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South West United States

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1 South West United States

2 Geographic Features of the Southwest Region
The Grand Canyon- It is located in the Southeast part of Arizona. The Manzano Mountain Range are mountains that stretches over 40 miles . They are the only mountain range in the southwest part of the USA. The Four Corners is a place is the United States where you can stand in all four states at once.

3 Population Racial/Ethnic Make-Up American Indian 12.9% Asians 2.8%
Total Population of the South West Region Arizona: 6,392,017 New Mexico: 2,059,179 Texas: 25,145,561 Oklahoma: 3,751,351 South West Population: 33,600,859 The Annual Percentage of increase is 1.19% Racial/Ethnic Make-Up American Indian 12.9% Asians 2.8% Hispanic or Latino 42.3% Black 2.1% Pacific Islanders 1% White 40.5

4 Famous City Phoenix, Arizona is one of the largest cities in the southwest Phoenix is also home to a famous shopping mall known as the “River Walk”

5 Foreign Percent of Population
Arizona: 32.7% Oklahoma: 40.0% Texas: 33.5% New Mexico: 29.9%

6 Tourist Attractions The Alamo was a fort that was overrun by Mexican forces that inspired many people during that time to join the army. The healing hand located in Tulsa is 60 feet high and 30 tons and is the largest sculpture in the world. Many people come to see the Grand Canyon because it is one of the deepest canyons and also many people do recreational activities here.

7 Music of the Southwest The most popular music is Latino or Hispanic music. Also, the other favorite type of music is “country-style songs” iTunes

8 Food of the Southwest Mexican or Latino style foods Barbeque Roast
Hunted food A Green Chili burger Cookbook: American Delicacies

9 Current Events Drug wars in El Paso, Texas.
Drug wars in El Paso, Texas. El Paso is considered one of the most dangerous city's in the United States. iTunes

10 Work Citied Page "Grand Canyon National Park Information Page." Grand Canyon National Park - Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park. Web. 15 Sept < Four Corners Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, USA Vacation. Web. 15 Sept < "Manzano." EMNRD. Web. 15 Sept “South West QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau." State and County QuickFacts. Web. 15 Sept United States. Cenus Buerau. Foerign Born Immigrants. By Cenus Buerau. Web. 14 Sept < iTunes

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