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State of America’s Cities: Sustainability Presentation for1000 Friends of Florida and The Future is Now Foundation Webinar Series September 22, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "State of America’s Cities: Sustainability Presentation for1000 Friends of Florida and The Future is Now Foundation Webinar Series September 22, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of America’s Cities: Sustainability Presentation for1000 Friends of Florida and The Future is Now Foundation Webinar Series September 22, 2011

2 National League of Cities: Center for Research and Innovation, Sustainability Program: @NLCgreencities

3 2010 Sustainability Survey First NLC survey on sustainability Summer and fall of 2010 E-mails to 1708 mayors Responses from 442 cities (26%)

4 Objectives of Survey Internal Approach to Sustainability: How are cities Defining, Prioritizing, Organizing ? What are the key motivators and barriers or challenges to sustainability? What actions, programs, or policies are cities pursuing to achieve sustainability goals?

5 Defining What components are within your city’s definition of or approach to sustainability?

6 Prioritizing City Position (percent) Leading priority throughout13% all city activities Important factor in developing44% long-term goals One of many goals35% but not a separate priority Not addressed but interested 5% Not addressed and not a priority 3% What is your city’s position on sustainability?

7 Prioritizing City Position (percent) Leading priority throughout13% all city activities Important factor in developing44% long-term goals One of many goals35% but not a separate priority Not addressed but interested 5% Not addressed and not a priority 3% What is your city’s position on sustainability?

8 Financing What impact has the economic recession had on your city’s willingness to financially invest in sustainability work?

9 Financing Potential for financial savings 60% Funding received through ARRA 55% Concern for the environment 40% Potential to attract investment 28% Concern for climate change 20% Internal pressure (leaders, staff) 17% External pressure from public 16% Of those who reported an increase or no impact to investment, what were the motivating factors?

10 Motivating Factors Concern for the environment89% Potential for long-term financial savings88% Potential for short-term financial savings83% Potential to attract outside investment74% Concern for climate change59% Potential to attract new residents57% Internal pressure (leaders, staff)55% External pressure from public57% How significant have the following factors been to prompting your city’s work in sustainability? Sum of factors rated “significant”, “very significant”, or “extremely significant”

11 Barriers/ Challenges Lack of funding86% Lack of staff capacity77% Lack of support from private sector40% How significant have the following factors been in deterring your city’s work in sustainability? Sum of factors rated “significant”, “very significant”, or “extremely significant”

12 Barriers/ Challenges Areas reported as having limited to no significance: Opposition from community based groups/organizations 92% Lack of support from nonprofit sector 76% Lack of leadership or support from elected officials 71% Lack of community awareness or support 67% Lack of information to get started 65% How significant have the following factors been in deterring your city’s work in sustainability?


14 Energy Availability of programs/policies to promote energy efficiency and conservation : Municipal: Energy conservation strategy (buildings)81% Street/traffic lights 79% Purchase/produce renewable energy 42% Residential: Education/Awareness 56% Energy audits 30% Financing incentives 30% Green Building Codes 25% Commercial: Green Building Codes 25% Financing incentives 18%

15 Land Use Availability of specific land use policies/ programs:

16 Water Availability of programs/policies to promote energy efficiency and conservation : Public education campaigns 76% Land-use and building requirements to minimize runoff 67% Volume-based pricing of water 60% Sewer separation 59% Green infrastructure policies, programs, or incentives 43% Water reclamation and/or gray water re-use programs 31% Residential rebates and incentives 29% Combined sewer overflows 22% Seasonal water rates 15%

17 Food Availability of specific food-related policies/ programs:

18 Opportunities Incorporate sustainability goals/ principles throughout internal operations and across city departments Build and strengthen partnerships; for example - private sector, universities, utilities, regional bodies, community groups, non-profits, local businesses Benchmark and measure progress – report out! Green Building Codes (25%) Pay as you throw (17%) Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) policies (32%) Green Infrastructure (43%) Complete Streets policies (32%) Food: Farm to School (7%); Food Policy Councils (6%); Healthy corner stores (8%)

19 Tammy Zborel Senior Associate, Sustainability Program Center for Research and Innovation National League of Cities Learn more: Follow: @NLCgreencities Register today for NLCs Green Cities Conference Phoenix, Ariz. November 10-12 (advanced rates end September 30 th !) Thank You!

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