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By Elizabeth Hund November 7, 2005

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1 By Elizabeth Hund November 7, 2005
Name of presentation... International Opportunities By Elizabeth Hund November 7, 2005 Presented by ...

2 Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank
Rabobank International

3 Rabobank 2005 ● Only AAA rated non-government bank
● years of agricultural/community banking experience ● 57,000 employees in 35 countries Rabobank International

4 Rabobank International Network
London Dublin Antwerp Frankfurt Paris Madrid Milan Singapore Mumbai New Delhi Jakarta Bangkok Taipei Hong Kong Beijing Shanghai Tokyo Toronto New York Chicago Atlanta Dallas San Francisco Washington D.C. Warsaw Poznan Moscow Istanbul Mexico City Curaçao São Paulo Santiago Buenos Aires Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth Auckland Rabobank International

5 The global FAR team has 74 members in 12 different countries
Utrecht (Global HQ) Beijing Tokyo New York Shanghai New Delhi Mexico City Hong Kong Mumbai Bangkok Jakarta Singapore Sydney São Paulo Rabobank International

6 Rabobank Locations in the United States
Name of presentation... Rabobank Locations in the United States Corporate Bank Rabobank NA Rabo AgriFinance Rabo AgServices Rabobank International Presented by ...

7 Rabobank International
“The financial link in the global food chain”® Rabobank International

8 Contents Section 1: Consumer Progression Section 2: Production Trends
International Opportunities Rabobank International

9 Section I Consumer Progression
Setting the stage Section I Consumer Progression

10 Key Drivers Behind Global Food Demand – Income and Total Population
Name of presentation... Key Drivers Behind Global Food Demand – Income and Total Population AUSTRALIA CANADA JAPAN US CHINA INDIA EUROPE-25 EAST ASIA MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA SUBSAHARAN AFRICA 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% -0.2% 0.2% 0.6% 1.0% 1.4% 1.8% 2.2% 2.6% Population growth 2002 (annual %) GDP growth 2002 (annual %) SOUTH ASIA 0% In developing countries income is the major driver of food demand while in developed countries variations in income do not affect food demand so significantly. The global economy is expected to improve its growth rate during the current and next year from 3.9% in 2003 to an average of 4.5% with most of the growth coming from developing countries. Rabobank International Presented by ...

11 Asia is Key to Future Consumer Demand
China and India most populated countries highest annual GDP growth Low income levels of those countries show enormous markets that are emerging. Source: Rabobank analysis based on UN data Rabobank International

12 China Economic Superpower?
Name of presentation... China Economic Superpower? Rabobank International Source: United Nations, Rabobank Presented by ...

13 Demographics We are getting older!
Name of presentation... Demographics We are getting older! % Higher interest in functional foods Require different serving sizes & packaging In the western hemisphere, health becomes progressively more important. Source: Rabobank analysis based on UN data Rabobank International Presented by ...

14 Industry Consolidation
USD 604bn USD 130bn USD 473bn USD 106bn Rabobank International

15 Globalization Major players have become huge global companies
Name of presentation... Globalization Major players have become huge global companies Top Ten 2001 Ranked by total sales (in USD billion) Retailers 1. Wal-Mart Stores 218 2. Carrefour (France) 62 3. Ahold (Dutch) 60 4. Kroger 50 5. Metro AG(Germany) 44 6. Albertson’s 38 7. Safeway (US) 34 8. Leclerc* (France) 34 9. Auchan * (France) 33 10. Intermarché*(France) 31 *2000 Total above USD 605 Food Service 1. McDonald’s 2. Tricon 3. Compass (England) 13 4. Burger King 11 5. Sodexho Alliance(Fr.) 11 6. Wendy’s 8 7. Aramark 8 8. Accor (France) 7 9. Six Contintents (UK) 6 10. Whitbread (UK) 4 Total above USD 131 The major buyers of dairy products include food retailers, wholesalers, the foodservice industry and food processors. The major companies in these sectors are consolidating on a global basis and tend to be significantly larger than the players in the dairy industry. Food manufacturers - customers (Nestle, Phillip Morris, Unilever) are also players in the dairy industry Retailers - tend to be predominantly European demonstrating their ability to globalise Food service - tend to be predominantly US companies - reflects the fact that the % of money spent out of the home in the US is hi’er than in any other country. Rabobank International Presented by ...

16 Section II Production Trends
Name of presentation... Section II Production Trends Presented by ...

17 Name of presentation... World Beef Production South America is poised to take over North America as the world’s largest beef producing region Source: FAO Rabobank International Presented by ...

