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Powerpoint Templates Lecture 1 Computer Communication and Networks.

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1 Powerpoint Templates Lecture 1 Computer Communication and Networks

2 Powerpoint Templates Goals Of This Course Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to: ϞAnalyse the components of data communication (DC). ϞIdentify and compare the functions and requirements of data communication. ϞDistinguish between the different functions in a data communication and demonstrate their uses. ϞDemonstrate how to set up a communications network for different business and social entities. ϞDiscern the differences between the different types of networks and other forms of data communications. ϞInvestigate the use of the Internet in researching information dealing with data communications.

3 Powerpoint Templates Course Overview Topics that we are planning to cover: ϞFundamentals of data communications ϞData transmission basics ϞAnalog & digital communications ϞCommunication media and equipment ϞModulation schemes ϞData encoding schemes ϞTransmission Modes ϞSpread spectrum ϞSwitched circuits ϞMultiplexing ϞError detection and correction ϞError control and flow control ϞSecure communication system ϞTransmission Media ϞWired & Wireless Network ϞISP setup

4 Powerpoint Templates Course Overview Text: Ϟ“Data and Computer Communication” 7th Edition by William Stallings Ϟ“Data Communications and Networking” 4th Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan

5 Powerpoint Templates Introduction Definition Of Data Communication “Data Communication is the exchange of information from one entity to the other using a transmission medium”. As you can clearly notice, the definition of Data Communication although simple, leaves many questions unanswered: Exchange ?????? Information ????? Entities ??????? Transmission ???? Medium ???? We will try to answer all these questions in this course

6 Powerpoint Templates History of Data Communication Telegraph 1837 Samuel Morse Telephone 1876 Alexander Graham Bell 1970’s: Although development of databases, languages, operating systems, and hardware was strong from 1950s to 1970s, large-scale data communication systems did not emerge until the 1970s. This was stimulated by 3 major developments: ϞLarge-scale integration of circuits reduced cost and size of terminals and communication equipment ϞNew software systems that facilitated the development of data communication networks ϞCompetition among providers of transmission facilities reduced the cost of data circuits

7 Powerpoint Templates History of Data Communication TODAY’S EVERCHANGING & BUSY WORLD ϞToday’s fast world demands better, secure and most of all FAST ways of communication ϞGone are the days when you had to wait a couple of weeks to get a letter from USA ϞWhy wait ONE week when you can get the information you require in just a split of a second, using what we know by the name of “Data Communication”.

8 Powerpoint Templates Definition Of Data Communication DATA COMMUNICATION ϞWhen we communicate, we share information ϞInformation can be LOCAL or REMOTE ϞBetween individuals LOCAL communication occurs face to face ϞREMOTE communication occurs over a long distance ϞWhen we refer to computer systems, data is represented in the form of binary units (Bits) i.e. in the form of zeros (0’s) and one’s (1’s) ϞAlso the entities can most of the times be considered to be computers

9 Powerpoint Templates Definition Of Data Communication Therefore, our earlier definition can easily be modified to: “Data Communication is the exchange of data (in the form of 0’s and 1’s) between two devices (computers) via some form of the transmission medium.”

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