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1 Topic planning 2003/2004. 2 ContentLanguage 3 8 steps to work out topic planning 1.Decide on the level you are going to work on. 2.Select a topic.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Topic planning 2003/2004. 2 ContentLanguage 3 8 steps to work out topic planning 1.Decide on the level you are going to work on. 2.Select a topic."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Topic planning 2003/2004

2 2 ContentLanguage

3 3 8 steps to work out topic planning 1.Decide on the level you are going to work on. 2.Select a topic. 3.Subdivide the topic into sub-topics. 4.Decide on the content objectives of each sub-topic. 5.Match the language objectives with the content objectives. 6.Decide on the strategies to achieve the language objectives. Design a written or oral/listening task to assess output 7.Decide whether the language objectives need to be expanded or reinforced in the language lesson 8.Decide on the modes of cross-curricular collaboration

4 4 Step 1: Decide on the level you are going to work on. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7

5 5 Step 2: Select a topic. Renaissance ? Classification of rocks ? Probability ? Following a recipe ? Following a recipe ?

6 6 8 steps to work out topic planning Step 3: Subdivide the topic into sub-topics. Topic: Probability Sub-topics: The idea of probability Definition of an event Defining the possible outcomes and favourable outcomes of a certain event The probability of an event (I) The probability of an event (II)

7 7 8 steps to work out topic planning Step 4: Decide on the content objectives of each sub- topic. Sub-topicContent objective The idea of probability Students should be able to 1.Define probability 2.Use the following words to describe the chance or likelihood of something that will happen. Event : dependent,, independent, chance: likely, unlikely, certain, impossible,

8 8 Tips for deciding on the language objectives : 1.Word level 2.Sentence level 3.Paragraph level 4.Text level

9 9 Language objectives at word level -- examples I.S. Students should be able to pronounce and spell the words “density”, “mass” and “volume”. H.E. Students should be able to use vocabulary and cookery terminology correctly. Eg. “scramble”, “bake”, “ soak”

10 10 Students should be able to use appropriate prepositions to describe : The scale of the map is 1 to 20,000. The gradient of the main road is 1 in 3. 1:3 1:20,000 Geog.

11 11 Language objectives at sentence level -- examples P.A. Students should be able to define the concepts of assets and liabilities in spoken and written form. Students should be able to describe the effects of a transaction e.g. The asset was increased by $50,000

12 12 Language objectives at paragraph level -- examples Geog. Students should be able to compare and contrast two types of volcanoes by using connectives and comparative degree. e.g. Acid volcano is made up of acid lava while basic volcano is made up of basic lava. Acid lava contains more silica and is more viscous. It cannot flow too far away. But basic lava contains less silica and is less viscous. It can flow for a long distance before it solidifies. Therefore, acid lava cones have a narrower base and are with steeper and convex slopes whereas basic lava cones have a broader base and are with gentler and concave slopes.

13 13 Language objectives at paragraph level -- examples History. Students should be able to compare and contrast two periods of paintings by using connectives and comparative degree. e.g. The Graces in Picture 1 look serious whereas the Graces in Picture 2 have a more natural and relaxed expression. The faces of the Graces in Picture 2 are more realistic and expressive than those in picture 1.These Graces look rather blank.

14 14 Language objectives at text level -- examples Music Students should be able to write a Concert Review after attending a concert. Students should be able to write an Observation /Reading Report after some library research Geog./Hist/ Chem/I.S.

15 15 Aim: To investigate … Hypothesis: ( present tense / future tense ) Procedure: ( past tense + passive voice ) Result: graphic form Discussion: ( present tense ) Conclusion: ( present tense ) Chemistry/ IS/ Biol

16 16 Step 6 Match the content objectives with the language objectives Now, work out the plan for a particular topic which you will teach students in the very near future. 1.Write the subject, level and topic. 2.Decide on the content objectives. 3.Plan 2-3 language objectives that best match the content objectives 4.Get ready for a very brief presentation of about 2 minutes. Please finish 1-3 within 10 minutes. Thanks

17 17 8 steps to work out topic planning Sub-topicContent objectivesLanguage objectivesStrategies Igneous rocks Students should be able to identify the type of igneous rock from their characteristics. Students should be able to pronounce and spell the words “rhyolite”, “granite”, “porphyry”, “coarse- grained”, “hexagonal columnar joints”, etc. and describe the characteristics by using simple sentences. Information gapInformation gap: 3 Ss in a group. Each Ss has a worksheet with some information but not all. They have to finish the WS by asking group members for information. Step 6: a) Suggest possible strategies that best help students achieve such goals. B) Include a written or oral task to assess output Word level

18 18 GranitePorpyhryRhyolite Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 GranitePorpyhryRhyolite Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 GranitePorpyhryRhyolite Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Worksheet for Student 1 Worksheet for Student 2 Worksheet for Student 3 Information given Information gap

19 19 8 steps to work out topic planning Step 6: a) Suggest possible strategies that best help students achieve such goals. B) Include a written or oral task to assess output Sub-topicContent objectivesLanguage objectivesStrategies Igneous rocks Students should be able to classify igneous rocks according to their formation. Students should be able to make a simple sentence by using the pattern below. e.g. Granite is a kind of _______ rock. e.g. Porphyry is a kind of _______ rock. Structured overviewStructured overview: Ss classify the types of rocks by arranging pieces of paper in an organized way. Sentence level

20 20 Igneous rocks Extrusive igneous rocks Intrusive igneous rocks Hypabyssal rocks Plutonic rocks Rhyolite Porphyry Granite Structured overview

21 21 8 steps to work out topic planning Sub-topicContent objectivesLanguage objectives Strategies Igneous rocks Students should be able to -describe the classification of granite. -describe the characteristics of granite and relate these to the reasons behind. -Tell where granite can be found in HK. Students should be able to -describe the classification in a sentence. -make sentences using connectives to show cause and effect. -use passive voice to show the location where granite can be found. Writing task: information reportWriting task: information report: Ss write an information report on classification, characteristics and occurrence of granite in HK Step 6: a) Suggest possible strategies that best help students achieve such goals. B) Include a written or oral task to assess output Paragraph/text level

22 22 Granite is a kind of intrusive igneous rock. Granite is coarse-grained because it is formed deep beneath the earth’s surface. Magma cools slowly and allows minerals to grow in size. It is light in colour because it contains more silica. It is also less resistant to weathering and erosion because it is well-jointed. Granite can be found in Tuen Mun, Tai Lam Chung, Cheung Chau and Lamma Island. An information report Classification Characteristics Occurrence

23 23 W ork out a few language strategies you can use to achieve your language objectives for the same sub-topic. Include a written or oral /listening task to assess output Tips: Remember the four skills: Speaking Listening Reading Writing Or a combination of these skills Remember the games and activities that you have enjoyed in the ESL course You’ll have 5 minutes to come up with some strategies. Get ready for a one-minute presentation of your strategies

24 24 Presentation of language objectives and language strategies

25 25 Step 8 Decide on the modes of cross curricular collaboration and joint planning Refer to Between Unit Readings P. 346-347 and 357-363 Step 7. Decide whether the language objectives needs to be expanded or reinforced in the English lesson

26 26 Our Goal revisited  Cross-curricular collaboration and co-operation Language teacher Subject teacher Increased collaboration

27 27 Our Aims Revisited Develop a better understanding of the language-related needs of our students Develop better strategies to meet the language needs of the students Encourage more collaboration between language teachers and other subject teachers.

28 28 For 2004/2005 Have fun in your planning & teaching Thank you

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