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Virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 Building rich data visualizations using SharePoint and ASP.NET Web Parts Himani Sharma │ Support Engineer,

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Presentation on theme: "Virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 Building rich data visualizations using SharePoint and ASP.NET Web Parts Himani Sharma │ Support Engineer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 Building rich data visualizations using SharePoint and ASP.NET Web Parts Himani Sharma │ Support Engineer, SharePoint Development, Microsoft IGTSC

2  What is Data Visualization  Advantages  Significance  Rich data visualization components  SharePoint OOB visualizations  Performance Point Services  Alternatives  SharePoint and ASP.NET web parts  MS Chart Controls for RDVs  Demo virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 S E S S I O N A G E N D A

3  Definition  Graphical representation of data/information.  Idea communicated more effectively.  Helps analyzing the data and make effective decisions.  Provides useful insights.  Advantages  Large amount of complex data can be presented in a simplified format.  Information can be readily absorbed and understood well.  Provides concise overview. virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 What is Data Visualization

4  Examples: virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 What is Data Visualization

5  Significance  Legacy data/large amount of data in information systems like DBs, SharePoint lists, warehouses can be analyzed and presented.  Provides business intelligence at a low cost.  Data is summarized, actionable and more personalized.  Dynamic views can help us drill up/down, filter the data.  Rich Data Visualization components  Business Intelligence data, maps based data, customer/products based data.  Rich data grids, dashboards, Maps, Charts, Graphs, reporting tools like SSRS, cube, Pivot views etc. virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 What is Data Visualization

6 virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 Data Visualization in SharePoint

7  Performance Point Services  Enables to collaborate, discover and manage information.  Provides business insights to help make informed decisions.  Helps monitoring performance.  Helps building reports and provides analytic views.  Used to creates Rich interactive dashboards.  Rich Data Visualization components  Provides OOB webparts and components for RDVs.  Include scorecards, KPI lists, excel service reports, report viewer, charts.  Data can be sourced from SP lists, excel services, analysis services. virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 Business Intelligence Centre

8 virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 Business Intelligence Centre

9  Alternatives?  PPS available only with enterprise license of SPS 2010.  For SharePoint Foundation we need to look for alternatives.  Use codeplex.  Third party RDV providers like Bamboo solutions, Component One etc (paid).  Build your own data visualizations using ASP.NET web parts. virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 Business Intelligence Centre

10  MS Chart controls  Enables to build robust charting capabilities to your applications.  Little effort involved.  Simple, visually appealing, interactive and dynamic visualizations can be built.  Support all chart types like columns, bars, line charts, graphs, pie charts, doughnuts etc.  Support data series, axes, legends, labels, title tec.  Can be highly customized.  Data binding supported.  Support 3D chart rendering, aliasing, Ajax etc. virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 Rich data visualizations using ASP.NET webparts

11  Integration with SharePoint  The ASP.NET webparts can be hosted on SharePoint.  Information/data from disparate environments can be pulled and shown on dashboards.  Charts can be dynamic and interactive. virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 Rich data visualizations using ASP.NET webparts

12 virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 DEMO: DemoChartCreation Himani Sharma │ Support Engineer, Microsoft IGTSC

13  MS Charting controls -    virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 DEMO How to begin

14 <asp:Chart ID="Chart2" runat="server" ImageLocation="~/TempImages/ChartPic_#SEQ(300,3)" Palette="BrightPastel" ImageType="Png" BorderlineDashStyle="Solid" BackSecondaryColor="White" BackGradientStyle="TopBottom" BorderWidth="2" BackColor="#D3DFF0" BorderColor="26, 59, 105"> virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 DEMO Code

15 SPListItemCollection itmColl = list.GetItems(query); DataTable table = itmColl.GetDataTable(); Chart1.DataSource = table; Chart1.Series["Series1"].XValueMember = "ProductName"; Chart1.Series["Series1"].YValueMembers = "ProductQuantity"; Chart1.Series["Series1"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Column; Chart1.Series["Series1"]["DrawingStyle"] = "Emboss"; Chart1.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true; Chart1.Series["Series1"].IsValueShownAsLabel = true; Chart1.DataBind(); virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 DEMO Code

16 virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 Sample PIE CHARTS using MS Chart controls. Sub Slide Title

17 virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 SAMPLE FOR SHOWING BAR CHARTS USING MS CHART CONTROLS Sub Slide Title

18 virtual techdays INDIA │ 9-11 February 2011 RESOURCES  Samples for charting controls   Helps you getting started quickly.  PPS Dashboard  performancepoint-2010.aspx. performancepoint-2010.aspx   Visualizing Spatial Data (adding maps to SHAREPOINT using SSRS):

19 virtual techdays THANKS │ 9-11 February 2011 │

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