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Service-Learning in Action : Your poster title here Your name(s) here Service Activities: Use this entire box to describe activities you did for your service.

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Presentation on theme: "Service-Learning in Action : Your poster title here Your name(s) here Service Activities: Use this entire box to describe activities you did for your service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service-Learning in Action : Your poster title here Your name(s) here Service Activities: Use this entire box to describe activities you did for your service. Be specific! AND/OR The results of your project/research- include sections for Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion Powerpoint Tutorials To change the background color of the poster or text box: 1.For background : right click and choose format background 2.For text box: right click and choose format shape Click “HERE” to view how to add photos to your Powerpoint poster“HERE” Click “HERE” to view how to add text to your Powerpoint poster.“HERE” Click “HERE” to view how to adjust margins on you Powerpoint poster.“HERE” PHOTO/GRAPH/TABLE/ or GRAPHIC (delete this box and insert) PHOTO (highest resolution possible) or GRAPH or TABLE You are responsible for obtaining release forms to use photographs of community participants (agency clients, children). Release form available on the SL website at 011/11/photo-release-form-long.pdf 011/11/photo-release-form-long.pdf PHOTO (highest resolution possible) or GRAPH or TABLE Class Name, Number, and Semester: (i.e.: Psyc 309: Childhood Development, Spring 2011) Instructor Name: (Dr. Cindy Clark) Community Partner Name: Community Partner’s Mission Statement (check their website for this) Service Project Purpose (How did you help the agency/community?, for example: to mentor with at-risk youth, work towards the prevention of HIV/AIDS, provide companionship to a senior, research population needs, etc.) Learning goals (What did your instructor want you to learn from your service?) for example: develop a better understanding of the applications of psychological principles, specifically related to working with children. Hint– check your syllabus for a statement from your instructor about why they have included SL in the class). Reflection INSERT YOUR REFLECTION ON YOUR SL EXPERIENCE HERE. Example Reflection Questions How does this experience enhance my knowledge of a specific reading, theory, or concept? Does it challenge or reinforce my prior understanding? Why is there need for my service? What do I perceive as the underlying issue, and why does it exist? Are there connections to public policy at the local, state, or national level? What obstacles-internal and external-hindered me? What factors made me more effective? What is in the interest of the common good in this situation? In what ways is the individual good (mine or that of other people) linked to and/or contrary to the common good? What tradeoffs between them are involved? More sample reflection questions are at this link reflection/discussion-questions/ reflection/discussion-questions/ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

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