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David Pruitt Presenter Welcome to the training….

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2 David Pruitt Presenter Welcome to the training….

3 Sponsored By:

4 Focused solely on education for more than 25 years More than 9 million students reached since 1977 Over 35,000 plus Texas students participated last year

5 Training Goals Overview of SMG Program Review Investment Basics Use Online Trading Account Check Out Resources: Teacher Support Center Hands on Banking Virtual Economics CD

6 Sources of Information You can find the information we discuss today at…..  Teacher Support Center  SMG Advisor Companion  Click on Stock Market Game  Investment Professional  SMG Help Desk

7 Help is Always Available !  Email  Call 1-888-SMG-TCEE  Include team log in and details

8 What is the Stock Market Game? 1. Online curriculum materials that teach concepts related to investing, economics, math and more. 2. 10 week Internet based investment trading simulation 3. Regional competition

9 SMG offered in Fall and Spring g Fall: September 26 – December 2, 2011 Spring: February 6 –April 13, 2012

10 Students work in teams of 2 - 5 Teams learn economic concepts Research companies Teams select investments Each team begins with $100,000 Can buy on margin / 7% interest

11  Buy, sell, short sell or short cover stocks and mutual funds in their online trading account  Stocks and mutual funds listed on the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ may be traded  Manage their portfolio of stocks and mutual funds over the 10 week period.

12 Students Learn About Investing Apply Academic Skills

13 Interdisciplinary Benefits Of The Stock Market Game

14 Social Studies  Economics  Current Events  History  Geography  Government  Citizenship  Global Studies

15 Math  Graphs  Calculations  Basic Computation  Percentages  Ratios  Decimals  Estimation

16 Business Education  Record Keeping  Business Organization  Financial Planning  Entrepreneurship  Decision Making  Critical Thinking Skills

17 Language Arts  Vocabulary  Presentations  Spelling  Comprehension  Reading  Research

18 Family & Consumer Sciences  Personal Finance  Budgeting  Resources Management  Group Decision Making  Conflict Resolution  Critical Thinking

19 Technology  Internet Research  Keyboarding  Word Processing  Presentations  Data Entry

20 SMG Activities / TEKS Correlation Available at Click on Stock Market Game 4 th – 8 th Grade Math 4 th – 8 th Grade Social Studies Intro to Business High School Economics Also in Teacher Support Center Select Publications then Standards

21 Regional Competition Divisions Grades 4 & 5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 Adults/Teachers Regional awards based on increased value of portfolio Total Equity

22 Student Recognition Each student on the top 2 performing teams in each division receives: 1 st Place - $50 Check 2 nd Place - $25 Check Plaque for 1 st Place school Certificates

23 Team Fees  $10.00 / student team of 2-5 students Teacher Teams / $10.00

24 Payment  Purchase Order or check should be made out to: Texas Council for Economic Education 1801 Allen Parkway Houston, TX 77019  Invoice is emailed to teacher after session begins  You will be billed for all registered teams.  Report registration changes by the end of week 2 to

25 AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE SMG PROGRAM National Essay Contest open only to registered Stock Market Game students.

26  Critical thinking component  A method of assessing student performance through writing.  Incentives for student achievement through awards and prizes.

27 Texas Winners in Top Ten  Winners in all InvestWrite divisions  Dallas, El Paso, Houston & San Antonio  9 top ten winners  Three 1 st place winners  State awards

28 InvestWrite Prizes  Great prizes awarded to top 10 winner in each division  Trips to NYC, Netbook computers, gift cards for students and teachers  For details visit


30 What Do You Need to Get Started?  Computer  Email Address  Visit click Stock Market Game  Register teams at  Receive login ID/password by email  Review online Teacher Support Center

31 Investment Inventory Passbook Savings Account Money Market Account Certificate of Deposit Bonds Mutual Funds Stocks

32 The Pyramid of Risks and Reward Highest Risk---Highest Potential Return or Loss Stocks Mutual Funds Bonds Certificates of Deposit Savings Account Lowest Risk---Lowest Potential Return or Loss

33 Savings Accounts: Provide a very small, but steady return. Certificates of Deposit: Very safe, but instant access carries a penalty. Bonds: Lending money to a corporation or government, with a promise of higher returns than those offered by bank savings accounts and CD’s. Mutual Funds: Managed accounts – diversification Stocks: part ownership in a company, offering higher risks and potentially, higher returns than some other investments.

