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Chapter 4: Rocks. What is a rock? A ROCK is a mixture of minerals, mineraloids, glass, or organic matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4: Rocks. What is a rock? A ROCK is a mixture of minerals, mineraloids, glass, or organic matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4: Rocks

2 What is a rock? A ROCK is a mixture of minerals, mineraloids, glass, or organic matter.

3 3 Main Categories of Rocks 1.Igneous Rocks 2.Metamorphic Rocks 3.Sedimentary Rocks

4 Rock Cycle The process by which, over many years, Earth materials form and change back and forth among igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks. * The rock cycle can start with any rock – it is a cycle

5 Processes of the Rock Cycle Weathering-breaking of rocks into smaller pieces, either mechanically or chemically Erosion-the process that wears away surface materials and moves them from one location to another, usually by gravity, glaciers, wind, or water. Compaction-pressing sediments of rock together Cementation-sediments naturally being glued together Sediments-made from loose rock fragments

6 Igneous Rock Vocabulary Igneous Rock-most abundant rock on Earth because its inside and outside the earth, formed from magma and lava Intrusive-forms inside the earth from magma Extrusive-forms outside the earth from lava

7 Granitic-magma is light colored, light weight, low density rocks like Pumice and Granite (Silicon,Oxygen) Andesitic-magma is of medium color and density, characteristics of both Basaltic and Granitic Basaltic-magma is dark colored, heavy rich in Iron and Magnesium, higher density. *Density is how highly packed a substance’s molecules are. Mass/Volume.

8 Igneous Rock Examples Granite Pumice Obsidian Scoria

9 Facts about some Igneous Rocks Basalt – has iron in it and contains some air pockets. Pumice – is porous, and less dense than water so it will float. Obsidian – is glass like.

10 Minerals that make up Granite… Feldspar Quartz Mica Hornblend and others.

11 Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic-rocks that have changed due to heat and pressure Foliated- type of metamorphic rock created when mineral grains flatten and line up in parallel bands Nonfoliated-type of metamorphic rock created when mineral grains change, grow, and rearrange – but do not form bands.

12 Metamorphic Rock Examples Slate - foliated Marble – nonfoliated Gneiss - foliatedQuartzite – nonfoliated

13 Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary Rocks-form when sediments get pressed or cemented together (Cementation and Compaction) Organic-made from the remains of once living things. Detrital/Clastic-made from broken rock fragments. They have texture. Chemical-when minerals precipitate out of a solution or left behind when a solution evaporates.

14 What is a Conglomerate? Conglomerate – sedimentary rock made of large well-rounded stones that have been cemented together.

15 Sedimentary Rock Examples Shale - detritalLimestone - chemical Coquina - organicSandstone - detrital Coal - organic Conglomerate - detrital

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