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Integrating LID Into the Development Planning Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating LID Into the Development Planning Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating LID Into the Development Planning Process

2 We Have a Responsibility!  To meet Water Quality Protection Under 62- 40 F.A.C.  Provide Flood Protection  Address Stormwater Management in Comprehensive Plans / Land Development Regulations

3 We Have a Problem! We are not meeting our NPDES requirements and water quality standards, water supplies are decreasing while demands are increasing, and we still need to manage for flooding!! So How Do We Fix It?

4 The Solution  Presumptive Criteria for Water Quality Demonstrate the system provides water quality treatment ( retention, underdrain, exfiltration, wet detention, swales or dry detention) in accordance with 40C- 42.026 F.A.C.  Alternative Treatment Systems Affirmatively show that system design will provide equivalent treatment

5 Managing Stormwater Conventional Planning & DesignLow Impact Development

6 Managing Stormwater Conventional Planning & Design LID Site Design  Style of suburban development over last 50 years  Generally involves larger lots  Clearing and grading of significant portions of a site  Wider streets and larger cul-de- sacs  Enclosed drainage systems for stormwater conveyance  Large detention ponds  Conservation of natural hydrology, trees, and vegetation  Minimized impervious surfaces  Dispersal of stormwater runoff  Conservation of stream & wetland buffers  Ecological landscaping

7 Managing Stormwater The Problem The Solution  Loss of natural land or open space  Depleted drinking water supply  Reduced quantity and quality of water resources  Increased infrastructure costs & maintenance  Less land clearing and grading costs  Reduced infrastructure costs  Protection of water quality  Reduced stormwater runoff

8 Who Are The Players?  Property Owners  Developers  Local Government  Water Management Districts  Educators & Researchers

9 What Is Local Government’s Role?  All development must be consistent with the comprehensive plan and comply with the Land Development Regulations  Local government should promote & support the most economical and sustainable development applications  Local government should coordinate with WMDs

10 What Tools Does Local Government Have?  Comprehensive Plan  Land Development Regulations  Design Guidelines  Development Review Process  Monitoring / Maintenance

11 Comprehensive Plan  Future Land Use Element  Authorize / Incentivize Cluster Development  Recognize LID as Alternative to Conventional Development  Provide Incentives (Density) for LID

12 Comprehensive Plan  Stormwater Management Sub Element  Define LID  Recognize LID as Preferred Alternative  New Development  Retrofit (deficiencies)  Establish Levels of Service  Establish Maintenance Responsibilities

13 Comprehensive Plan  Potable Water Sub Element  Water Supply  Protecting Water Sources (Quality)  Water Conservation (Reducing Demand)  Reusing Stormwater  Reusing Reclaimed Water

14 Comprehensive Plan  Conservation Element  Recognize LID as Preferred Alternative for Stormwater Management  Allow Open Space Credit for LID Techniques  Tree Cover Preservation  Green Infrastructure  Intergovernmental Coordination  Establish Coordination Procedures with WMD for LID Review / Approval

15 Comprehensive Plan  Capital Improvement Element  Establish Level of Service  Establish LID as Preferred Alternative for Public Investment  Funding Mechanisms for LID  Fiscal Incentives for LID

16 Land Development Regulations  Modify stormwater management regulations to include LID  Establish Levels of Service  Establish criteria for consideration of alternative designs  Establish Procedures  Master Plan requirement  Submission requirements  Review / Approval process  Coordination with WMD

17 Land Development Regulations  Areas of code that should support LID  Natural area protection  Open space requirements  Clustering standards  Water conservation requirements  TDR programs  Water quality protection

18 Land Development Regulations  Audit codes for obstacles  Zoning / Land Use Regulations  Stormwater Regulations  Requirement for conventional designs only  No options for stormwater on private lots  Road requirements  Parking / Other Design Criteria

19 Land Development Regulations  Recommendations  Remove lot size requirements / use gross density  Provide credit for innovative design  Allow stormwater systems to be located on lots  Allow LID to be credited as open space  Do not allow conventional basins in wetland buffers  Allow flexibility in road width/ design  Curb & gutter optional

20 Design Guidelines  Put the details in Design Guidelines  Buy-In by WMD Sarasota County Model

21 Development Review  Make It Easy To Do the Right Thing  Early Review  Progressive Approval  Engage WMD

22 Development Review  Roadblocks  Requirements for engineering plans at initial review stages  Lack of early coordination with Water Management District

23 Monitoring / Maintenance  Establish maintenance responsibility  Minimum criteria for homeowner’s association (financial responsibility / capacity)  Require periodic monitoring  Require contract / agreement

24 Still not seeing any LID? If your code allows it, what’s stopping it?  Is it public perception, State regulations, lack of expertise in the area, lack of examples, lack of education or knowledge that LID even exists, fear of doing something different, lack of staff support, etc…?  So what can local governments do?


26 The Role of Local Government  Lead by example (Is your municipality or county incorporating LID into their new projects or redevelopments?)  Provide incentives in your code for LID or stricter guidelines for water quality protection or water conservation.  Provide technical support (i.e. Sarasota LID Manual)  Are there opportunities for financial support?

27 Incentives and Regulations  Give credit for LID (i.e. Alachua County example – open space credit for LID techniques and enhanced stormwater basins)  Allow LID techniques to meet local water quality and quantity standards above WMD regulations  Include LID in Green building/development codes

28 Alachua County Example: Stormwater Areas Credited Toward Open Space 1) Enhanced Basins: Provide greater biological diversity Provide enhanced stormwater treatment - provide staged elevations - native trees in basin bottom Irregular shorelines Pedestrian path No clearing, mowing or removal of native vegetation or Alternative landscape plan with greater or equal biological diversity and enhanced stormwater treatment 2) LID that treats 1st inch and is pervious gets credit

29 Provide Technical Support  Provide an LID manual, referenced in the code.  Make the manual consistent with other communities that incorporate LID.  Consider expedited permits for LID projects or not charging for resubmittals  Train your staff.

30 Contacts  Gene Boles, FAICP Center for Building Better Communities University of Florida 352 392 0997 x 425  Stephen Hofstetter Alachua County EPD (352) 264-6811

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