34 WHAT INVESTMENT IS BEST RIGHT NOW? COST / BENEFIT ANALYSIS Safety Risk vs. Reward Ease of Getting Cash Ease of Opening an Account

35 Stock Selection Information  Teacher Guide on the Teacher Support Center  TSC: In the Classroom Core Lessons  Click on SMG


37 Step 1: Register at

38 SMG Pre-Registration  Requests basic information  Email address required for advisor  Number of teams and class information  Register as early as possible Access to Teacher Support Center Account earns interest on cash balance

39 Click Here to Select Your Country. International Teachers select International.

40 Click Here to begin the registration process.

41 Be Sure to check your Agreement. Otherwise your registration will not be processed. Make sure all of the bolded areas of the registration form are completed. It is important that You provide an active Email Address. Otherwise your registration will not be processed.

42 Advisor ID/Password emailed shortly after your registration is submitted. Used to access the Teacher Support Center Sample Username: TX5_43_T21987 Password: BNHI1234 A login username/password will arrive by email for each registered team beginning three weeks before the start of the session

43 Name: Wybrant, Megan G: West /Central Texas Stock Market Game 2010-09-27 - 2010- 12-03 Location: TX DayPhone: 2543366500 E-mail Address: Assigned User Id:TX4_22_T209075 password:XWW16819 Team Ids and Passwords will be generated and emailed separately. Workshop: Registration Email Notification

44 The Perfect Resource for Stock Market Game Advisors Teacher Support Center

45 Teacher Support Center Provides:  Online teacher training and technical assistance  Lesson plans and teaching resources  Team management tools  Up-to-date SMG program news

46 1.Understanding the SMG 2. Manage Student Portfolios 3. In the Classroom – Curriculum Materials Teacher Support Center

47 Getting Started info Search & Sort Facilities! Great Source of Info!

48 Three Main Tabs Expanded News Box

49 1.Teacher Guide 2. Understanding Portfolios 3. Rules of the Game 4. Promotional Materials 5. Related Links Understanding the SMG

50 Click Headings for detailed link descriptions

51 Search by Keyword

52 Search by Grade, Level, Subject, and Topic

53 Organized by Unit and Topic Click on Lesson Name to access Lesson Core Lessons

54 Click an Activity Link for an Activity Select a Location for Correlated Standards Click the Lesson Name for the Lesson

55 Click Lesson Name for Lesson Click Standard Number for description


57 SMG Newsletters  The newsletters available through the SMG program add the the effectiveness of teaching about the stock market.

58 Students Log On at


60 Click Menu to return to the portfolio’s Welcome page. Your initial Cash Balance is $100,000. It requires an overnight process to set up the your portfolio’s Cash Balance. A 2% Broker’s Fee is charged per transaction. Account Summary

61 The Net Cost/Share is the price of the share plus the 2% Broker’s Fee. Business Hours are 9:30AM - 4PM ET, Monday - Friday. Account Holdings

62 Account Holdings Help Page

63 Transaction History provides a detailed summary of all portfolio activity including interest earned by the Cash Balance. Transaction History

64 Gains and Losses occur when stock is sold. Until then its performance is recorded in the Unrealized Gains and Losses section of Account Holdings. Gains and Losses

65 and are also good sites for company research and ticker lookup. Investor Research

66 It is a good idea to Validate Ticker before you submit a trade. Limit Orders will not carry over past the current business day. Enter a Trade

67 Check Transaction Notes Descriptions to make sure your trades were accepted. Transaction Notes

68 There are 2 Rankings groupings: Region (based on grade level, school type, etc.) and Coordinator (includes all active SMG participants in your area). There are 2 Types of Rankings: S&P Growth (measures portfolio performance against the S&P Index) and Total Equity (measures total equity of portfolio). Rankings

69 Final Thoughts

70 Building Wealth over the Long Term Three rules of saving and investing 1. Start early 2. Buy and hold (the “good stuff”) 3. Diversify

71 The Stock Market  If you buy and sell on the ups and downs, you may loose money.  If you hold on for the long term, the ups are greater than the downs. Real Life Investing

72 A Proven Tool to Improve the Learning Experience in the Classroom

73 …..more than a game, an education for life.

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