18 World Pork Production China accounts for almost
Name of presentation... World Pork Production China accounts for almost half of world pork production Source: FAO Rabobank International Presented by ...

19 World Poultry Production
Name of presentation... World Poultry Production Poultry production has shifted from North America & Europe to South America & Asia Source: FAO Rabobank International Presented by ...

20 World Dairy Production
Name of presentation... World Dairy Production World production is increasing at around 1% per annum but different regions are growing at different rates. There are some regions where not much significant shift has taken place over times such as in NAFTA, Central America + Caribbean, Other Africa, North East Asia and South East Asia. Western Europe’s share is declining over time – In 1984, it held 31% share, which fell to 23% in 2001 and is forecasted to further decline to 21% by 2010. On the hand, South Asia’s position in global production has grown from a 11% share in 1984 to a 19% share in 2001 and predicted to further increase to 23% by This rise is due to the growing demand for dairy products in its domestic markets. It is also interesting to note the increasing role of South America as a global dairy producer, as its share grew from 5% in 1984 to 8% in 2001. Oceania has demonstrated a 1-2% increase in share between 1984 and the forecasted level for 2010. Developing regions are becoming more important for dairy production Source : CFCE / FAO/Rabobank Rabobank International Presented by ...

21 China continues to be the world leader in cotton production
Name of presentation... World Cotton Production World production is increasing at around 1% per annum but different regions are growing at different rates. There are some regions where not much significant shift has taken place over times such as in NAFTA, Central America + Caribbean, Other Africa, North East Asia and South East Asia. Western Europe’s share is declining over time – In 1984, it held 31% share, which fell to 23% in 2001 and is forecasted to further decline to 21% by 2010. On the hand, South Asia’s position in global production has grown from a 11% share in 1984 to a 19% share in 2001 and predicted to further increase to 23% by This rise is due to the growing demand for dairy products in its domestic markets. It is also interesting to note the increasing role of South America as a global dairy producer, as its share grew from 5% in 1984 to 8% in 2001. Oceania has demonstrated a 1-2% increase in share between 1984 and the forecasted level for 2010. China continues to be the world leader in cotton production Source : CFCE / FAO/Rabobank Rabobank International Presented by ...

22 Consolidation of U.S. Farmers
Name of presentation... Consolidation of U.S. Farmers Consolidation has been driven by: Cost Product sales advantages Regulatory and policy considerations In California Total farm number reduced from to between 1997 and 2002 Average farm size increased by 5.8% from 327 acres to 346 acres On average California has smaller farms but higher income per farm reflecting that high value dairies and fruit and vegetables dairies are important in California Ag Rabobank analysis based on US Census data Rabobank International Presented by ...

23 Farmers are Moving! Access to labor Environmental regulations
Water availability Shift in focus of crops Market access and non tariff barriers Rabobank International

24 Use and potential of selected agricultural areas
Beware Brazil! Use and potential of selected agricultural areas 50 100 150 200 250 Indiana, Iowa and Illinois Cerrado Argentina Million Acres In use Potential $2000/acre $1100/acre $1250/acre Agricultural frontier land in Brazil can be purchased for less than USD 350 per acre There are 220 M acres of potential area in the “Cerrado” Indiana, Iowa and Illinois have a total area of 96 M acres Rabobank International

25 Section III International Opportunities

26 Top 5 Exporters % World Market Share in 2002 United States 15.50%
Netherlands % France % Germany % Canada % Rabobank International

27 Top 5 Growth Exporters Top 10 Exporters (2002)
The next 5 exporters are gaining U.S. is still the largest exporter but is consistently losing market share: 1990 = 18.2% of the world exports 2002 = 15.5% of the world exports Australia and Argentina have been growing rapidly. United States Netherlands France Germany Canada Belgium Spain Brazil Italy China Rabobank International

28 Exports What are they exporting?
Source: Rabobank analysis based on UN data Rabobank International

29 U.S. Export Trends Rabobank International

30 Don’t Forget Exchange Rates
Name of presentation... Don’t Forget Exchange Rates Rabobank International Presented by ...

31 Tools of the Trade Political risk Rule of law Local financing
Rabobank International

32 Joint Ventures If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em
Difficult but not impossible Loads of opportunities Key success factors are: Partner selection Careful structuring of the deal Cost control Attracting and retaining local talen Branding Rabobank International

33 Summary Consumer Progression Income Demographics Trends
Production Trends Consolidation Globalization New Major Players Expansion of international trade Rabobank International

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