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United Telecommunication Services Michael Gaari Manager Network Provisioning UTS Www.uts.An.

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Presentation on theme: "United Telecommunication Services Michael Gaari Manager Network Provisioning UTS Www.uts.An."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Telecommunication Services Michael Gaari Manager Network Provisioning UTS Www.uts.An

2 Outline What are broadband services Where are the customers, Or What is the access network? The challenge What about the rest of the network? Strategies for the core and the access network In conclusion!

3 What are broadband services Original Bell System Definition “A broadband channel is a communications channel having a Bandwidth greater than a voice-grade channel, and therefore capable of higher-speed data transmission.” 1996 Telecom Reform Act Broadband services are capable of carrying “high-quality” voice, data, graphics, & video. CCITT definition A service requiring transmission channels capable of supporting rates greater than 1.5 Mbps or primary rate in ISDN or T1 in digital terminology.

4 What Are Broadband Services Practical Definitions Residential –Currently means DSL, cable modem, or high speed wireless –Today’s services are web access, work-at-home, & steaming audio(Napster, etc) –Tomorrow, next generation video will be the killer app”(Son of Napster?) Business –Data, data, & data –Today generally 1.5Mbps and up –Tomorrow MUCH MORE than 1.5Mbps(100Mbps?)

5 Where Are the Customers or What Is the Access Network? Backbone Data Internet Others Voice Video Access Network F.O, Copper, HFC, radio Network Management Access Network End-users Applications POTS ISDN Data Video



8 The challenge  Rapid delivery of services  Flexible response to residential and business demand  New services  Value added services  Qos, VPNs  Emerging capabilities  Streaming and multicast

9 Fiber Optics Infrastructure ATM IP Ethernet MPLS SDH/SONET Transport Network A service-independent infrastructure DWDM VOICE DATA VIDEO TEXT What About The Rest of the Network

10 Strategies for the Core and the Access Network  Implementation  IP network layer  Developing some Qos  Moving to MPLS  Core Network  simple  Fast  Universal  Basic services  Access network  Differentiated-multiple services  Flexible  Secure  Implementation  ATM transport often selected:  Aggregation  Security  Qos  Also Frame Relay, SONET/SDH TDM

11 Benefits: Increased Service Provider Profits  Increased Revenue  a single platform supports hundreds of thousands of users  customize and extend service offers to existing and new subscribers  Shorten time-to-market  a fully extensible platform enables quick integration, customization and deployment

12 Benefits: Increased Service Provider Profits  Reduced OPEX  reduces installation, training, administration  minimizes service disruption for upgrades, support and maintenance  Reduced CAPEX  a network supports a suites of services  extend the lifecycle of capital investments



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