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The Dynamic Environment of International Trade

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1 The Dynamic Environment of International Trade

2 Learning Objectives The basis for the reestablishment of world trade following World War II The importance of balance-of-payment figures to a country’s economy The effects of protectionism on world trade The seven types of trade barriers The provisions of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act The importance of GATT and the World Trade Organization The emergence of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group

3 Global Perspective Trade Barriers – An International Marketer’s Minefield
Every country seems to take advantage of the open U.S. market while putting barriers in the way of U.S. exports. Barriers to trade, both tariff and nontariff, are one of the major issues confronting international marketers. If the benefits of the social, political, and economic changes now taking place are to be fully realized, free trade must prevail throughout the global marketplace. WTO (World Trade Organization)

4 Top Ten 2004 U.S. Trading Parnters ($ billions, merchandise trade)
Insert Exhibit 2.1

5 The Twentieth to the Twenty-First Century
First Half of the Twentieth Century Depression WW I and WW II Last Half of the Twentieth Century Marred by struggles between countries espousing the socialist Marxist approach and those following a democratic capitalist approach to economic development. Marshall Plan Move toward international cooperation among trading nations was manifest in the negotiation of the General Agreement on Tariffs an Trade, (GATT).

6 World Trade and U.S. Multinationals
1950s, many U.S. companies that had never before marketed outside the U.S. began to export, and others made significant investments in marketing and production facilities overseas. 1960s, U.S. multinational corporations (MNCs) were facing major challenges on two fronts: Resistance to direct investment Increasing competition in export markets American MNCs were confronted by a resurgence of competition from all over the world. NIC (Newly Industrialized Countries) SOE (State-Owned Enterprises)

7 World Trade and U.S. Multinationals (continued)
The Balance of Merchandise Trade U.S. Trade Deficit U.S. dilemma of how to encourage trading partners to reciprocate with open access to their markets without provoking increased protectionism. WTO (World Trade Organization) AFTA (Anemia Free Trade Area) APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference) NAFTA

8 The First Decade of the Twenty-First Century and Beyond
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimates that the economies of member countries will expand an average of 3% annually for the next 25 years. The economies of the developing world will grow at faster rates from an annual rate of 4% in the past quarter to a rate of 6% for the next 25 years. The level of intensity of competition will change as companies focus on gaining entry or maintaining their position in: Emerging markets Regional Trade Areas Established markets in Europe, Japan, and the U.S.

9 Balance of Payments Transactions recorded yearly
Must always be in balance A record of condition, not determinant of condition A Balance of Payments statement includes three accounts: Current account Capital account Reserves account Balance of Payments is the system of accounts that records a nation’s international finance transactions.

10 U.S. Current Account by Major Components, 2002 ($ billions)

11 United States Current Account Balance (% of GDP)

12 What Would One U.S. Dollar Buy?
Insert Exhibit 2.5

13 Protection Logic and Illogic
Arguments concerning protectionism on trade: Protection of infant industry Protection of the home market Need to keep money at home Encouragement of capital accumulation Maintenance of the standard of living and real wages Conservation of natural resources Industrialization of a low-wage nation Maintenance of employment and reduction of unemployment National defense Increase of business size Retaliation and bargaining

14 Trade Barriers Tariffs Quotas Voluntary Export Restraints
Boycotts and Embargoes Monetary Barriers Blocked currency Differential exchange Government approval Standards Antidumping Penalties

15 The Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act
Designed to deal with trade deficits, protectionism, and the overall fairness of our trading partners. The bill covers three areas considered critical in improving U.S. trade: Market access Export expansion Import relief Four ongoing activities to support the growth of international trade: GATT The associated World Trade Organization (WTO) International Monetary Fund (IMF) The World Bank Group

16 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Paved the way for the first effective worldwide tariff agreement. Basic Elements of the GATT: Trade shall be conducted on a nondiscriminatory basis Protection shall be afforded domestic industries through customs tariffs, not through such commercial measures as import quotas Consultation shall be the primary method used to solve global trade problems. Eliminating barriers to international trade (Uruguay Round): The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs)

17 World Trade Organization
An institution, not an agreement as was GATT Sets many rules governing trade between its 148 members Provides a panel of experts to hear and rule on trade disputes between members. Issues binding decisions All member countries will have equal representation For the first time, member countries, will undertake obligations to open their markets and to be bound by the rules of the multilateral trading system. Trouble with U.S. ratification: Concern for the possible loss of sovereignty over its trade laws to WTO The lack of veto power The role the U.S. would assume when a conflict arises over an individual state’s laws that might be challenged by a WTO member. Skirting the Spirit of GATT and WTO

18 The International Monetary Fund
Created to assist nations in becoming and remaining economically viable. Objectives of the IMF: Stabilization of foreign exchange rates Establishment of freely convertible currencies to facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) “paper gold”

19 The World Bank Group Institution that has as its goal the reduction of poverty and the improvement of living standards by promoting sustainable growth and investment in people. The World Bank has five institutions each of which performs the following services: Lending money to the government of developing countries Providing assistance to governments for developmental projects to the poorest developing countries. Lending directly to the private sector Providing investors with investment guarantees against “noncommercial risk.” Promoting increased flows of international investment

20 Protests against Global Institutions
The basic complaint against the WTO, IMF and others is the amalgam of unintended consequences of globalizing: Environmental concerns Worker exploitation and domestic job losses Cultural extinction Higher oil prices Diminished sovereignty of nations Terrorism in London (2005) “Antisweatshop” campaigns

21 Summary The benefits from absolute or comparative advantage clearly can accrue to any nation. Increased pressure for protectionism from every region of the globe. The consumer seldom benefits from such protection. Free international markets help underdeveloped countries become self-sufficient. Freer trade will always be partially threatened by various governmental and market barriers that exist or are created for the protection of local businesses. The future of open global markets lies with the controlled and equitable reduction of trade barriers.

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