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A Year Of PBIS in Southern Maryland Schools. Tier 3 What is the function? Individual Counseling RTI Hiatus Working with families Tier 2 Check In Check.

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Presentation on theme: "A Year Of PBIS in Southern Maryland Schools. Tier 3 What is the function? Individual Counseling RTI Hiatus Working with families Tier 2 Check In Check."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Year Of PBIS in Southern Maryland Schools

2 Tier 3 What is the function? Individual Counseling RTI Hiatus Working with families Tier 2 Check In Check Out, Assessing ISS outcomes Guidance Groups based on data PRIM during team meetings Using your data…. Evaluating using SAMI Tier 1 Universals Faculty Rewards Total school by-in Moving from external to intrinsic New Student Orientation using student ambassadors School-wide bullying prevention Involving with families Are we ready to move forward to thenext level level?

3 Only too happy to help!

4 Time with staff rewards

5 Every school has one

6 St Mary’s County

7 Greenview Knolls Elementary School - Exemplar Scored 100% on School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Spring 2008 31% reduction in BMC referrals from last year (Aug- Apr data, both years) 93% of students have never been referred to BMC this year 47% decrease in ODRs (Aug-Apr data, both years) 12 ODRs to date (4/10/08)



10 Town Creek Elementary School - Exemplar 87% reduction in referrals over the last 5 years, since PBIS implementation 3 ODRs as of 2/25/08 59% decrease in ODRs from 05/06 to 06/07 Scored 100% on School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Spring 2008


12 Spring Ridge Middle School -Exemplar 25% reduction in ODRs from 05/06 to 06/07 Reduced suspensions by 33% from 05/06 to 06/07 Scored 99% on School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Spring 2008 Discipline referrals in February dropped 49% from last year

13 Spring Ridge MS held flag football games as a quarterly awards activities

14 Spring Ridge’s Most popular cheerleader

15 Spring Ridge bulletin boards in the school lobby


17 Lexington Park Elementary School - Exemplar In-school suspensions down 35% from 2006 Scored 100% on School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Spring 2008 Attendance has improved from 94.1% in 06/07 to 95.2% for the 07/08 year thus far. Percentage of students with disabilities who have received one or more office referrals decreased from 27% in 06/07 to 24% to date in 07/08



20 Park Hall Elementary - Exemplar The number of schoolwide peace days the students have earned has increased every year for the past three years; last year there were 128 schoolwide peace days 95% of student body attends PBIS Assemblies Currently we have had over 18,000 Eagle Eyes redeemed just this year for good behavior Scored 100% on School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Spring 2008


22 Park Hall Elementary - Exemplar African American students scoring proficient on MSA increased from 48.4% in 2006 to 57.1% in 2007. In 2007, 51.6% of the students with disabilities scored proficient on the MSA as compared to 47.1% in 2006



25 Esperanza Middle School - Exemplar Attendance is the highest it has been in the past three years at 95.4%. Scored 91% on School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Spring 2008



28 Green Holly Elementary – Green Ribbon In Year 1, 88% of classroom teachers, administrators, and specialty area teachers are participating actively in PBIS implementation. Scored 59% on Pre-SET, Spring 2007; scored 99% on Year 1 SET, Spring 2008


30 Calvert County Public Schools

31 Huntington Elementary School Green Ribbon


33 Windy Hill Elementary School


35 Green Ribbon Northern Middle School

36 Faculty Reward Parking

37 Green Ribbon Huntingtown High School


39 Green Ribbon Windy Hill Middle School

40 Doughnuts make great incentives

41 Banner Calvert Country School


43 Banner Dowell Elementary School

44 Winter dances as rewards

45 Even Staff enjoy the dancing!

46 Banner Patuxent Elementary School

47 Food works well with staff too!

48 Banner Plum Point Middle School



51 Banner Southern Middle School


53 Banner Calvert High School

54 PBIS team members hard at work!

55 Banner Patuxent High School

56 Exemplar Calvert Elementary School

57 Exemplar Mill Creek Middle School

58 Valentine Dances

59 Charles County Public Schools CCPS Exemplary Award given to schools with 90% on SET and BOQ

60 Integration with Conflict Resolution Green Ribbon Gail-Bailey Elementary School

61 Green Ribbon Middleton Elementary School “The BIG Event”


63 Green Ribbon Benjamin Stoddart Middle School


65 STARRS Program, SST data towards RTI Green Ribbon Mattawoman Middle School



68 Green Ribbon Theodore G. Davis Middle School Rewards include time spent with teachers


70 Green Ribbon McDonough High School Weekly drawings and Classroom Ram Bucks



73 Banner Dr. Samuel A. Mudd Elementary Schools

74 Blue Sky Puppet Theatre show, Building Bridges

75 CCPS Exemplary Award Banner School Jenifer Elementary School I-Care Fair, Patriot of the Week


77 CCPS Exemplary Award Banner J. P. Ryon Elementary School Club Days, Bravo Awards Student Character of the Month


79 Banner William A. Diggs Elementary School Race for good behavior Something to Hawk about Teacher monthly award Parent monthly award Beach Party Dance


81 Banner Dr. Thomas L. Higdon Elementary School 3 Simple I Care Rules, Excellent Crisis Plan


83 Banner Eva Turner Elementary School Integrating with Fish


85 Banner General Smallwood Middle School Big Events,,, MSA Carnival, Spirit Week

86 General Smallwood ’ s Spirit Week!!


88 Banner Milton Somers Middle School RISE Assemblies each quarter Using PRIM during team meetings

89 Sommers?



92 Banner North Point High School Eagle Bucks Eagle Cards Spirit Week


94 Banner Henry E. Lackey High School Weekly drawings with high school incentives Community outreach for incentives


96 Exemplar Berry Elementary School Storytellers, Awesome Apple Teacher award Daily Rewards, Check In Check Out


98 Exemplar C. Paul Barnhart Elementary School SST with RTI


100 CCPS Exemplary Award & Exemplar Dr. Gustavus Brown Elementary School


102 CCPS Exemplary Award Exemplar J. C. Parks Elementary School Mustang horse race, horseshow events, positive office referrals


104 Exemplar Indian Head Elementary School Check In/Check out, FBAs & BIPS MAC Staff Development




108 CCPS Exemplary Award Exemplar Malcolm Elementary School Mustang Market



111 Exemplar T. C. Martin Elementary School Tiger Cart, High 5’s,



114 CCPS Exemplary Award Exemplar Mary H. Matula Elementary School Integrating PBIS with Character Education


116 CCPS Exemplary Award Exemplar Matthew Henson Middle School PBIS lesson Plan using teachers in a video Basketball & football tourney




120 CCPS Exemplary Award Exemplar Piccowaxen Middle School Post Cards sent home Awards Events Crisis Plans



123 CCPS Exemplary Award Exemplar Walter J. Mitchell Elementary School Family Parent Night


125 Thank you for all you do for all your students, staff and family members

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