Examples: 6 14 4 10 67.5 3 4 . 8 3 Next Slide

8 Now it is your turn Type your name and send:
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9 Money Problems At the Cafe
Numeracy Money Problems At the Cafe Next Slide

10 Menu Four of us went to eat and we had: Soup of the day £1.50
Hot dog £1.20 How much change did we have from £10? French fries p Pizza p per slice Next Slide

11 Drinks Menu Three of us had drinks and we were given £0.30 change from £2. Which three drinks did we have? B Tea p A Coffee p D Milkshake 90p C Hot Chocolate p F Milk 40p E Fizzy Pop 50p Next Slide

12 Dessert Menu Jelly 90p Ice Cream £1.80 Gingerbread People 60p
We ate every one of these puddings. How much change did we get from £20? Gingerbread People p Doughnuts 25p each Cherry Pie £1.50 Fresh fruit £1.00 Next Slide

13 LO: To subtract using decimals
I need more practice to help me understand this and I made lots of mistakes. Last Slide B I am beginning to understand this and I got many of them correct. C I really understand this and I got most of them correct.

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