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0 PUT TITLE HERE Update on Capital Programs September 2008.

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1 0 PUT TITLE HERE Update on Capital Programs September 2008

2 1 New Capital Funding Available  $750M in new capital funding was announced in March (2008: B2 memo): –$250M to continue to support Good Places to Learn (GPL) renewal projects » Good Places to Learn Stage 4 –$500M in new capital funding to be available to school boards » Full Day Learning for Four-and Five-Year Olds (FD45) » Increase in Capital Funding Benchmarks » Pilot Projects to support Green Building Standards » Priority Capital Projects - Current Capital Program (Growth Schools and PTR)

3 2 Stage 4  In 2008-09, GPL Stage 4 allocations to support a further $250M to continue to address urgent and high renewal needs at boards’ school facilities  GPL Stage 4 allocation will be based on: –the total 5-year high and urgent renewal needs and program needs from the ReCAPP database for all eligible Stage 4 facilities –providing improvements to inadequate specialized spaces not addressed with Stage 1, Stage 2 or Stage 3 allocations  The Ministry will continue to take PTR funding approvals issued to date into consideration in developing the GPL Stage 4 allocations  Announcement on GPL Stage 4 allocations by end of October 2008 Good Places to Learn

4 3 2008-09 Capital Programs: FD45  The government has made a commitment to support Full Day Learning for Four-and Five-Year Olds (FD45) –Dr. Charles Pascal was appointed as the Early Learning Advisor to recommend the best way to implement this initiative and is expected to report back to the government by early spring  Funding for additional space in new elementary schools approved as part of the 2008-09 capital program: –recognize the need for space for FD45 children –does not recognize or endorse a particular model of programming –be based on additional space required will be calculated based FD45 projected by doubling the current half-day JK/SK enrolment –be based on Ministry capital benchmarks

5 4 2008-09 Capital Programs: FD45 (cont’d)  Adjustments will be provided on: –All new school projects approved as part of the 2008-09 Capital Program –Recently approved projects under: » PTR » Growth Schools  Not applied to projects funded by: –Boards from available New Pupil Places (NPP) –PTR or Growth School Programs where tenders were awarded prior to September 1, 2007  Amended letters of approval to confirm revised funding approvals will be sent to boards ** Amendments are subject to LGIC approval in future updates to the GSN regulations

6 5 2008-09 Capital Programs: Benchmarks  The increase of 7% in capital funding benchmark includes: –4% to reflect higher construction costs –3% to recognize the costs of providing energy efficiency or other green school features in new schools and additions » To recognize boards who have already made the effort to incorporate higher energy efficiency in school design » To help boards to exceed the current 2006 Ontario Building Code energy efficiency standards by 25% or higher. This will be a requirement to obtain a non-residential building permit starting December 31, 2011.  Adjustments will be provided on: –All new school projects approved as part of the 2008-09 Capital Program –Recently approved projects under: » PTR » Growth Schools » French Capital Transitional Programs

7 6 2008-09 Capital Programs: Benchmarks (cont’d)  Not applied to projects funded by: –Boards from available New Pupil Places (NPP) –PTR or Growth School Programs where tenders were awarded prior to September 1, 2007  Amended letters of approval to confirm revised funding approvals will be sent to boards ** Amendments are subject to LGIC approval in future updates to the GSN regulations

8 7 2008-09 Capital Programs: Green Pilot Projects  $30M allocation to support the piloting of new green technologies, design and construction standards –intended to evaluate the cost, benefit and suitability of new and emerging technologies, design and construction standards for Ontario schools to determine the potential benefit and feasibility of wider application  Allocation to support top-up grants to approved capital projects where the board is willing to pilot a green building design or construction technique that is currently not available for evaluation in already built Ontario schools (i.e. Growth Schools, PTR, NPP projects) –e.g. solar or geothermal energy technologies and innovative mechanical systems or materials –demonstrate the potential for positive returns in terms of reduced energy requirements over the life of the school –boards must be willing to install these technologies and commit to long term monitoring and evaluation of these technologies in order to ensure that this research is available to other Ontario school boards  Top-up grants will be up to a maximum of $2M per project

9 8 2008-09 Capital Programs: Green Pilot Projects  Expert Panel to be established to provide advice on: –design and construction of schools –energy efficiency and/or green technologies –best practices in school design and capital project management  The Panel will: –include representatives from boards with relevant experience in capital projects –receive advice and feedback from the broader education stakeholder community (Advisory Group / More to come in the fall) –identify for the Ministry green design and building technologies of interest for evaluation (Ministry to issue a formal call for proposals later this fall)  The Ministry anticipates: –expert panel will identify green building design and construction features that are proven to be economically viable –lessons learned from the green technologies piloted through the top-up grants will inform both future school capital projects and the industry developing these technologies

10 9 2008-09 Capital Programs: Priority Capital Projects  Priority Capital Projects Funding –Growth Schools in new residential development areas –Replacements for Prohibitive-to-Repair facilities  Boards need to review and update their Capital Plans to ensure: –current and planned projects, intended to be opened and operating for the 2009- 10, 2010-11and 2011-12 school years are reflected –capital plans need to reflect up-to-date enrolment projections for all schools  A template (coming soon) will be added to the Capital Plan module in the School Facilities Inventory System (SFIS) to: –update accommodation changes in Capital Plan module of SFIS –outline top capital priorities for funding –update capital plans and submit business cases by October 31, 2008  Analysts are available to provide support to boards

11 10 2008-09 Capital Programs: Current  Growth Schools –On top of the $500M, there was additional $280M announced for Growth Schools, almost $206M is already allocated –Boards will be required to submit their new Growth School business cases using the new template in the Capital Plan module of SFIS  Prohibitive-to-Repair (PTR) –$700M in PTR capital program introduced in October 2006 is fully allocated –Submit new business cases for priority replacement schools for PTR facilities as part of the new Priority Capital Projects » previously submitted projects will be reopened to update and allow resubmission » potential new projects can be completed using the PTR template

12 11 2008-09 Capital Programs: Current  Priority Capital Projects Approvals –Allocated to school boards on a project approval basis at the new funding benchmarks –A board’s capacity to take on new capital projects will taken into account by the Ministry » Approval may be deferred where a board has one or more approved projects in development –School projects should be completed, open and operating: » Elementary schools - within two years of approval » Secondary schools - within three years of approval » Extension up to a year could be provided if a Pupil Accommodation Review Process needs to be completed –Boards need to submit their business cases no later than October 31, 2008

13 12 EDC By-Law Reminder  19 boards have an EDC by-law expiring in 2008 or 2009  Boards need to obtain the Minister of Education’s approval on: –the estimated enrolment projections and –The estimated number of new sites for the EDC renewal  Draft version of the background study should be provided as soon as possible to the Ministry and prior any public consultations –If coterminous boards are both renewing their EDC by-laws, the review should be done simultaneously  Final version of the background study should be provided at least 40 business days prior to the anticipated by-law passage date  Failure to supply the background study in advance may result in the board not receiving the approval in time

14 13 Accommodation Review Process  Once a petition is received, school board are required to: –Confirm to the Minister of Education that the names on the petition are parents/guardians of students enrolled at the affected school and/or individuals who participated in the review process. –Prepare a response to the individual’s or individuals’ submission regarding the process and forward the board’s response to the Minister of Education within thirty (30) days of receiving the petition. » Note: this report could be publicly released  If the conditions set out above have been met, the Ministry would be required to: –Undertake a review by appointing a facilitator to determine whether the school board accommodation review process was undertaken in a manner consistent with the board’s accommodation review policy within thirty (30) days of receiving the school board’s response.

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