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Sustainable Palm Oil Who Cares? By Jeremy Washington.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Palm Oil Who Cares? By Jeremy Washington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Palm Oil Who Cares? By Jeremy Washington

2 Contents 1. Aim 2. Environmental Significance/ Collage 3. Consequences/ Supporting Details 4. Possible Solutions 5. Sources

3 Aim “I’m here to persuade you that unsustainable palm oil production practices are an economic and environmental problem that directly affect our lives and the lives of communities across the world.”


5 Consequences/ Supporting Details Mass deforestation by burning forests Animal Cruelty Workers rights/ Child labor Unsustainable Solutions Palm Oil is everywhere! Ex. Dunkin Donuts, Kellog’s, Starbucks, L’Oreal, McDonald’s…

6 Consequences/ Supporting Details Emissions Climate change, rising sea levels, water quality, clean water shortages 10% of total global warming emissions can be linked to burning forest for palm oil plantations Endangered Sumatran Tigers Indigenous rights abuses

7 Possible Solutions Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil ‘greenwash scheme’ Grassroots organizing Ex. Deforestation Doughnuts, Kellogg’s Consumer boycott Cheap sustainable palm oil production


9 Sources Regulating the Oil Palm Boom: Assessing the Effectiveness of Environmental Governance Approaches to Agro-industrial Pollution in Indonesia National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia World Wildlife Fund Union of Concerned Scientists Years of Living Dangerously

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