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Chapter 1 AHSGE (Test Review) Standard 1: The student will understand the global influence of the pre-colonial and colonial eras of the Western Hemisphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 AHSGE (Test Review) Standard 1: The student will understand the global influence of the pre-colonial and colonial eras of the Western Hemisphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 AHSGE (Test Review) Standard 1: The student will understand the global influence of the pre-colonial and colonial eras of the Western Hemisphere. Objective 1: Identify and evaluate America’s exploration, development, and divergence.

2 When the thirteen colonies were established in the New World, why did the Southern colonies pursue a slave- based system of agriculture?  The Southern colonist grew cash crops such as tobacco, which required many laborers to cultivate.

3 In which colony did the Quakers settle?  Pennsylvania

4 What were some results of the Crusades?  Increased trade  Increased interest in exploration  Growth of towns

5 Study the list below. This list shows church practices in the 1500s that directly led to the _______.  Reformation  accumulating lands  selling church jobs  Selling indulgences

6 What was the first successful English colony?  Jamestown

7 Which Native American group had the most advanced civilization in the New World? (They built temples, fortresses, and a network of irrigation canals.)  Inca

8 Some Events During the Renaissance 1450 Johann Gutenberg develops the printing press 1492 Christopher Columbus sets out to find a new sea route to Asia 1504 Michelangelo Buonarroti completes the sculpture David 1505 Leonardo da Vinci completes the painting Mona Lisa 1513 Niccolo Machiavelli writes the political analysis The Prince 1519 Ferdinand Magellan begins a voyage to discover route to the Pacific Ocean 1595 William Shakespeare writes the play Romeo and Juliet The events listed on the time line contributed to which of the following?  Decreased interest in the arts  Decreased concern for education  Increased interest in learning about the world  Increased desire for unlimited government power  ANSWER: increased interest in learning about the world

9 Which was the MAIN result of the Columbian Exchange?  Many Native Americans immigrated to Europe.  Religions begun in North America spread to countries in Asia and Europe.  Foods native to North America were introduced to other parts of the world.  Native American groups gained new wealth as a result of trade with Europe. ANSWER: Foods native to North America were introduced to other parts of the world.

10 How was the House of Burgesses in Jamestown significant to the formation of the United States?  It was an example of how to create a democratic government.

11 Who is most associated with the Lost Colony of Roanoke?  Walter Raleigh

12 List segments (products) of the colonial “triangular trade.”  Traders bought molasses in the Caribbean.  Molasses was made into rum in New York.  West Africa exchanged slaves for rum.

13 Who began the movement to reform the Catholic Church?  Martin Luther

14 What was the colonists’ experience with representative government before they came to America?  The idea of representative government was brand new to the colonists.  The government in England contained only appointed officials.  They had to live under a representative government in England.  Parliament was established after most colonists had emigrated to America. ANSWER: They had to live under a representative government in England. (English Parliament was made up of elected officials.)

15 Which statement BEST describes the encomienda system established by the Spanish in the America?  A class system established in areas conquered by the Spanish  An innovative method of agriculture  The practice of sending profits of conquest back to Spain  A system of rewarding soldiers by giving them control over Native American villages ANSWER: A system of rewarding soldiers by giving them control over Native American villages

16 Study the list below. The above situations all resulted from a series of complex interactions known as  The Columbian Exchange  Corn is popularized throughout Europe.  Wheat and barley are introduced to the Western Hemisphere. Hemisphere.  The Spanish reintroduce horses to the Americas.  American maize and sweet potatoes become staple crops in China. in China.  Native Americans suffer a 90% population loss as a result of exposure to European diseases. of exposure to European diseases.

17 The first fort in America built by the Spanish was located in  Natchez, Mississippi.  New Orleans, Louisiana.  El Paso, Texas.  St. Augustine, Florida ANSWER: St. Augustine, Florida

18 What instrument determined a ship’s position using the sun and stars?  sextant

19 List three main results of the Reformation.  Pilgrims from England sought religious freedom in the New World.  People left the Catholic Church to form their own churches.  Spanish Catholics went to the New World to convert Native Americans to Catholicism.

20 List major contributions to America by the French.  Music  Architecture  Food

21 The Columbian Exchange involved transfer of foods --- Select the correct answer:  Only from America to Europe  Only from Africa to Europe  Between America and Europe, Africa, and Asia  Only from Europe to America ANSWER: Between America and Europe, Africa, and Asia

22 Potatoes and corn --- Select the correct answer:  Improved European diets  Helped people live longer  Moved from America to Europe  All of the above ANSWER: All of the above

23 Which of the following enabled Native Americans to raise livestock? Select the correct answer:  The availability of corn as animal feed  Cattle, sheep, and pigs from Europe  Cattle, sheep, and pigs from America  Christopher Columbus ANSWER: Cattle, sheep, and pigs from Europe

24 What power did the colonial assemblies have over the royal governors? Select the correct answer:  Assemblies elected the governors.  Assemblies paid the governors’ salaries.  Assemblies advised the king whom to appoint as governors.  Assemblies had no power over the governors. ANSWER: Assemblies paid the governors’ salaries.

