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2 nHU&feature=PlayList&p=D1916773996A3A 67&playnext=1&playn

3 What is another name for the first law of motion? a) Force b) Inertia c) Newton d) Motion

4 Which law says that heavier objects require more force than lighter objects to move or accelerate them? a) Law of inertia b) F=MA c) Newton’s second law d) Two of these

5 Which law explains how rockets are launched into space? a) For every action there is an equal and opposite re- action. b) Law of inertia c) Law of universal gravitation d) F=MA

6 Everything moves in the universe and Newton’s laws describe why objects move. Newton’s laws of motion are important to understand why things move. Anything from electrons in a neutron to why the planets move Newton’s laws can explain the movement. We as people should have general understanding of Newton’s laws because we are always moving.

7 The students should be able to explain and use Newton’s three laws of motion.

8 An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. This law is often called "the law of inertia".


10 Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object). The Second Law gives us an exact relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. FORCE = MASS times ACCELERATION.


12 For every action there is an equal and opposite re- action. For every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but opposite in direction.



15 eracy/newton/newton.html

16 What is another name for the first law of motion? a) Force b) Inertia c) Newton d) Motion

17 Which law says that heavier objects require more force than lighter objects to move or accelerate them? a) Law of inertia b) F=MA c) Newton’s second law d) Two of these

18 Which law explains how rockets are launched into space? a) For every action there is an equal and opposite re- action. b) Law of inertia c) Law of universal gravitation d) F=MA

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