25 While anchored at Cape Cod, the Pilgrims drew up a document outlining the self-government of their new colony. This was the first document of its kind in the English colonies. What is the name of this historic document?  the Bill of Rights  the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut  the Mayflower Compact  the Statute for Religious Freedom ANSWER: the Mayflower Compact

26 Spanish Explorers in the New World Based on the chart above and your own knowledge, what did many conquistadors have in common?  They found what they were looking for.  They fell prey to Native American war parties.  There were searching for the Northwest Passage.  They were searching for gold.  ANSWER:  They were searching for gold. ConquistadorGoalResult Cabeza de Vaca fabled “City of God” explored southwestern North America Vasques de Coronado “Seven Golden Cities” explored present-day Kansas; called buffalo “shaggy cows” Hernando de Soto searched north of Florida for gold explored southeastern North America; killed many Native Americans and raided their villages for supplies

27 Which country settled mainly in North America?  England

28 What was used by the founders of the U.S. as a working model of representative government?  House of Burgesses

29 The diagram lists reasons for English colonization of North America. Which of the following BEST completes the diagram? > Escape disease in Europe > Find raw materials > Establish an agricultural base > Access Native American technologies REASONS FOR COLONIZATION Religious freedom New Markets for manufactured goods Provide debtors with a new start ? Search for wealth ANSWER: find raw materials

30 While fighting the Crusades in the Middle East, European merchants made many profitable trading contacts with the Orient. Why did this lead to the discovery of the New World?  Trading with the Orient required land travel, which was costly and took great amounts of time. Explorers began looking for a sea route to the Orient.

31 Granted a charter in 1628, the Massachusetts Bay Colony became a haven for which group?  Puritans

32 Who searched for the “Fountain of Youth” in Florida?  Juan Ponce de Leon

33 What early colonial document guaranteed just and equal laws for all, regardless of social status?  Mayflower Compact

34 What term refers to the European period of renewed interest in the sciences, art, and literature?  Renaissance

35 Chapter 1 AHSGE Review Vocabulary

36 An instrument that allowed sailors to find their position from the stars  astrolabe

37 Who searched for the “Seven Cities of Gold” in the present-day southwestern United States?  Francisco Cornonado

38 What term refers to people who signed a contract to work for a certain length of time in exchange for passage to the colonies?  Indentured servants

39 Hunted for gold in the present-day southeastern United States  Hernando de Soto

40 What agreement did the Pilgrims sign before landing at Plymouth? (It specified equal laws for all.)  Mayflower Compact

41 What term refers to the colonial commerce paths between the Caribbean, New England, and Africa?  Triangular trade route

42 What term refers to the European period of renewed interest in the sciences, art, and literature?  Renaissance

43 Who began the movement to reform the Catholic Church?  Martin Luther

44 What term refers to the trade of crops, plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and North America?  Columbian Exchange

45 Which explorer (representing Spain) set out to find a new route to Asia in 1492? (His voyage marked the beginning of European efforts to colonize the Americas.)  Christopher Columbus

46 A series of wars fought in the Middle Ages by Christians to conquer the Holy Land from Muslims  Crusades

47 A large estate farmed by many workers  plantation

48 Who were the Spanish explorers who conquered Native American empires?  conquistadores

49 What instrument uses a magnetic needle to indicate direction?  compass

50 Name the economic policy that favored exports over imports in order to increase a nation’s gold reserves.  mercantilism

51 Who explored Florida for the fountain of youth?  Juan Ponce de Leon

52 What term refers to a private business that sells shares to investors?  Joint-stock company

53 What was the first city founded by Europeans in North America?  St. Augustine

54 Which Spanish explorer conquered the Aztecs in Mexico?  Hernando Cortez

55 What term refers to a 16 th century movement that resulted in the separation of the Protestant church from the Roman Catholic church?  Reformation

56 What term refers to colonial government made of elected representatives?  House of Burgesses

57 Who defeated the Incas in Peru with metal-clad soldiers?  Francisco Pizarro

58 Name the ship with triangular sail and rudder that allowed explorers to sail into the wind.  caravel

59 What instrument determined a ship’s position by using the sun and stars?  sextant

60 Study Study

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